Please Point Me in the Right Direction
I posted this in October, does anyone have any advice for this? I have a Quanba Q1 joystick, it is a PS3/USB joystick. Short and sweet, the joystick movement is not detected in all versions of MAME. FBA and other emulators work fine.
Pi Model: 3
RetroPie Version Used: 4.0
Built From: Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website
USB Devices connected: USB Keyboard,
Controller used:Quanba Q1 Joystick
Error messages received: N/A
Emulator: All Mame Emulators
How to replicate the problem: Not sure -
@BitBytePS Please can you be more specific about which mame emulators ? just in case you are talking about the non libretro ones or all libretro ones etc.
Did you press
on a keyboard in mame, and see if you can configure from there ? -
Sorry, should have been more specific. I have tried all the Mame emulators included in the 4.0 build. I have attempted to configure it from inside each Mame and it will not acknowledge the joysticks movement.
@BitBytePS said in Please Point Me in the Right Direction:
Quanba Q1 Joystick
Does it work in Emulationstation though? Have you tried without the keyboard connected?
@rbaker Sorry for the late reply, it works fine in Emulationstation, in the menus and other emulators.
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