Pi in a Super Famicom Build
Today I decided to work on moving my scripts to my USB drive for stability, and to clean things up since I was initially just cobbling things together to get them to work. One challenge I faced was that the USB drive isn't immediately mounted when the system boots. It takes a few seconds. To get around that I put the
script in the/home/pi/
folder and added a bit to tell it to wait until the USB folder is available before trying to execute the scripts that are located on it.#!/bin/bash # Wait for USB disk detection # Disk drive mount we're waiting on usbdrive="/media/usb0/retropie-mount" # Max time to wait (in seconds) maxwait=60 for (( i = 0; i <= $maxwait; i++ )) do [ -d $usbdrive ] && break sleep 1 done #load image sudo python /home/pi/RetroPie/tft/imageparam.py "/home/pi/RetroPie/tft/images/RetroPie Splashscreen Blue.jpg" #turn on backlight and enable Reset button toggle sudo python /home/pi/RetroPie/tft/switch.py
I also updated my
script to reference images located in the ROMs folder (I'm moving images to the ROMs folder) and to also handle file names with square braces[ ]
, which were breaking the script.# /opt/retropie/configs/all/runcommand-onstart.sh # get the full path filename of the ROM rom=$3 # get the system name system=$1 # get rom filename without folder rom_bn=$(basename "$rom") #get rom filename without extension rom_bn="${rom_bn%.*}" # escape square brackets in rom filename rom_bn="${rom_bn//\[/\\[}" rom_bn="${rom_bn//\]/\\]}" # Set a TFT-specific image if there is one img="$(find "/home/pi/RetroPie/tft/images/roms/${system}" -type f -name "${rom_bn}-image.*" -print -quit)" # If a TFT-specific image was not found, look in the images folder in the ROMs directory for that system if [[ -z "${img}" ]]; then img="$(find "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/${system}/images" -type f -name "${rom_bn}-image.*" -print -quit)" fi # If an image was not found in the ROMs directory for that system, check to see if there are any in the default emulationstation location if [[ -z "${img}" ]]; then img="$(find "/opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/downloaded_images/${system}" -type f -name "${rom_bn}-image.*" -print -quit)" fi # If no game images are found, display one for the system being emulated if [[ -z "${img}" ]]; then img="$(find "/home/pi/RetroPie/tft/images/systems" -type f -name "${system}.*" -print -quit)" fi # If no system image is found, default back to the Raspberry Pi logo if [[ -z "${img}" ]]; then img="/home/pi/RetroPie/tft/images/Raspberry_Pi_Logo.svg.png" fi # run the python script to display the image sudo python /home/pi/RetroPie/tft/imageparam2.py "$img"
I'm sure there is a lot that could still be improved or optimized, but things are working well.
@obsidianspider Very good work. I am also rebuilding and have a question. How did you connect the original reset button? On the bottom are 4 connection possibilities?
Super, Thank You.
I learned the hard way not to use
It apparently updated you to the bleeding edge firmware, and not only did the update fail halfway through, but once it completed successfully, Linux kept crashing. Now to see if I can fix this mess. Fun?
Well that was less than fun. Lesson learned, kids. If you have a heavily customized install, make sure you create an image of your SD card in case you blow it up like I did.
Also, take better notes. ;)
Things are working now, but it was a lot of head scratching to get all of my scripts in the right places.
@obsidianspider I updated to the latest stretch build and that didn't go well. The gamecon driver wouldn't build. I reverted to stable stretch and fixed some dependencies to get ES to compile. I made a backup just in case, but it looks like I won't need to use it.
@darksavior I haven't tried Stretch. I heard it wasn't supported yet.
@obsidianspider Try at your own risk, but once I sorted my dependencies, ES and the emulators I use work fine https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/16145/retropie-upgrading-raspbian-jessie-to-stretch
@obsidianspider it's probably in the thread here somewhere but I can't seem to find it: have you linked the original power switch to a system shutdown, and if so, how?
Now that I have a Pi, I'm thinking about either murdering my old SNES or finding one to murder, and using it as a case for the Pi. If/When I do so, I may look closer to threads like these for inspiration.
O obsidianspider referenced this topic on
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