PSXtoPSP eboots or bin/cue files?
@Ecks said in PSXtoPSP eboots or bin/cue files?:
@Adam_3D said in PSXtoPSP eboots or bin/cue files?:
Just curious if anyone's had issues with psp eboots, or are bin/cue files are a better option for psx?
I use bin/cue files for single disc games but when it comes down to using 2 or more disc's i would use eboots instead just because it is easier to cycle through the disc's especially for my game SD Gundam G Generation F which you have to swap the disc while in game and doesn't work if you load up disc 2 to play a different timeline the game will ask you to load up disc one again.
Also another thing with eboots is that the file size ends up being compressed a bit which helps for people using something like a 16gb SD card (i jumped the gun and went straight for a 32gb and 64gb SD card) so instead of lets say 12 games from bin/cue you could have something like 14 games instead with eboots.I regret getting a 64gb SD card, I wish I got the 1TB PiDrive :D
BTW you can use the same method of disk swapping with ISO's. The hotkeys do work. No need to convert them to EBOOTS.
@PetroRie said in PSXtoPSP eboots or bin/cue files?:
I really don't understand why people use EBOOTS only with multidisks, you can use the same hotkeys to change disks with ISO's.
I use eboots for all my psx games. It makes for a neater library and they're smaller in size too.
@Darksavior You can change the name of the image and cue files. Or you can create separate folders for each game. It will look neat too. However I only do this for PSX games. I don't want to convert image files to eboot, due lazyness lol.
I have only 6gb free on my 64gb SD card. If space is a problem you should get the PiDrive, I really wish I did. Maybe in the future I will get one once I get my CNC machine so I can create my own custom case along with the PiDrive (1tb).
@PetroRie said in PSXtoPSP eboots or bin/cue files?:
@Ecks said in PSXtoPSP eboots or bin/cue files?:
@Adam_3D said in PSXtoPSP eboots or bin/cue files?:
Just curious if anyone's had issues with psp eboots, or are bin/cue files are a better option for psx?
I use bin/cue files for single disc games but when it comes down to using 2 or more disc's i would use eboots instead just because it is easier to cycle through the disc's especially for my game SD Gundam G Generation F which you have to swap the disc while in game and doesn't work if you load up disc 2 to play a different timeline the game will ask you to load up disc one again.
Also another thing with eboots is that the file size ends up being compressed a bit which helps for people using something like a 16gb SD card (i jumped the gun and went straight for a 32gb and 64gb SD card) so instead of lets say 12 games from bin/cue you could have something like 14 games instead with eboots.I regret getting a 64gb SD card, I wish I got the 1TB PiDrive :D
BTW you can use the same method of disk swapping with ISO's. The hotkeys do work. No need to convert them to EBOOTS.
How many games do you have in your Pi anyways then and my 32gb card right now had 9gb left on it because i only put games that i actually own such as Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon, SD Gundam G Generation F and Front Mission 3.
@Ecks said in PSXtoPSP eboots or bin/cue files?:
@PetroRie said in PSXtoPSP eboots or bin/cue files?:
@Ecks said in PSXtoPSP eboots or bin/cue files?:
@Adam_3D said in PSXtoPSP eboots or bin/cue files?:
Just curious if anyone's had issues with psp eboots, or are bin/cue files are a better option for psx?
I use bin/cue files for single disc games but when it comes down to using 2 or more disc's i would use eboots instead just because it is easier to cycle through the disc's especially for my game SD Gundam G Generation F which you have to swap the disc while in game and doesn't work if you load up disc 2 to play a different timeline the game will ask you to load up disc one again.
Also another thing with eboots is that the file size ends up being compressed a bit which helps for people using something like a 16gb SD card (i jumped the gun and went straight for a 32gb and 64gb SD card) so instead of lets say 12 games from bin/cue you could have something like 14 games instead with eboots.I regret getting a 64gb SD card, I wish I got the 1TB PiDrive :D
BTW you can use the same method of disk swapping with ISO's. The hotkeys do work. No need to convert them to EBOOTS.
How many games do you have in your Pi anyways then and my 32gb card right now had 9gb left on it because i only put games that i actually own such as Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon, SD Gundam G Generation F and Front Mission 3.
I have a complete MAME romset of 23GB. Complete romsets of NES, SNES, GENESIS, GB, GBC and GBA and many PSX games.
Oh Legend of the Dragoon, I beat that game 4 times, one of my favorite RPG games on the PSX. A true masterpiece.
Why do you put only games on the Pi which you own?
Eboots all the way. Used to rip all my old ps1 disks then convert them into Eboots for my psp. Once I found pi supported Eboots I started doing it again recently. Way easier to manage, way smaller files. I've reduced a small collection of 20ish gb of games to 11gb roughly.
@PetroRie said in PSXtoPSP eboots or bin/cue files?:
Why do you put only games on the Pi which you own?
Yeah, I gotta say, that wouldn't really work since according to the evil faceless robot corporations who publish console games, you don't own anything. You only ever purchased a non-negotiable, arbitrarily revokable, temporary license agreement with them which puts all obligations on you and none on them. These control freaks want to completely do away with the fundamental concept of individual private property. Like, you don't actually own that banana you bought at the grocery store. You only paid for a license to eat it.
I have no respect for the intellectual property of anyone who takes that view of property in general.
Excuse me i'm getting a RPI 3 soon and i'm going to play Final Fantasy VII. I combined the files into a eboot. Do need all the .cue files from the zipped files in which the disk files came?
Been a long time since i made a bpb from a psx rip..but yes I think you do..that way it can "mark" all the audio tracks. After you make it though you do not need the cue file.
I am excited about chd support though...chds are even smaller (about 50mb less) great for a small micro sd card...
It's a bit of an old topic, but I would like to add that it seems eboots might not always work properly. To save on space I almost always use eboots instead of bin/cue files, but Metal Gear Solid: VR missions gave me problems. The game kept freezing during the first socom level. I replaced the eboot with the bin/cue file format and the freeze issue was gone. I downloaded the eboot from a reputable source, but I can't say for sure the problem did not lie in a bad conversion.
Update: I just did the conversion myself using PSX2PSPv1.4.2 and that eboot worked fine, so I guess the eboot I had downloaded wasn't converted properly. But the point still stands: These things do happen and if size wasn't an issue I would choose the bin/cue format over eboot.
Here is another example of someone running into freezing issues with a downloaded eboot:
The game seems to work fine untill you reach a certain point. -
@bobharris said in PSXtoPSP eboots or bin/cue files?:
It's a bit of an old topic, but I would like to add that it seems eboots might not always work properly. To save on space I almost always use eboots instead of bin/cue files, but Metal Gear Solid: VR missions gave me problems. The game kept freezing during the first socom level. I replaced the eboot with the bin/cue file format and the freeze issue was gone. I downloaded the eboot from a reputable source, but I can't say for sure the problem did not lie in a bad conversion.
Update: I just did the conversion myself using PSX2PSPv1.4.2 and that eboot worked fine, so I guess the eboot I had downloaded wasn't converted properly. But the point still stands: These things do happen and if size wasn't an issue I would choose the bin/cue format over eboot.
Here is another example of someone running into freezing issues with a downloaded eboot:
The game seems to work fine untill you reach a certain point.The thing is making the eboots are more stable than downloading it (not saying that you should download it) because for me all of my PS1 games back then i converted them all to bin/cue files just because i wanted to preserve my actual game disc's but still be able to play them on my PS1 (modded PS1) and now with the Pi i am happy i can be able to play them that way which i then used PSX2PSPv1.4.2 to make eboots instead so i could fit more games on the SD card and never had any problems unlike some people i know that downloaded their games instead and ended up having graphical issues or freezing issues and the games they're playing just like what i am playing is games such as Final Fantasy Tactics and Front Mission 3 which for Tactics i have seen they game was the characters weren't even on the ground they were floating up which when they saw my game everything was normal.
But what i am getting at is most people that has done these eboot conversions was mainly for the PSP back then which eboots was always made to work on there perfectly but not on anything else and what i mean is i tried out his eboot on my PSP everything was working perfectly but when i would play it on PC i would get the same thing he gets (also my PSP does have a CFW but only use it to extract the ISO's from the UMD's).
@ecks Yes that might be what's happening. Sometimes ps1 games were a pain to get working on the psp. In PSX2PSP I would mess with the settings like Compression level, so games just might work using a certain pops (different psp firmware versions) on the psp.
I will probably just buy a 128 gb flash drive which gives me enough space to store all my favorite ps1 games in the bin cue format.
@bobharris I tend to stick with using the minimum compression level when converting to eboots. That seems to keep compatibility high. I also prefer it to keep a neater library. Hopefully in the future the mednafen psx emulator might be playable on the pi so we can convert to chd's instead.
Does anyone know if chd files are supported on the pi for ps1 games?
It looks like support was added recently.
@mediamogul from the looks of it, it only looks as though .chd support was added to beetle-psx. Which is only on PC.
Ah, seems you're right. That's a shame.
Yea I can’t wait until someone awesome adds chd support for PCSX rearmed
@cjax08 I'd also like the texture straightening ported to the pi. The thing that stops the jittering and moving of textures.
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