Is there a simple way to make DragonRise controllers work with Daphne??
no need to reboot just type exit when your done
@grant2258 Loading up Dragon's Lair......So all of my joystick inputs work but they are all just inverted which is an improvement because before left and right wasnt working at all. Is there a setting I am supposed to change after all of these things i ran?
Thanks again.
Chris Grant
I use the dragon rise myself you probably have the joystick rotated wrong. Plug it in windows to joystick test to confirm then just rotate it properly and you be all good to go. It doesnt use libretro mappings so if its rotated wrong it will show up here
@grant2258 Ok Sounds Good. Will I just reconfigure it in emulation station again once rotated to reset the buttons for all other emulators?
@ChristianG yes once rotated do that if you have two joysticks make sure they are rotated the same way and all the buttons are plugged into the same places both sides.
@ChristianG Here is my setup
@grant2258 Very sweet setup. I like the wide body. I decided to build a pacman with 2 sticks which is tight but doable. You build the body yourself?
note this picture here if you need to rotate and if the mount is sitting wrong take these 4 screws out twist the joystick screw and put it on.
Yes i did build it myself just got some mdf and cut it out. Yes I did build this myself just got some mdf and cut it out no plans just drew it and cut it
@grant2258 Hey man I wanted to thank you for taking time to respond to my question. I have my joystick rotated, Daphne working and I couldn't be happier. I was stuck on threads for days I couldn't understand.
Thanks again. Just awesome!
no problems at all my good man every time i see this daphne issue come up i kinda just help the person the emulator clearly just needs these fixes. The good thng now as well if you plug your arcade contoller in your windows machine it will work properly as well.
First of all I would like to thanks for this topic that partially solved my problem.
Till this afternoon I couldn't use my joystick in two directions, than I've compiled like grant2258 has suggested and now i've all 4 directions.
The issue is that now directions aren't coordinate in all daphne games (and only with daphne emulator, 'cause are correct with all other emulators).
For example in Dragon's Lair if I move the joystick:- up, Dirk moves left;
- down, Dirk moves up;
- right, Dirk moves down;
- left, Dirk moves right.
I've controlled with jstest and I think that daphinput.ini file's is correctly configured.
I've a raspberry pi 3b+, dragonrise usb encoders with driver version 2.1.0, retropie v. 4.4, kernel v.4.9.80-v7+.
Which could be the solution?
To explain better I put the following link to: 1) my daphinput's file, 2) pictures of my joystick, 3) pictures of my cabinet and of jstest's results:!AgmGMB-AfnaBh5sP4hyUJ1HQ0PaMLw
Great problem is that I've difficulties to open my cabinet to rotate joystick, do you think is it possible to solve through software?
p.s. Finally I've solved the issue and I decide to pubblish my solution hoping to help someone with the same situazione. 'cause I can't rotate joystick I changed the position of the cables connected to the the pin of dragonrise's encoder.
The only handicap is the necessity to configurate another time the joysticks in emulationstation, but in five minutes it's done. -
@grant2258 Oh my God!. Just found this post after a long time trying to get my DragonRise arcade controller to recognise left & right. Ran the above and it worked immediately. Thanks you so much :-)
I am very new with Retropi. Where and how to I enter this code. I have been trying to play Dragons Lair and cliffhanger for months. If anyone can walk me through I would be very grateful. Thanks.
that work on retropie 4.5.15??? i try this on one image but get some errors wen try install.... need make this on empy?? out installation??
pls help me? im new on this and have this same problem =(
@grant2258 pls sir can u help me??? I have last bersion retropie and have daphne installed, wen tri use this comands two first work and download or install anything... But wen use built and install have some error say not find file or way. Sorry for my english... I need make this for use joy =(
My retropie are 5. 1.15
looks like updates would be needed to compile for the latest pi. Ill look into this when i have time.
@grant2258 i have pi3B and retropie version 5.1.15.
I love u if have time for this!! Hehe very thanks sir really. Thanks for u time and u work!
And i need have installed for use this or not need daphme installed?
@grant2258 i join this tread 10 times per hour now hahaha. Thanks for u time.
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