EASYGET LED arcade buttons and joystick are not being recognized by retro pie.
It just says "No Gamepad Detected". Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? Im using a Raspberry Pi 3b+ with just retropi installed on the SD card. Was thinking about just buying a controller and configuring it with that, but as I plan to use this for mostly arcade games I am going to want the buttons and joystick operational. Let me know if you have any ideas, thanks!
From the amazon's page:
Q: Is there something special i have to do? neither board is being detected by retropie or on my windows machine when i plug it in via usb.
A: Please change another 5Pin slot on the encoder board to install the USB Cable. You must have connected the USB cable to the wrong slot.
Please have a try. You can get contact with us via message if you still have any issue. -
@mitu said in EASYGET LED arcade buttons and joystick are not being recognized by retro pie.:
I did read this in the comments, but still it did not work unfortunately. Still "No Gamepads Detected"
@duck94 So, did you try contacting them, as they suggest ? Maybe your unit is defective or there's something else that needs configured. Does it work on Windows/PC ?
@mitu So what i find weird is that they did work on my old raspberry pi. It's just this new one. So i didn't know if there was something extra I need to download onto my SD card to get them connected. But from what I've heard from others, these normally do work with raspberry pi 3b+
Well, the usual troubleshooting steps are
- start with the RetroPie image from retropie.org.uk/download. It's a tested and mostly stock Raspbian image and the best baseline system to start experimenting.
- make sure you have an adequate power supply and you don't get any under-voltage warnings.
- test if the device is detected by the OS by running a few command line utilities
# see what USB devices are connected with lsusb # see what input devices are detected by the OS and what kind (gamepad/keyboard/mouse/etc.) cat /proc/bus/input/devices - test if the device inputs are registered in the system by running a few joystick/gamepad testing programs fromt the command line that capture the button/joypad/d-pad presses and show them on the terminal:
# 1st joystick jstest /dev/input/js0 # 2nd joystick jstest /dev/input/js1 # another testing utility evtest
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