• Daphne controls issue

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    I swapped over to Hypseus, and was able to get everything running (tested on Dragon's Lair). Thank you again for the suggestion!

  • Xboxdrv or XINIT problem

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    I see in process list "dbus-daemon" that probably launched by xinit. When controls fails at the first launch, this process is after the game process in the list. When controls are ok during next launches, this process is before. It looks like the game need this process before.

    Is there a way to delay the launch of the game started by xinit command ?

    xinit '/home/pi/box86/build/box86' '/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/ut99/System/ut-bin-x86'
  • 0 Votes
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    Hey @mitu.

    Just what I was after. jstest is exactly what I wanted. As yet I haven't done anything with evtest or sdl2-jstest, but I've taken notes and they are now in the tool box for continued retro-pie adventures.

    Again. Thanks very much for your help.


  • Daphne on GPI Case 2W

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    Just use hypseus.

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    @anthonyamar The Retropie Project frowns upon people trying to profit utilizing their software. I'm sure other people here will fill you in.

  • Hypseus controls not working

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    Thank you all for the answers. Actually I was referring to hypinput.ini but
    I didn´t write it right.
    Anyways, thank you for the link to docs. I´ve made a little bit of I+D and I´ve
    solved the problem. Now the control ps3 and the Zero Delay are working
    For those who want to know I´ve done it changing hypinput.ini (traditional
    joystick api configuration) which is the one that came by default, by the
    version´s (V2.10.1) scheme.

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    I'm guessing this is a "No", then?

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    @sleve_mcdichael said in Oricutron key mapping - is it possible?:

    It can be a lot to process. How far in before you got lost?

    Look for an entry that represents your device. Scan for the line marked H: Handlers=, and make note of the event number. Example:

    pi@retropie:~ $ cat /proc/bus/input/devices I: Bus=0003 Vendor=046d Product=c21f Version=0305 N: Name="Logitech Gamepad F710" P: Phys=usb-0000:01:00.0-1.2.2/input0 S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/scb/fd500000.pcie/pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0/0000:01:00.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.2/1-1.2.2/1-1.2.2:1.0/input/input73 U: Uniq= H: Handlers=event0 js0 B: PROP=0 B: EV=20000b B: KEY=7cdb0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B: ABS=3003f B: FF=1 7030000 0 0 I: Bus=0003 Vendor=046d Product=c315 Version=0110 N: Name="Logitech Logitech USB Keyboard" P: Phys=usb-0000:01:00.0-1.2.4/input0 S: Sysfs=/devices/platform/scb/fd500000.pcie/pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0/0000:01:00.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.2/1-1.2.4/1-1.2.4:1.0/0003:046D:C315.0030/input/input74 U: Uniq= H: Handlers=sysrq kbd leds event1 B: PROP=0 B: EV=120013 B: KEY=10000 7 ff800000 7ff febeffdf ffefffff ffffffff fffffffe B: MSC=10 B: LED=1f

    Truthfully? Here.

    (But thank you very much for trying :))

  • 0 Votes
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    @mahoneyt944 ok, i figured it out.. When i was first trying to use legacy setting, I had simultaneous controls set, so it would set the legacy with both the retropad (A,B,X,Y,L,R, etc) as well as the keyboard mapping for the retropad. This had the effect of binding both to each assigned button, so when i changed the remap or button in RetroArch, the legacy assignment stayed with both the binding i set, AND what it was bound to in RetroArch when i set it.

    Long story short, i turned off simultaneous while binding the legacy keys to retropad assignments, then after setting them, I could set it back to simultaneous so I could use my keyboard controls (for test mode, service, volume, etc) as well as my control mappings.

    Thanks for the help, so glad i finally figured this out.
    thanks to you too, @mitu

  • 0 Votes
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    Yes, I will try changing the ROM file. I am using lr-stella2014 as the emulator.

    EDIT: I figured it out. On the retroarch menu settings the controller was set to stella adaptor paddle controller. I set it to gamepad and it works now! I remember one day I was trying to use a pc mouse as a paddle, and I must have changed controller setting to paddle and kept it by accident. Sorry about that! Thank you!

  • 0 Votes
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    @beudbeud Thank you, I might give it a try. I now have the software from the Pi2Jamma guys installed, called "regamebox". But its just not as good, imho.

  • Cross-player control remapping

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    @sleve_mcdichael said in Trying to get my head around control binds:

    Do you really have 2500 custom override configs?

    Rather more than that, it turns out :D


    Obviously not all of those would be potentially affected by a Retroarch change, but goodness knows how many might be, and I never want to go through AspectRatioGate again. Even now, years later, I'm still finding games with the screen all wrong.

    (I have CFGs for all sorts of reasons, in many cases it's as simple as a bezel but even those often need custom tweaks.)

    And yeah, I have a backup but at 256GB it takes two days just to write the memory card. (And it's not really practical for a case like this, because if a new Retroarch broke everything the only suitable backup is a complete image file. What I actually have as a day-to-day backup are copies of the ROMS and CONFIGS folders, which can be updated in seconds, but that would be no use for a Retroarch meltdown. You can't save a 256GB image file every night.)

    Anyway, that's my hangup to deal with, I'd really like the new feature but since it's basically only for two SNES ports that already run fine in MAME I'll have to weigh up the risk, and the terror of possibly having to go through the infinite pain of configuring WonderSwan games again. Thanks for the help :)

  • Help Confirming this Mame Layout

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    @AlphaBetaPie not sure, but mame2010 is a relatively immature core that has a bunch of missing/broken features, hence it’s not the default/recommend mame core. it’s not really had the attention of the recommend ones.

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    @dankcushions said in Mame 2003 Retroarch controls for 6 button games:

    it's added complexity and in my experience users struggle enough with "just use 0.78 + mame2003", never mind "use 0.78 and mame2003+

    I would tend to agree with @barbudreadmon. Even mame2003 is starting to "drift" with changes (albeit small but still no longer the static set it used to be--a few additions here, a rom set rename there). You might as well go with mame2003+ for the most part.

    If you can get the ROM management concept down for those minor changes in mame2003, that is if those games interest you, then mame2003+ isn't that much more work.

    I would have rather seen mame2003 hold a hard line on its set and let mame2003+ be the dynamic set with additions, deletions and corrections.

    I think mame2003 is much simpler to understand and configure (mainly the interface) but mame2003+ is more progressive. They do have 3 folks doing quite a bit of work currently with some worthy additions.

    As barbudreadmon pointed out a majority are the original rom set but some updates improve accuracy (like Bubble Bobble) and some additions are recent emulation code, hence more accurate. When you think of the target platform of low spec hardware it's a worthy core. I have a great base game set on the Pi 3 that I'm happy with, and the Pi 4 provides some nice 'oomph' for other cores.

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    @mitu FYI for the time being, I have a partial workaround to execute commands to stop and start emulationstation via a remote.

  • Mapping issue after loading game

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    @mginster my question is about mapping controls. I have player 1(working fine) and player 2 ( not mapped correctly). How do you map ultimarc joysticks and buttons for player 2? Any help or ideas would be useful. Thank you

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    Thank you! That did it.

  • hotkey not recognizing

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    In my case, the issue seems to origin from the fact that only player 1 can use hotkeys, but for some reason my controller's driver xarcade2jstick is by default reversing the sides of X-Arcade Tankstick, when retroarch is getting input. As a result, the lift side of the stick, recognized as Controller 1, is controlling player 2 in games and vice versa.

    I guess that this prevented the Select as hotkey enabler from working. I made it work by fiddling around with the retroarch settings, and reversed the controllers, and not everything seems to be good.

    I had my tankstick configured with the default mapping.

    What I ended up doing was just adding these lines to the bottom of /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg and everything worked great after launching another game.

    input_player1_joypad_index = "1" input_player2_joypad_index = "0"

    Here's the mapping I use

  • 2 Player Controls in Amiberry

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    Alright, I was able to select the second joystick in the in-game configuration - thanks for everyone who helped, it's working now!