Amiberry & Ipac
Thanks for that, on the ADF i have the 2nd button works and you can do all the extra stuff from the joytstick.
I did find that on my setup the "A" button (crtl on the Ipac) seems to be fire button 2, and the "B" button (alt on the Ipac) seems to be fire button 1, is it meant that way? I only mention it in case its helpful.
I'll do a bit more testing later to see if I come accross any issues, if I find any i'll let you know.
@tuki_cat Yes, it is meant to be that way.
Using the ReroArch layouts which are documented in RetroPie, B is the “bottom” button (Cross for a PS pad) ... which I would call “South”
On the Amiga Cd32 pad, this is always “Red” aka Fire and the East/Circle (Retroarch A) button is always Blue.
It therefore retains this layout position when using the normal Amiga joystick layout.
At the moment, I have “locked” the keyboard control this same way around.
You can read your controller layout in Amiberry from a seperate location, and manually chose to change the two around, if you prefer, and I will probably need to make the same allowance for keyboard mapping :)
Great, thanks - i'll have a play around with it.
@andershp said in Amiberry & Ipac:
My iPac is not running the standard keys, as I have changed a bit here and there, mainly to get Pegasus Frontend to work (remapped my primary keys to Return and Esc)
Just to let you both know i have updated the binary which is uploaded. It now has a section in 'paths' to point at your retroarch.cfg file (set this to /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg) ... it will then grab the keyboard layour from there.
YOu can verify if this is detecting correctly in the Input panel, where the joystick will show as "RetroArch Keyboard as Joystick #1"
It will be a while before you can use the custom-remapping function, or add inputs 2-4, but these are planned for the future.
Great thanks - I was planning to have play around with Amiberry and WHDload tonight.
I assume I download this using the detail in the scrpt you provided about 5 days ago?
@tuki_cat said in Amiberry & Ipac:
I assume I download this using the detail in the scrpt you provided about 5 days ago?
Yep, i always upload to the same location :)
Thanks - I have given it a try and it works great.
I have a small issue with WHDload. I have set it up as the tutorial suggestions, but when I run the a game I get a black screen. Eventially, I have worked out that for some reason WHDload isn't detecting the kick.rom. When I enter the menu (F12) and manually select the kick.rom WHDload runs fine.
What I can't work out is why WHDload isn't finding the kick.rom. I have named in kick31.rom and it is /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/Amiga directory. I have attached one of my configs below, this appears to also point to the right place.
Any ideas as to why it isn't working and finding the kick.rom?
@tuki_cat said in Amiberry & Ipac:
What I can't work out is why WHDload isn't finding the kick.rom. I have named in kick31.rom and it is /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/Amiga directory. I have attached one of my configs below, this appears to also point to the right place.
according to your config file, Its looking in your default path for the rom - have you been into the PATHS panel and made sure your kickstart rom path is set to
?Manual selection would fix this becuase it would no longer use the relative path.
Thanks - I’ll take a look later.
I also wanted to thanks for you work so far on this, if you need anything specific tested then you only need ask.
@horaceandspider said in Amiberry & Ipac:
YOu can verify if this is detecting correctly in the Input panel, where the joystick will show as "RetroArch Keyboard as Joystick #1"
I have tried now, followed the video in the other thread, and got my 3 test-games DisposableHero, Lotus 2 and Lotus 3 to boot fine, sound and graphics and all (though the graphics looks pixelshaded and I'd love to turn "overscan" off, since the sides gets slightly clipped), but I have no controls at all.
When the games start, my only options on keyboard are:
home button: screen goes black
F12: game quits and returns me to EmulationStation.I read that F12 should be a menu? Is this where the Input Panel should be? When clicking +Start Amiberry, the screen goes black and returns to EmulationStation... Any tips?
Neither one of the whdscript_debug files in the game dirs contains anything.
@AndersHP sounds like you are missing the extra icon files needed for the gui (causing the crash)
You can fix these like so:
cd /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/data wget wget sudo chown -hR pi:pi /opt/retropie/emulators/amiberry/ -
Cool. This did indeed work! Will tinker with some games now!
Thanks for you help, I have WHDLoad working now and have had some time testing out the new controls.
The only thing I am having issue with is saving "RetroArch Keyboard as Joystick [Default]" as the config for port 1 (joystick). I can get this to save in port 0 (mouse), but if I save the config, or manully update the rp-a1200.uae, port 1 (joystick) defaults back to"Ultimarc Ipac 2 Ultimarc Ipac 2 ".
Is there any way to make "RetroArch Keyboard as Joystick [Deafault]" as the default for port 1 (joystick)?
Surely that is either
Keyboard as Joystick [Default]
RetroArch Keyboard as Joystick [#1]
?Either way, it should simply be in the system as “joy0” so this should save to the Config as
... if this doesn’t save , then I will need to look at what the Config save/load routines are doing with this parameter.Thanks for letting me know!
Thanks - I'll do some testing tonight and let you know how I get on.
Do you guys know how not to have Amiberry show the Amiga emulation in this weird antialiased, shaded, fuzzy look? I prefer it to be running pixel-sharp.
@andershp said in Amiberry & Ipac:
Do you guys know how not to have Amiberry show the Amiga emulation in this weird antialiased, shaded, fuzzy look? I prefer it to be running pixel-sharp.
That option is only available in the SDL 2 version (Scaling Method - Nearest Neighbour). You will need to build from source from the Amiberry SDL2 branch on Github, but the controller updates have not been merged yet. I'm not sure if Midwan will add the Scaling Methods to the SDL1 version.
Hi, I've done a little more testing and hope this well help.
I tried to overwite the default rp-a1200.uae file using the gui, so i could set the "keyboard as joystick" to Joyport 1, but this didn't work.
So amended the rp-a1200.uae file manually, here is a copy -
My rp-a500.uae file is edited in the same way.
I then run the uae.config maker (I assume it picks the settings up from the rp-a500.uae orrp-a1200.uae file) but the config that is created has different control settings. Here is a copy of the controller settings from the config I made using the config maker, you can see that Joyport1 is now set to joy1. -
I can manually edit the Sensible World Of Soccer 96-97.uae to set the "keyboard as Joystick [Default]", this works and when I run Sensible World Of Soccer 96-97 "Keyboard as Joystick [Default] is set as the default. Here is a copy of my .uae -
I'm not sure if that makes sense, but if you have any questions just let me know!
The Config Maker doesn’t use either of those files.
Which joyports are to be used as 1/2/3 etc are going to differ for different users, so I will be adding some function to select “primary” “secondary” devices etc from the hostconfig file. I cannot remember atm if t already picks some up, but even if it does it would use joy1 and joy2 , not joy0 as you would require
Thanks - The other thing that I have been testing is the abilty to swap the A & B buttons, as outlined in you replay below. I can't get this to work. Here is my .uae for Turrican II which section would I need to edit to swap these buttons around?
@horaceandspider said in Amiberry & Ipac:
@tuki_cat Yes, it is meant to be that way.
Using the ReroArch layouts which are documented in RetroPie, B is the “bottom” button (Cross for a PS pad) ... which I would call “South”
On the Amiga Cd32 pad, this is always “Red” aka Fire and the East/Circle (Retroarch A) button is always Blue.
It therefore retains this layout position when using the normal Amiga joystick layout.
At the moment, I have “locked” the keyboard control this same way around.
You can read your controller layout in Amiberry from a seperate location, and manually chose to change the two around, if you prefer, and I will probably need to make the same allowance for keyboard mapping :)
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