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    Welcome to the forum :)

    Wow, this hardware is also already retro. However, it can be refurbished for the 2020s.

    For the Pi 4 or 5 there has been recently a thread https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/36439

    If smooth N64 emulation is a must then it is a Pi5.

    The current IPAC won't work. But if you are satisfied (also in terms of inputlag) you can use a IPAC for USB. You can also wire the GPIO directly as you have 12 buttons per player. I recently released a project which is compatible with the Pi5 (and earlier).

    You will also need some adapters between the Pi's micro HDMI and the monitor connection (VGA, DVI, regular HDMI). Driving a CRT is a different story.
    For the Pi 5 you will also need an USB audio device (any C-Media compliant stick will do).

    Have fun!

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    @mrt88 If ES is just naming the device to configure as keyboard, you haven't switched the mode of the IPac. If it would be in one of the gamepad modes, ES would say something like "# gamepad(s) detected..."

    AFAIK the mode is persistent once set and if possible you may well keep to @hopwon and change the mode to your desired one on a windows machine/observed checked via winipac.

    Once it reports itself as 2 gamepads.... as I had downgraded (after updating from 1.39) my Firmware from the 1.5? to 1.49 (KBD only) I can't try it out and really don't recall how the multi-mode DInput/XInput differs for P1/P2 - Opening the configure input from emulation station I 1st would configure the parts connected to the P1 side of the I-PAC2 and see whether the P2 side responds afterwards (so both pseudo-devices are using the same identifier), but my guess would be that you have to configure the input again with the stick/buttons connected to the P2 side of the I-Pac [1].

    Edit: If you opt for the "Keyboard" way, manual editing configs is the only way (AFAIK) of setting the keys for player 2+. The Docs @mitu linked to are pretty good, in addition you may have a look at this (maybe somewhat old) guide from theink. And the meta/shift-key from the IPac2 was one of the main reasons I switched back to keyboard only mode, as it opens up so much possibilities in key-assignment that I am unsure how to achieve the same from within a gamepad mode of the I-Pac.

    1: Would be wise on ultimarcs behalve to report P1/P2 sides of the IPac (in Gamepad(s) Mode) with different IDs, as both parts could be configured in a different way/layout button assignment via Winipac.

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    @citaria that's great đź‘Ť

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    @mitu Thanks! :Banghead: Now that was a typical case of "Betriebsblindheit" (1) inmidst my current setup orgy - Sigh. Should have also tried 'em without the bindings 1st. !

    [1]: I never came along a real translation for that, but Target fixation or Tunnel vision (metaphor) may come close to it.

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    @ToddThomas said in RetroPie/EmuStation/RetroArch not Keeping IPAC4 Config:

    Let me take one step back and ask you this. On a fresh install of Retropie, if all I have hooked up is the IPac4, should EmulationStation prompt me that there is no controller/gampad recognized (like the F310)? Or should it move on to the heart of the program?

    On a fresh install, it always ask to configure controlls (even with a recognized controller). IMHO that it ain't reporting something like "keyboard detected, press any key to configure it as input" and just states that no controller was detected is a bit arguable, nevertheless on first start that is the expected behaviour.
    But afterwards, if the keyboard was setup as a controller, the dialog shouldn't appear anymore - and besides /opt/.../all/retroarch.cfg I have no idea what other configs could be responsible and /core/rom override retroarch.cfgs should have no effect on ES.
    Could you log into your system via ssh and look at the output from lsusb to see if the IPac is listed as a recognized Device if that Requester Pops up again after the initial setup?

  • Unplug and replug in Controller on Pi4

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    Please add more info about your system, as detailed in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first.

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  • The endless fun of Arcade Machines

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    You're welcome. Do you know that you can change the title subsequently by editing the first post? Just click on the little three dots at its right side and choose "edit". 🤓

  • Amiberry input problems

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    Anyone have any clues about these issues?

    I've had to resort to lr-puae for some games due to these issues, but that has its own problems too (can't seem to use trackball as a mouse).

    Any help on the above appreciated.


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    @mitu Will do, thanks!

  • Controller in AmiBerry on wrong Port

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    @jackyracer thanks for the info! I had already sarted to play with individual UAE config files and looking in the XML file. I still couldn't get it to work and the controller randomly changed to parallel port 2!?!. So I deleted all the config files I had created or had been playing with and it started working! Port 0 was the mouse and port 1 was joystick and recognised on games đź‘Ť

    Now I've noticed an issue, only tested Turrican but when I hit any button the game pause's then carries on when I press again, anyone seen this?

  • Controller and IPAC issue

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    @mitu @caver01 Thanks guys!

  • How to know what button is what

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    @johnny5126 said in How to know what button is what:

    where i can figure out what button is assigned to X, Y, etc? I have my buttons connected to an Ipac2

    You know what you wired up to the ipac2 terminals so therefore you know what function each button has according to the instructions for the ipac.

  • Amiberry and IPAC controls

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    @tuki_cat IPAC is typically a keyboard interface. Modern versions can be setup using the WinIPAC utility to behave as a joystick controller, but most people use it as a keyboard device. Configured this way, all it is doing is sending keystrokes. Amiberry would have to be capable of receiving inputs via keyboard. If you can plug in a real USB keyboard for all of the inputs (direction and buttons) you should be able to use an IPAC.

  • IPAC advantages?

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    Sorry I meant to remove one of these.

  • IPAC advantages ?

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    @caver01 i also should mention, the biggest reason why the intellivision is hard to get used to. Most games arent designed for you to tap up down left right. They are designed to have you "roll" around the disk from one position to another. Auto racing wont work at all tapping left and right. The whole top half of the disc determines the position of the steering wheel. So pressing up is straight and as you roll right or left it determines how far you are turning the steering wheel. This design really takes a lot of getting used to.

  • Amiberry & Ipac

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    Thanks - The other thing that I have been testing is the abilty to swap the A & B buttons, as outlined in you replay below. I can't get this to work. Here is my .uae for Turrican II which section would I need to edit to swap these buttons around?


    @horaceandspider said in Amiberry & Ipac:

    @tuki_cat Yes, it is meant to be that way.

    Using the ReroArch layouts which are documented in RetroPie, B is the “bottom” button (Cross for a PS pad) ... which I would call “South”

    On the Amiga Cd32 pad, this is always “Red” aka Fire and the East/Circle (Retroarch A) button is always Blue.

    It therefore retains this layout position when using the normal Amiga joystick layout.

    At the moment, I have “locked” the keyboard control this same way around.

    You can read your controller layout in Amiberry from a seperate location, and manually chose to change the two around, if you prefer, and I will probably need to make the same allowance for keyboard mapping :)

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    @udb23 Nevermind, I figured out the problem.... It is a bad wire or pin on 2START on the IPAC. Here I was thinking the all the 2nd player controls were not working. Figured out opening WINIPAC V2 and notepad++, replacing the button switch (same issue), and then re-assigning a unused pin on the IPAC.

    cheers! :D

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    @saiyan7702 said in editing cfg file for ipac 4 to run 4 players and x arcade trackball:

    I'm using the hyperpi MLP 128gb build that just came out btw.

    Unfortunately third party builds are not supported here, especially if they have roms. Support should be requested from the supplier/creator as nobody can guess how it might have been modified or setup. Also, the correct configurations were linked in the other thread you posted in.