Using xboxdrv with mame4all/advmame
@lummox-jr I'm not using the mouse in advmame, but I am in several other emulators.
I'm just wondering whether you have any other input/joysticks attached or just your 1 Shanwan joystick.
@spud11 At the moment no. My system came with two simple retropads that I was setting up first, but I switched to this other one (it's basically just a generic that's laid out like a PS controller) to try setting up analog options. I have others like it I eventually intend to try. The only two peripherals I currently have attached are that and a keyboard; the keyboard is in the first USB slot.
@mediamogul Is there any chance you can show me what your own
looks like, and the xboxdrv command you're using to set up the driver? Maybe something will jump out at me. In the meantime here's this:device_joystick auto device_keyboard raw device_mouse auto device_raw_firstkeyhack no device_raw_mousedev[0] auto device_raw_mousedev[1] auto device_raw_mousedev[2] auto device_raw_mousedev[3] auto device_raw_mousetype[0] pnp device_raw_mousetype[1] pnp device_raw_mousetype[2] pnp device_raw_mousetype[3] pnp ... input_map[p1_dialx] mouse[0,x] mouse[1,x] mouse[2,x] mouse[3,x] input_map[p1_dialy] mouse[0,y] mouse[1,y] mouse[2,y] mouse[3,y] input_map[p1_lightgunx] auto input_map[p1_lightguny] auto input_map[p1_mousex] auto input_map[p1_mousey] auto input_map[p1_paddlex] mouse[0,x] mouse[1,x] mouse[2,x] mouse[3,x] input_map[p1_paddley] mouse[0,y] mouse[1,y] mouse[2,y] mouse[3,y] input_map[p1_pedalbrake] auto input_map[p1_pedalgas] mouse[0,y] mouse[1,y] mouse[2,y] mouse[3,y] input_map[p1_pedalother] auto input_map[p1_stickx] mouse[0,x] mouse[1,x] mouse[2,x] mouse[3,x] input_map[p1_sticky] mouse[0,y] mouse[1,y] mouse[2,y] mouse[3,y] input_map[p1_stickz] auto input_map[p1_trackballx] mouse[0,x] mouse[1,x] mouse[2,x] mouse[3,x] input_map[p1_trackbally] mouse[0,y] mouse[1,y] mouse[2,y] mouse[3,y]
And this is my current xboxdrv command:
sudo /opt/retropie/supplementary/xboxdrv/bin/xboxdrv >>/dev/shm/runcommand.log 2>&1 \ --evdev /dev/input/by-id/usb-ShanWan_ZD_Game_For_Windows-event-joystick \ --silent \ --detach-kernel-driver \ --force-feedback \ --deadzone-trigger 15% \ --deadzone 10% \ --mimic-xpad \ --evdev-absmap ABS_HAT0X=dpad_x,ABS_HAT0Y=dpad_y,ABS_X=x1,ABS_Y=y1,ABS_RX=x2,ABS_RY=y2 \ --evdev-keymap BTN_EAST=b,BTN_SOUTH=a,BTN_NORTH=y,BTN_WEST=x,BTN_START=start,BTN_SELECT=back,BTN_TL=lb,BTN_TR=rb,BTN_TL2=lt,BTN_TR2=rt,BTN_THUMBL=tl,BTN_THUMBR=tr \ --dpad-as-button \ --trigger-as-button \ --ui-buttonmap guide=void \ --ui-axismap x1=REL_X:10,y1=REL_Y:10,x2=void,y2=void \ --ui-buttonmap back=KEY_5,start=KEY_1,a=KEY_LEFTCTRL,b=KEY_LEFTSHIFT,back+start=KEY_ESC,tl=KEY_ENTER,back+x=KEY_TAB,back+y=KEY_P,du=KEY_UP,dd=KEY_DOWN,dl=KEY_LEFT,dr=KEY_RIGHT \ &
The keyboard mappings are working very nicely now that I've finally got this controller done right.
BTW, I did try switching the USB slots just to see, but it made no difference.
@lummox-jr said in Using xboxdrv with mame4all/advmame:
Is there any chance you can show me what your own advmame.rc looks like, and the xboxdrv command you're using to set up the driver? Maybe something will jump out at me. In the meantime here's this:
No problem.
debug_rawsound no debug_speedmark no device_alsa_device default device_alsa_mixer channel device_color_bgr15 yes device_color_bgr16 yes device_color_bgr24 yes device_color_bgr32 yes device_color_bgr8 yes device_color_palette8 yes device_color_yuy2 yes device_dpi_pclock_low 31250000 device_hdmi_pclock_low 0 device_joystick auto device_keyboard raw device_mouse auto device_raw_firstkeyhack no device_raw_mousedev[0] auto device_raw_mousedev[1] auto device_raw_mousedev[2] auto device_raw_mousedev[3] auto device_raw_mousetype[0] pnp device_raw_mousetype[1] pnp device_raw_mousetype[2] pnp device_raw_mousetype[3] pnp device_sdl_samples 512 device_sound alsa device_video fb device_video_cursor off device_video_doublescan yes device_video_fastchange no device_video_interlace yes device_video_output auto device_video_overlaysize auto device_video_singlescan yes dir_artwork /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-advmame/artwork dir_diff /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-advmame/diff dir_hi /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-advmame/hi dir_image /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-advmame/ dir_inp /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-advmame/inp dir_memcard /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-advmame/memcard dir_nvram /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-advmame/nvram dir_rom /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-advmame:/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade dir_sample /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-advmame/sample dir_snap /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-advmame/snap dir_sta /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/mame-advmame/sta display_adjust none display_antialias yes display_artwork_backdrop yes display_artwork_bezel no display_artwork_crop yes display_artwork_overlay yes display_aspect auto display_beam 1.2 display_brightness 1 display_buffer no display_color auto display_expand 1 display_flicker 15 display_flipx no display_flipy no display_frameskip auto display_gamma 1 display_intensity 1.5 display_interlaceeffect none display_magnify 2 display_magnifysize 640 display_mode auto display_pausebrightness 1 display_resize integer display_resizeeffect none display_restore yes display_rgbeffect none display_rol no display_ror no display_scanlines no display_skipcolumns auto display_skiplines auto display_translucency yes display_vsync yes include input_hotkey yes input_idleexit 0 input_map[bill1] input_map[coin1] keyboard[0,e] input_map[coin2] keyboard[0,0] input_map[coin3] input_map[coin4] input_map[event10] input_map[event11] input_map[event12] input_map[event13] input_map[event14] input_map[event1] input_map[event2] input_map[event3] input_map[event4] input_map[event5] input_map[event6] input_map[event7] input_map[event8] input_map[event9] input_map[p1_button10] input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[0,b] input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[0,a] input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,x] input_map[p1_button4] keyboard[0,y] input_map[p1_button5] keyboard[0,l] input_map[p1_button6] keyboard[0,r] input_map[p1_button7] keyboard[0,d] input_map[p1_button8] keyboard[0,f] input_map[p1_button9] input_map[p1_dial_down] keyboard[0,up] input_map[p1_dial_left] keyboard[0,right] input_map[p1_dial_right] keyboard[0,left] input_map[p1_dial_up] keyboard[0,down] input_map[p1_dialx] mouse[0,x] mouse[1,x] mouse[2,x] input_map[p1_dialy] mouse[0,y] mouse[1,y] mouse[2,y] input_map[p1_doubleleft_down] keyboard[0,down] input_map[p1_doubleleft_left] keyboard[0,left] input_map[p1_doubleleft_right] keyboard[0,right] input_map[p1_doubleleft_up] keyboard[0,up] input_map[p1_doubleright_down] keyboard[0,4] input_map[p1_doubleright_left] keyboard[0,1] input_map[p1_doubleright_right] keyboard[0,2] input_map[p1_doubleright_up] keyboard[0,3] input_map[p1_down] keyboard[0,down] input_map[p1_left] keyboard[0,left] input_map[p1_lightgun_down] input_map[p1_lightgun_left] input_map[p1_lightgun_right] input_map[p1_lightgun_up] input_map[p1_lightgunx] input_map[p1_lightguny] input_map[p1_mahjong_a] input_map[p1_mahjong_b] input_map[p1_mahjong_bet] input_map[p1_mahjong_c] input_map[p1_mahjong_chance] input_map[p1_mahjong_chi] input_map[p1_mahjong_d] input_map[p1_mahjong_double_up] input_map[p1_mahjong_e] input_map[p1_mahjong_f] input_map[p1_mahjong_flip_flop] input_map[p1_mahjong_g] input_map[p1_mahjong_h] input_map[p1_mahjong_i] input_map[p1_mahjong_j] input_map[p1_mahjong_k] input_map[p1_mahjong_kan] input_map[p1_mahjong_l] input_map[p1_mahjong_m] input_map[p1_mahjong_n] input_map[p1_mahjong_pon] input_map[p1_mahjong_reach] input_map[p1_mahjong_ron] input_map[p1_mahjong_score] input_map[p1_mouse_down] input_map[p1_mouse_left] input_map[p1_mouse_right] input_map[p1_mouse_up] input_map[p1_mousex] input_map[p1_mousey] input_map[p1_paddle_up] keyboard[0,down] input_map[p1_paddle_right] keyboard[0,left] input_map[p1_paddle_left] keyboard[0,right] input_map[p1_paddle_down] keyboard[0,up] input_map[p1_paddlex] mouse[0,x] mouse[1,x] mouse[2,x] input_map[p1_paddley] mouse[0,y] mouse[1,y] mouse[2,y] input_map[p1_pedalbrake] input_map[p1_pedalbrake_release] input_map[p1_pedalgas] mouse[0,y] mouse[1,y] mouse[2,y] input_map[p1_pedalgas_release] input_map[p1_pedalother] input_map[p1_pedalother_release] input_map[p1_right] keyboard[0,right] input_map[p1_stick_down] keyboard[0,up] input_map[p1_stick_left] keyboard[0,right] input_map[p1_stick_right] keyboard[0,left] input_map[p1_stick_up] keyboard[0,down] input_map[p1_stickx] mouse[0,x] mouse[1,x] mouse[2,x] input_map[p1_sticky] mouse[0,y] mouse[1,y] mouse[2,y] input_map[p1_stickz] input_map[p1_trackball_down] keyboard[0,up] input_map[p1_trackball_left] keyboard[0,right] input_map[p1_trackball_right] keyboard[0,left] input_map[p1_trackball_up] keyboard[0,down] input_map[p1_trackballx] mouse[0,x] mouse[1,x] mouse[2,x] input_map[p1_trackbally] mouse[0,y] mouse[1,y] mouse[2,y] input_map[p1_up] keyboard[0,up] input_map[p2_button10] input_map[p2_button1] keyboard[0,m] input_map[p2_button2] keyboard[0,k] input_map[p2_button3] keyboard[0,n] input_map[p2_button4] keyboard[0,o] input_map[p2_button5] keyboard[0,p] input_map[p2_button6] keyboard[0,q] input_map[p2_button7] keyboard[0,s] input_map[p2_button8] keyboard[0,u] input_map[p2_button9] input_map[p2_dial_up] keyboard[0,j] input_map[p2_dial_right] keyboard[0,g] input_map[p2_dial_left] keyboard[0,h] input_map[p2_dial_down] keyboard[0,i] input_map[p2_dialx] input_map[p2_dialy] input_map[p2_down] keyboard[0,j] input_map[p2_left] keyboard[0,g] input_map[p2_lightgun_down] input_map[p2_lightgun_left] input_map[p2_lightgun_right] input_map[p2_lightgun_up] input_map[p2_lightgunx] input_map[p2_lightguny] input_map[p2_mouse_down] input_map[p2_mouse_left] input_map[p2_mouse_right] input_map[p2_mouse_up] input_map[p2_mousex] input_map[p2_mousey] input_map[p2_paddle_up] keyboard[0,j] input_map[p2_paddle_right] keyboard[0,g] input_map[p2_paddle_left] keyboard[0,h] input_map[p2_paddle_down] keyboard[0,i] input_map[p2_paddlex] input_map[p2_paddley] input_map[p2_pedalbrake] input_map[p2_pedalbrake_release] input_map[p2_pedalgas] input_map[p2_pedalgas_release] input_map[p2_pedalother] input_map[p2_pedalother_release] input_map[p2_right] keyboard[0,h] input_map[p2_stick_down] input_map[p2_stick_left] input_map[p2_stick_right] input_map[p2_stick_up] input_map[p2_stickx] input_map[p2_sticky] input_map[p2_stickz] input_map[p2_trackball_down] input_map[p2_trackball_left] input_map[p2_trackball_right] input_map[p2_trackball_up] input_map[p2_trackballx] input_map[p2_trackbally] input_map[p2_up] keyboard[0,i] input_map[p3_button10] input_map[p3_button1] input_map[p3_button2] input_map[p3_button3] input_map[p3_button4] input_map[p3_button5] input_map[p3_button6] input_map[p3_button7] input_map[p3_button8] input_map[p3_button9] input_map[p3_dial_down] input_map[p3_dial_left] input_map[p3_dial_right] input_map[p3_dial_up] input_map[p3_dialx] input_map[p3_dialy] input_map[p3_down] input_map[p3_left] input_map[p3_lightgun_down] input_map[p3_lightgun_left] input_map[p3_lightgun_right] input_map[p3_lightgun_up] input_map[p3_lightgunx] input_map[p3_lightguny] input_map[p3_mahjong_a] input_map[p3_mahjong_b] input_map[p3_mahjong_bet] input_map[p3_mahjong_c] input_map[p3_mahjong_chance] input_map[p3_mahjong_chi] input_map[p3_mahjong_d] input_map[p3_mahjong_double_up] input_map[p3_mahjong_e] input_map[p3_mahjong_f] input_map[p3_mahjong_flip_flop] input_map[p3_mahjong_g] input_map[p3_mahjong_h] input_map[p3_mahjong_i] input_map[p3_mahjong_j] input_map[p3_mahjong_k] input_map[p3_mahjong_kan] input_map[p3_mahjong_l] input_map[p3_mahjong_m] input_map[p3_mahjong_n] input_map[p3_mahjong_pon] input_map[p3_mahjong_reach] input_map[p3_mahjong_ron] input_map[p3_mahjong_score] input_map[p3_mouse_down] input_map[p3_mouse_left] input_map[p3_mouse_right] input_map[p3_mouse_up] input_map[p3_mousex] input_map[p3_mousey] input_map[p3_paddle_down] input_map[p3_paddle_left] input_map[p3_paddle_right] input_map[p3_paddle_up] input_map[p3_paddlex] input_map[p3_paddley] input_map[p3_pedalbrake] input_map[p3_pedalbrake_release] input_map[p3_pedalgas] input_map[p3_pedalgas_release] input_map[p3_pedalother] input_map[p3_pedalother_release] input_map[p3_right] input_map[p3_stick_down] input_map[p3_stick_left] input_map[p3_stick_right] input_map[p3_stick_up] input_map[p3_stickx] input_map[p3_sticky] input_map[p3_stickz] input_map[p3_trackball_down] input_map[p3_trackball_left] input_map[p3_trackball_right] input_map[p3_trackball_up] input_map[p3_trackballx] input_map[p3_trackbally] input_map[p3_up] input_map[p4_button10] input_map[p4_button1] input_map[p4_button2] input_map[p4_button3] input_map[p4_button4] input_map[p4_button5] input_map[p4_button6] input_map[p4_button7] input_map[p4_button8] input_map[p4_button9] input_map[p4_dial_down] input_map[p4_dial_left] input_map[p4_dial_right] input_map[p4_dial_up] input_map[p4_dialx] input_map[p4_dialy] input_map[p4_down] input_map[p4_left] input_map[p4_lightgun_down] input_map[p4_lightgun_left] input_map[p4_lightgun_right] input_map[p4_lightgun_up] input_map[p4_lightgunx] input_map[p4_lightguny] input_map[p4_mahjong_a] input_map[p4_mahjong_b] input_map[p4_mahjong_bet] input_map[p4_mahjong_c] input_map[p4_mahjong_chance] input_map[p4_mahjong_chi] input_map[p4_mahjong_d] input_map[p4_mahjong_double_up] input_map[p4_mahjong_e] input_map[p4_mahjong_f] input_map[p4_mahjong_flip_flop] input_map[p4_mahjong_g] input_map[p4_mahjong_h] input_map[p4_mahjong_i] input_map[p4_mahjong_j] input_map[p4_mahjong_k] input_map[p4_mahjong_kan] input_map[p4_mahjong_l] input_map[p4_mahjong_m] input_map[p4_mahjong_n] input_map[p4_mahjong_pon] input_map[p4_mahjong_reach] input_map[p4_mahjong_ron] input_map[p4_mahjong_score] input_map[p4_mouse_down] input_map[p4_mouse_left] input_map[p4_mouse_right] input_map[p4_mouse_up] input_map[p4_mousex] input_map[p4_mousey] input_map[p4_paddle_down] input_map[p4_paddle_left] input_map[p4_paddle_right] input_map[p4_paddle_up] input_map[p4_paddlex] input_map[p4_paddley] input_map[p4_pedalbrake] input_map[p4_pedalbrake_release] input_map[p4_pedalgas] input_map[p4_pedalgas_release] input_map[p4_pedalother] input_map[p4_pedalother_release] input_map[p4_right] input_map[p4_stick_down] input_map[p4_stick_left] input_map[p4_stick_right] input_map[p4_stick_up] input_map[p4_stickx] input_map[p4_sticky] input_map[p4_stickz] input_map[p4_trackball_down] input_map[p4_trackball_left] input_map[p4_trackball_right] input_map[p4_trackball_up] input_map[p4_trackballx] input_map[p4_trackbally] input_map[p4_up] input_map[safequit] input_map[service] input_map[service_coin1] input_map[service_coin2] input_map[service_coin3] input_map[service_coin4] input_map[service_coin5] input_map[service_coin6] input_map[service_coin7] input_map[service_coin8] input_map[start1] keyboard[0,t] input_map[start2] keyboard[0,9] input_map[start3] input_map[start4] input_map[tilt] input_map[ui_add_cheat] input_map[ui_cancel] keyboard[0,esc] or keyboard[0,e] keyboard[0,t] input_map[ui_cocktail] input_map[ui_configure] keyboard[0,tab] or keyboard[0,e] keyboard[0,x] input_map[ui_delete_cheat] input_map[ui_down] keyboard[0,down] input_map[ui_edit_cheat] input_map[ui_end] input_map[ui_frameskip_dec] input_map[ui_frameskip_inc] input_map[ui_help] input_map[ui_home] input_map[ui_left] keyboard[0,left] input_map[ui_load_state] keyboard[0,e] keyboard[0,l] input_map[ui_mode_next] input_map[ui_mode_pred] input_map[ui_on_screen_display] input_map[ui_pan_down] input_map[ui_pan_left] input_map[ui_pan_right] input_map[ui_pan_up] input_map[ui_pause] keyboard[0,e] keyboard[0,a] input_map[ui_record_start] input_map[ui_record_stop] input_map[ui_reset_machine] keyboard[0,e] keyboard[0,b] input_map[ui_right] keyboard[0,right] input_map[ui_save_cheat] input_map[ui_save_state] keyboard[0,e] keyboard[0,r] input_map[ui_select] keyboard[0,enter] or keyboard[0,a] input_map[ui_show_fps] input_map[ui_show_gfx] input_map[ui_show_profiler] input_map[ui_snapshot] keyboard[0,e] keyboard[0,y] input_map[ui_soft_reset] input_map[ui_startup] input_map[ui_throttle] input_map[ui_toggle_cheat] input_map[ui_toggle_crosshair] input_map[ui_toggle_debug] input_map[ui_toggle_ui] input_map[ui_turbo] input_map[ui_up] keyboard[0,up] input_map[ui_watch_value] input_map[volume_down] input_map[volume_up] input_steadykey no lcd_server none lcd_speed 4 lcd_timeout 500 misc_bios default misc_cheat no misc_cheatfile cheat.dat misc_difficulty none misc_eventdebug no misc_eventfile event.dat misc_freeplay no misc_hiscorefile hiscore.dat misc_lang none misc_languagefile english.lng misc_mutedemo no misc_quiet yes misc_safequit no misc_smp yes misc_timetorun 0 record_sound yes record_sound_time 15 record_video yes record_video_interleave 2 record_video_time 15 script_coin1 script_coin2 script_coin3 script_coin4 script_emulation script_event1 script_event10 script_event11 script_event12 script_event13 script_event14 script_event2 script_event3 script_event4 script_event5 script_event6 script_event7 script_event8 script_event9 script_knocker on(kdb, 0b100); wait(!event()); off(kdb, 0b100); script_led1 on(kdb, 0b1); wait(!event()); off(kdb, 0b1); script_led2 on(kdb, 0b10); wait(!event()); off(kdb, 0b10); script_led3 script_play script_safequit script_start1 script_start2 script_start3 script_start4 script_turbo while (event()) { toggle(kdb, 0b100); delay(100); } off(kdb, 0b100); script_video wait(!event()); set(kdb, 0); sound_adjust auto sound_equalizer_highvolume 0 sound_equalizer_lowvolume 0 sound_equalizer_midvolume 0 sound_latency 0.15 sound_mode auto sound_normalize no sound_samplerate 22050 sound_samples yes sound_volume -3 sync_fps auto sync_resample internal sync_speed 1 sync_startuptime auto sync_turbospeed 3 ui_color[help_other] 000000 808080 ui_color[help_p1] 000000 ffff00 ui_color[help_p2] 000000 00ff00 ui_color[help_p3] 000000 ff0000 ui_color[help_p4] 000000 00ffff ui_color[interface] 000000 ffffff ui_color[select] 000000 afffff ui_color[tag] 247ef0 ffffff ui_font auto ui_fontsize auto ui_helpimage auto ui_translucency 0.8 cloak/input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[0,r] stunrun/sync_resample emulation dotrone/input_setting[p1_dialx] keydelta:10,centerdelta:10,sensitivity:13,reverse:1 dotrone/input_setting[p1_trackbally] keydelta:10,centerdelta:10,sensitivity:25,reverse:0 dotrone/input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[0,r] dotrone/input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[0,l] dotrone/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,4] dotrone/input_map[p1_button4] keyboard[0,3] dotrone/input_map[p1_dial_left] dotrone/input_map[p1_dial_right] tron/input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[0,r] tron/input_map[p1_dial_left] tron/input_map[p1_dial_right] tron/input_setting[p1_dialx] keydelta:10,centerdelta:10,sensitivity:18,reverse:1 tron/input_map[p2_button1] keyboard[0,q] tron/input_map[p2_dial_left] tron/input_map[p2_dial_right] tron/input_setting[p2_dialx] keydelta:10,centerdelta:10,sensitivity:18,reverse:1 spyhunt/input_setting[p1_pedalgas] keydelta:10,centerdelta:10,sensitivity:25,reverse:0 spyhunt/input_setting[p1_paddlex] keydelta:38,centerdelta:100,sensitivity:15,reverse:0 starwars/input_setting[p1_stickx] keydelta:30,centerdelta:30,sensitivity:30,reverse:0 starwars/input_setting[p1_sticky] keydelta:30,centerdelta:30,sensitivity:30,reverse:0 roadblst/input_setting[p1_pedalgas] keydelta:64,centerdelta:64,sensitivity:50,reverse:0 roadblst/input_setting[p1_dialx] keydelta:10,centerdelta:100,sensitivity:10,reverse:1 roadblst/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,a] roadblst/input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[0,b] paperboy/input_setting[p1_stickx] keydelta:10,centerdelta:25,sensitivity:25,reverse:0 paperboy/input_setting[p1_sticky] keydelta:10,centerdelta:25,sensitivity:25,reverse:0 spyhunt/input_map[p1_button6] keyboard[0,l] spyhunt/input_map[p1_button4] keyboard[0,a] spyhunt/input_map[p1_button5] keyboard[0,y] spyhunt/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,r] spyhunt/input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[0,x] ddragonu/input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[0,y] ddragonu/input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[0,b] ddragonu/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,a] ddragn2u/input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[0,y] ddragn2u/input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[0,b] ddragn2u/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,a] stargate/input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[0,l] stargate/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,a] stargate/input_map[p1_button4] keyboard[0,r] defender/display_expand 1.01 defender/input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[0,r] defender/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,a] stargate/input_map[p1_button6] keyboard[0,y] stargate/input_map[p1_button5] keyboard[0,x] bzone/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,l] or keyboard[0,r] tempest/input_setting[p1_dialx] keydelta:20,centerdelta:20,sensitivity:25,reverse:1 eprom/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,r] rampage/input_map[p1_up] rampage/input_map[p1_right] rampage/input_map[p1_down] rampage/input_map[p1_left] rampage/input_map[p1_button1] rampage/input_map[p1_button2] rampage/input_map[p3_up] keyboard[0,up] rampage/input_map[p3_right] keyboard[0,right] rampage/input_map[p3_down] keyboard[0,down] rampage/input_map[p3_left] keyboard[0,left] rampage/input_map[p3_button1] keyboard[0,b] rampage/input_map[p3_button2] keyboard[0,a] input_map[p2_doubleright_up] keyboard[0,7] input_map[p2_doubleright_down] keyboard[0,8] input_map[p2_doubleright_left] keyboard[0,5] input_map[p2_doubleright_right] keyboard[0,6] input_map[p2_doubleleft_up] keyboard[0,i] input_map[p2_doubleleft_down] keyboard[0,j] input_map[p2_doubleleft_left] keyboard[0,g] input_map[p2_doubleleft_right] keyboard[0,h] poleposa/input_setting[p1_dialx] keydelta:4,centerdelta:4,sensitivity:5,reverse:0 poleps2a/input_setting[p1_dialx] keydelta:4,centerdelta:4,sensitivity:5,reverse:0 offroadt/input_setting[p1_dialx] keydelta:10,centerdelta:10,sensitivity:18,reverse:0 poleps2a/input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[0,r] hydra/input_setting[p1_stickx] keydelta:10,centerdelta:10,sensitivity:25,reverse:0 sbrkout/input_setting[p1_paddlex] keydelta:10,centerdelta:0,sensitivity:25,reverse:1 gwar/input_setting[p1_dialx] keydelta:1,centerdelta:10,sensitivity:13,reverse:0 gwar/input_map[p1_dial_left] keyboard[0,2] gwar/input_map[p1_dial_right] keyboard[0,1] gwar/input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[0,r] gwar/input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[0,l] gunsmoku/input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[0,y] gunsmoku/input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[0,b] gunsmoku/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,a] robocp2u/input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[0,y] robocp2u/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,b] avalnche/input_setting[p1_paddlex] keydelta:10,centerdelta:0,sensitivity:38,reverse:0 profpac/input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[0,y] profpac/input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[0,b] profpac/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,a] apb/input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[0,b] apb/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,r] apb/input_setting[p1_pedalgas] keydelta:4,centerdelta:4,sensitivity:25,reverse:0 esb/input_setting[p1_sticky] keydelta:30,centerdelta:30,sensitivity:50,reverse:0 tailg/input_setting[p1_stickx] keydelta:50,centerdelta:50,sensitivity:50,reverse:0 tailg/input_setting[p1_sticky] keydelta:50,centerdelta:50,sensitivity:50,reverse:0 marble/input_setting[p1_trackballx] keydelta:30,centerdelta:30,sensitivity:45,reverse:1 marble/input_setting[p1_trackbally] keydelta:30,centerdelta:30,sensitivity:45,reverse:0 roadrunn/input_setting[p1_sticky] keydelta:10,centerdelta:25,sensitivity:38,reverse:0 roadrunn/input_setting[p1_stickx] keydelta:10,centerdelta:25,sensitivity:38,reverse:1 mshu/input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[0,y] mshu/input_map[p1_button2] keyboard[0,x] mshu/input_map[p1_button3] keyboard[0,l] mshu/input_map[p1_button4] keyboard[0,b] mshu/input_map[p1_button5] keyboard[0,a] cppicf/sync_startuptime 160 cppicf2/sync_startuptime 160 inferno/input_map[p1_button1] keyboard[0,r]
xboxdrv command
sudo /opt/retropie/supplementary/xboxdrv/bin/xboxdrv \ --evdev /dev/input/by-path/platform-3f980000.usb-usb-0:1.2.1:1.0-event-joystick \ --detach-kernel-driver \ --force-feedback \ --dpad-as-button \ --trigger-as-button \ --deadzone-trigger 15% \ --deadzone 4000 \ --device-name "Logitech Rumblepad 2 (xboxdrv)" \ --silent \ --axis-sensitivity X1=-0.00,Y1=-0.00,X2=-0.00,Y2=-0.00 \ --axismap -Y1=Y1,-Y2=Y2 \ --buttonmap tl^toggle=tl \ --buttonmap tr^toggle=tr \ --evdev-absmap ABS_X=x1,ABS_Y=y1,ABS_Z=x2,ABS_RZ=y2,ABS_HAT0X=dpad_x,ABS_HAT0Y=dpad_y \ --evdev-keymap BTN_THUMB2=a,BTN_THUMB=b,BTN_TOP=x,BTN_TRIGGER=y,BTN_BASE3=back,BTN_BASE4=start,BTN_TOP2=lb,BTN_PINKIE=rb,BTN_BASE5=tl,BTN_BASE6=tr,BTN_BASE=lt,BTN_BASE2=rt \ --ui-axismap tl+x1=REL_X:15,tl+y1=REL_Y:15,X1=KEY_LEFT:KEY_RIGHT,Y1=KEY_UP:KEY_DOWN,X2=KEY_1:KEY_2,Y2=KEY_3:KEY_4 \ --ui-buttonmap tr+b=BTN_LEFT,tr+a=BTN_RIGHT,a=KEY_A,b=KEY_B,x=KEY_X,y=KEY_Y,lb=KEY_L,rb=KEY_R,lt=KEY_D,rt=KEY_F,tl=KEY_RESERVED,tr=KEY_RESERVED,du=KEY_UP,dd=KEY_DOWN,dl=KEY_LEFT,dr=KEY_RIGHT,start=KEY_T,back=KEY_E \ --ui-buttonmap guide=void \ &
It should be noted that my map uses a toggle so that the left thumbstick is key-mapped to behave like the DPad until it's depressed, at which time it gains mouse functionality.
@mediamogul I noticed there are some settings in your advancemame.rc that don't appear in mine at all. E.g. the dial directions (down, left, right, up) and doubleleft, doubleright. The pedal options have "release" versions that don't appear in my file either. Is it possible we're using different advancemame versions? I'm using AdvanceMAME 3.
I can't see any difference between us as far as the device section. And do you have no mouse (normally) in use, like me? If you run the
command does it say no mice were found? I'm curious if maybe that's the difference, that it's seeing a device on your system that isn't on mine.My xboxdrv command has no --device-name option but I assume that's not important. Otherwise it looks pretty similar, except that I haven't mapped the analog sticks to keys. (I could, but I'm hoping I can attain finer control via the mouse.)
@lummox-jr said in Using xboxdrv with mame4all/advmame:
Is it possible we're using different advancemame versions? I'm using AdvanceMAME 3.
I'm using the latest version of 3.x, which is currently 3.8.
do you have no mouse (normally) in use, like me? If you run the advm command does it say no mice were found?
I have a standard mouse attached as well and I don't get the error message.
My xboxdrv command has no --device-name option but I assume that's not important.
That shouldn't matter, no.
I haven't mapped the analog sticks to keys. (I could, but I'm hoping I can attain finer control via the mouse.)
This likely isn't the source of you problem either, but something to keep in mind is that you'll only get finer movement by mapping mouse movement to an analog stick on games that support it. In all other games, the stick will be ignored. That's why I have it on a toggle. For games that use 4/8-way directional input, the stick is key-mapped, but when toggled, mouse movement is enabled for games that support an analog range like trackball games and the like.
Your problem hasn't left my mind and I'm still thinking on it. Later this evening I'll read back over the thread to see if we've missed anything.
@mediamogul said in Using xboxdrv with mame4all/advmame:
do you have no mouse (normally) in use, like me? If you run the advm command does it say no mice were found?
I have a standard mouse attached as well and I don't get the error message.
I thought that might be the smoking gun, so I just tried attaching a mouse. That didn't make a difference in advmame itself, although
did see the mouse. When I tried it with the xboxdrv command in place, the mouse output from the driver doesn't show up inadvm
either.For completeness' sake, I also did a test with the keyboard unplugged to see if xboxdrv key output worked, which it did. That's good, since once the system is in my living room I don't intend to have a keyboard in use most of the time.
Annoyingly advmame (I believe I'm also using 3.8) is somewhat crashy with this Star Wars rom set, so I might try going back to mame4all to see if that behaves any better. Same problem remains though: neither one sees the xboxdrv mouse output, and now I know that's true even when a real mouse is attached.
@lummox-jr said in Using xboxdrv with mame4all/advmame:
Annoyingly advmame (I believe I'm also using 3.8) is somewhat crashy with this Star Wars rom
That could be a red flag right there. I play 'Star Wars' pretty frequently and I've never known it to crash. Afterwards, does it report any issues to
? -
@mediamogul Unfortunately the log gets erased with every new play, and at the moment I'm unable to reproduce any crashes/errors at all. Very weird.
I still can't figure out why the mouse output won't work though. Everything in my setup says it should.
@lummox-jr said in Using xboxdrv with mame4all/advmame:
I still can't figure out why the mouse output won't work though. Everything in my setup says it should.
I've looked back over everything and it's a mystery to me as well. My only guess is that something has been missed in transcribing the settings and logs here verses copying and pasting. One very important step we skipped with you is to gather your system info. In most cases, that can open up some possibilities. The required information is detailed at
@lummox-jr Can you confirm that the keyboard mapping does work properly in Star Wars with advancemame? It sounds like it does, from your more recent comments.
One thing about mapping the keyboard with
is that you can't really go wrong with it. Once you've tied the joystick direction or button to the right key, that's the end of it. It'll just work.However, I'm wondering whether the mouse mapping really operates in the same way. When in doubt, try the "shotgun" approach. The
allows up to 8 players (at least mine has 8), so perhaps replicate Player 1's input maps for each player eg in my case:input_map[p1_mousex] mouse[0,x] mouse[1,x] mouse[2,x] mouse[3,x] input_map[p1_mousey] mouse[0,y] mouse[1,y] mouse[2,y] mouse[3,y]
input_map[p2_mousex] mouse[0,x] mouse[1,x] mouse[2,x] mouse[3,x] input_map[p2_mousey] mouse[0,y] mouse[1,y] mouse[2,y] mouse[3,y]
And so forth for all 8 players and then test. It can't do any harm to try this anyway, given that nothing else has worked so far.
@mediamogul Here's my system info:
Raspberry Pi model 3 B+
Power supply: 5V 2.5A
RetroPie version: 4.4.2
Built from: image pre-installed on SD card, but updated from binaries via RetroPie-Setup script
USB devices connected: Keyboard, controllers (currently just 1), rarely mouse (not currently connected, but tested with this setup)
Controller used: Generic 2-analog-stick game controller with D-pad. For general use, I use basic SNES-style controllers that have no analog or triggers.
Error messages received: None.
Guide used:
File: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/
Emulator: mame4all, advmameI have been periodically updating RetroPie and other core packages via the setup script. This system is quite new; I'm not sure if it came with 4.4.2 or if that was an update. I had to install advmame as an optional package (also installed advmame 0.94 and 1.4. just to try it).
There is one thing I feel I should mention that occurs frequently with the controller I'm currently testing. Often (possibly always), the first time I boot up and try to run Star Wars, xboxdrv fails with a message about calling a pure virtual method, none of the keyboard output works, and then when I come back to emulationstation the joystick is no longer operating. If I exit ES, I check /dev/input or evtest and find the gamepad is no longer listed. If I unplug it and plug it back in, everything works normally again and does not recur the entire time the system is running. I don't believe this ever happened with the SNES-style retropad, only with the generic one I'm trying to configure that has the analog sticks.
The error message happens before the runcommand delay box appears, and also the message says it's happening within rc.local. The default xboxdrv line is in the /etc/rc.local file, and I hadn't touched it. (I am not calling that command again in runcommand-onend when restoring the devices to normal. It doesn't seem to be an issue.) Removing it does not seem to cause any problems and when I tried that again just now, I didn't get the error when I started Star Wars.
However I did get a crash in advmame when I forgot and pressed start instead of the fire button.
Double signals, 11 and 11 Signal SIGSEGV[MAPPER], fault at 0x73e15050, from code at (nil) Compiled Jul 1 2018, 19:04:38
I couldn't cause crashes to occur on subsequent runs in the same boot session.
@lummox-jr said in Using xboxdrv with mame4all/advmame:
Built from: image pre-installed on SD card, but updated from binaries via RetroPie-Setup script
This is another potential explanation for your issues. Pre-built systems by third parties very often have inexplicable problems that can't be accounted for. What's more, they're also impossible to troubleshoot, as there is no way of knowing what all has been altered. Because of this, we have a strict policy against offering support for these third party setups here.
At this point, the only suggestion I can make to move forward is to reinstall RetroPie using the official image. I would also recommend re-configuring your network to allow a direct connection to your Pi so that you can troubleshoot these types of issues more effectively. I had to rework my entire network configuration about two weeks ago, so I know it's a pain. However, as it stands, you're working at a huge disadvantage by not being able to fully relay the exact contents of these configuration files and error logs.
@mediamogul said in Using xboxdrv with mame4all/advmame:
At this point, the only suggestion I can make to move forward is to reinstall RetroPie using the official image. I would also recommend re-configuring your network to allow a direct connection to your Pi so that you can troubleshoot these types of issues more effectively. I had to rework my entire network configuration about two weeks ago, so I know it's a pain. However, as it stands, you're working at a huge disadvantage by not being able to fully relay the exact contents of these configuration files and error logs.
Yeah, redoing my network is something I'd like to do at some point anyway to simplify working with some things, but it's not something I'm prepared to do right away. Nor is re-flashing the SD card, although I recognize that would simplify a few things. (I'd have to save some of the info I've already setup, like my onstart/onend scripts, but that's okay.) I may have to go forward with the system as it is now and look into getting the rest of this working at a later date.
Was there any resolution to this? I just got a GRS Yoke and the DEADZONE is killing any usability of this.
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