I have a challenge! Help me !
I have a challenge to the Retropie specialists: i am trying to play INTERNATIONAL SUPERSTAR SOCCER 2000 for PSX on my RAPSBERRY PI 3 MODEL B. I donwload the .bin + .cue game files, which are very easy to find on google, and when i try to start the game it stops on a black screen and nothing happens. I tried to use LR-PCSX_REARMED and PCSX_REARMED (non libretro) emulators.
SO, I HAVE A CHALLENGE FOR THE RETROPIE SPECIALISTS: Make it works! To find a way to play this game!
I can't believe i have download 46 GB of games and, the only one i want to play doesn't works. I think is one of the best soccer games ever, and brings me back to my childness.PLEASE HELP ME BUDDIES!
- i test the rom files with EPSEX emulator, on my stupid Android cell phone, and it works! i do not believe i can't play on my raspberry. So, the ROM it's ok. I also tried with other ROM files of the same game.
Have you installed the BIOS?
@mediamogul Yes. I can play lot of other games. Working perfectly. And the which one that doesn't works is ISS2000. I'm very sad. I don't know what to do anymore. Can you try on your retropie? If works, i will know that the problem is mine. Not a general problem.
MORE INFO: i tried various BIOS (SCPH1001.BIN , scph5500.bin, scph5501.bin, scph5502.bin, scph7502.bin). -
I'll try the game here in a little while.
@mediamogul Thanks my friend! I don't know if i can post the rom link here for you; probably not!??!
Are you sure it's not 'International Superstar Soccer Pro' you're looking to play? International 'Superstar Soccer 2000' is only listed as having a N64 and GameBoy Color release.
@horaciowm said in I have a challenge! Help me !:
I don't know if i can post the rom link here for you; probably not!??!
Definitely not. https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/2/forum-rules
@mediamogul Yes i'm sure. ISS PRO works perfetcly on my retropie. But, a similiar version of N64 ISS2000 was released to PSX. Its a different gameplay. I had this CD GAME and i used to play on my old PS1 console. Try to serach on google between ""
"international superstar soccer 2000" psx
MORE INFO: i also tried to play the N64's version of ISS 2000. That could satisfy me. But, doesn't works perfectly. There's a lot of lag (even with OVERCLOCKING) and lot of noises while game play. Constant freeze to with necessary reset. -
@horaciowm said in I have a challenge! Help me !:
Try to serach on google between ""
"international superstar soccer 2000" psxI don't think I'm going to be able to help you here. There was one result for a PSX 'International Superstar Soccer 2000', but it appears to be a mislabeled 'International Superstar Soccer Pro'. Every other result yielded the N64 release. Aside from that, there is only one source considered legal for obtaining these games in my area of the world and it's definitely not there. Someone else may be able to help you from here, but you should keep in mind that some PSX games simply aren't going to be compatible.
@mediamogul Thanks for trying to help me.
@horaciowm i am getting it now. I will let you know my results when i get it tested. Which country do you live in? I will try to match the bios if i need to.
@edmaul69 thanks mate! I am brazilian! I can't accept that, my poor Android Cell phone can runs this game perfectly and, a powerfull board/system like raspberry/retroarch can't. I really love this game. Please help me.
@mediamogul hummmm, i don't think so! With a simple search on Google, you can find the ROM for download. I can't post links. Try to search "international Superstar Soccer 2000" PSX [redacted].
@mediamogul Hey, the cover is that. You are right. Can see the details on PSX DATA CENTER.
@horaciowm said in I have a challenge! Help me !:
Try to search international Superstar Soccer 2000" PSX [redacted]
I would delete your reference to that search as it's probably a borderline offense.
Hey, the cover is that. You are right. Can see the details on PSX DATA CENTER site.
Well, color me confused. There's no record anywhere of it being released for the PSX outside of Japan where it's original title was 'Jikkyou World Soccer 2000'. The site you referenced also seems to be the only place on the net with a copy. It's unusual that a game like this is not in some public record, but I suppose it does happen.
If it happens that you also can't get it to work, try using a Japanese BIOS to see if that does anything.
@horaciowm 15 bios' later and still a no go on the game
@edmaul69 have you tried the japanese BIOS?
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