Madcatz TES PS3 on retropie kinda working?
driver is for configuring a GPIO based gamepad, I don't think you need it installed - try to uninstall it and see if using just thecustomhidsony
is enough.
Please also add more info about your system, as detailed in -
i just did that but didnt work
Pi Model or other hardware: rpi 3
Power Supply used: rpi official one
RetroPie Version Used 4.5.3
Built From: Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website
USB Devices connected: madcatz tes ps3 controller and keyboard
Controller used: madcatz tes ps3
How to replicate the problem: madcatz tes ps3 not making any inputs but it is recognized as PC USB Wired Stick 8838, i manage to make it work 2 times installing the drivers customhidsony and mkarcadejoystick (even when configuring inputs on retropie it recognize it as a madcatz controller when it worked instead of PC USB Wired Stick 8838 ) but now it does not seem to work -
@alfredox123 said in Madcatz TES PS3 on retropie kinda working?:
but now it does seem to work
So.., does it work or not ? What's the point of this topic ?
now its working but i installed customhidsony and xarcade2jstick instead of mkarcadejosystick. gonna play for a while like this and give you an update if it still works after i shutdown de rpi
@mitu i just edited the post
@mitu the thing is that what i tested so far i need to uninstall and install those drivers to make it work sometimes after i shutdown the rpi, it seems pretty random thats why i say its kinda working
I see. As an advice, you don't need also the
package, that's for another device. If it works with justcustomhidsonly
, then you can leave it at that. -
@mitu thats the other thing, if i install customhidsony only it doesnt work, my other theory is maybe i need to wait like a few mins to make it work with customhidsony only? cuz i just installed customhidsony and xarcade2jstick and it didnt work in the beginning but i leave it on for a while and now its working so maybe is that? i dont know how that drivers works
I don't think it's the driver, it's the gamepad that might not work reliably. If you un-plug it then plug-it back, does it work ?
ok i uninstalled xarcade2joystick and it still worked, i unplug and replug it and is not working again, im waiting a few mins to see if it register inputs again
after i unplug it and plug it again i couldnt manage to make it work again, tried wating for 30 min, tried uninstalling and installing again customhidsony, rebooting, shuting down, nothing. weird stuff
ive found this its the exact same thing that my stick register as, gonna try it and tell if it works or not
i give up, theres no way to make this consistently work, best way is to replace the pcb or play on a ps3 which im doing right now
Besides of being a retrogaming-freak i am also a video-game collector in general.
One section of my collection are Arcadesticks.
So i tried various of my sticks with the Raspberry Pi:- Hanaho HotRod SE (using Adapter)
- MadCatz StreetFighter 4 Tournament Stick (PS3)
- SEGA Dreamcast ArcadeStick (using Adapter)
- SNK NeoGeo Stick 2+ (PS3)
- MortalKombat Tournament Stick (PS3)
The only one that really worked great from the start by just plugging it in was the MortalKombat-Stick.
Good luck that i like these boards very much (HAPP Parts) and have two of them ;)
Alle the others did not run at all all or with issues (like yours with the MadCatz-Stick) -
@sirhenrythe5th yeah it sucks but atleast ive got a borrowed ps3 and took advantage of ps3 end of year sale and got my friend usf4 for 3 bucks and borderlands 2 for 4 bucks meanwhile pcb arrives for the arcadestick :D
hey guys,
jumping in here as well. just bought a Madcatz FightStick Tournament edition PS3 which is running fine on my mac. It's recognized as gamepad in ES but does not give the option to be configured, pressing any button does not do anything.
Is it still required to install mentioned additional libs or are they included in the default image?
btw. I am using rp4, 4 GB RetroPi Version 4.7.1.
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