PSX cutoff, multi disc loading, and controller issues
Hi, I just recently built my Retro pie on a Raspberry 3, I have completed the setup and have everything working almost perfectly. The only thing I'm
having issues with is PSX.-The bottom of the screen is cutoff, this only happens on psx games.
-I can't switch discs in games, I open the virtual tray, switch discs, and close it and it leads to a black screen on both Resident Evil 1 and 2.
-When I plug in any PS4 controller, Retropie stops accepting input from the keyboard, so I can't use the hotkeys to get into the configuration menu. If I open the menu and then plug in the controller, it flips out. Hitting up even lightly sends me up 5 options instead of one and the buttons only send me back options, never forward. This doesn't happen with my Xbox controller.
Pi Model or other hardware: B
RetroPie Version Used: 4.0
Built From: Pre made from web site
USB Devices connected: Keyboard
Controller used: PS4, Xbox one, generic SNES
Emulator: default PSX
Attachment of config files: I'm on mobile, can't attach files -
@Artemis008 Please do not post a support request without first reading and following the advice in
@BuZz Sorry, is that better?
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