PSX With Audio But No Video
@dankcushions This is the retroarch-core-options
atari800_artifacting = "disabled" atari800_cassboot = "disabled" atari800_internalbasic = "disabled" atari800_keyboard = "poll" atari800_ntscpal = "NTSC" atari800_opt1 = "disabled" atari800_opt2 = "disabled" atari800_resolution = "336x240" atari800_sioaccel = "disabled" atari800_system = "400/800 (OS B)" beetle_saturn_analog_stick_deadzone = "15%" beetle_saturn_autortc = "enabled" beetle_saturn_autortc_lang = "english" beetle_saturn_cart = "Auto Detect" beetle_saturn_cdimagecache = "disabled" beetle_saturn_horizontal_blend = "disabled" beetle_saturn_horizontal_overscan = "0" beetle_saturn_initial_scanline = "0" beetle_saturn_initial_scanline_pal = "0" beetle_saturn_last_scanline = "239" beetle_saturn_last_scanline_pal = "271" beetle_saturn_midsync = "disabled" beetle_saturn_mouse_sensitivity = "100%" beetle_saturn_multitap_port1 = "disabled" beetle_saturn_multitap_port2 = "disabled" beetle_saturn_region = "Auto Detect" beetle_saturn_trigger_deadzone = "15%" beetle_saturn_virtuagun_crosshair = "Cross" beetle_saturn_virtuagun_input = "Lightgun" cap32_autorun = "enabled" cap32_combokey = "y" cap32_Model = "6128" cap32_Ram = "128" fbneo-allow-depth-32 = "enabled" fbneo-analog-speed = "100%" fbneo-cpu-speed-adjust = "100%" fbneo-cyclone = "disabled" fbneo-diagnostic-input = "Hold Start" fbneo-dipswitch-dkong-Bonus_Life = "7000" fbneo-dipswitch-dkong-Cabinet = "Upright" fbneo-dipswitch-dkong-Coinage = "1 Coin 1 Credits" fbneo-dipswitch-dkong-Lives = "3" fbneo-dipswitch-frogger-Cabinet = "Upright" fbneo-dipswitch-frogger-Coinage = "A 1C/1P B 1C/1P C 1C/1P" fbneo-dipswitch-frogger-Lives = "3" fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Bonus_Life = "20k 70k 70k" fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Cabinet = "Upright" fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Coinage = "1 Coin 1 Play" fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Demo_Sounds = "On" fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Difficulty = "Easy" fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Freeze = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Lives = "3" fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Rack_Test = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-galaga-Service_Mode = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Autofire = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-BIOS = "MVS Asia/Europe ver. 6 (1 slot)" fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Coin_chutes = "1" fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Coin_chutes_2 = "2" fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Commmunicaton = "Disabled" fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Free_play = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Memory_card = "Writable" fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-New_card_type = "Normal" fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Setting_mode = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-kof98-Stop_mode = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Bonus_Life = "20k & 70k Only" fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Cabinet = "Upright" fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Coin_A = "1 Coin 1 Credits" fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Coin_B = "1 Coin 1 Credits" fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Demo_Sounds = "On" fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Difficulty = "Rank A" fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Freeze = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Lives = "3" fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Rack_Test_(Cheat) = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-mappy-Service = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-neocdz-Region = "Europe" fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Bonus_Life = "10000" fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Cabinet = "Upright" fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Coinage = "1C 1C" fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Difficulty = "Normal" fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Ghost_Names = "Normal" fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Lives = "3" fbneo-dipswitch-pacman-Rack_Test_(Cheat) = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-punisher-Freeze = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-tgm2-Debug = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-tgm2-Service_Mode = "Off" fbneo-dipswitch-tgm2-Speed_Hacks = "No" fbneo-fm-interpolation = "4-point 3rd order" fbneo-frameskip = "0" fbneo-hiscores = "enabled" fbneo-load-subsystem-from-parent = "enabled" fbneo-neogeo-mode = "DIPSWITCH" fbneo-sample-interpolation = "4-point 3rd order" fbneo-samplerate = "48000" fbneo-vertical-mode = "disabled" fceumm_apu_1 = "enabled" fceumm_apu_2 = "enabled" fceumm_apu_3 = "enabled" fceumm_apu_4 = "enabled" fceumm_apu_5 = "enabled" fceumm_aspect = "8:7 PAR" fceumm_nospritelimit = "disabled" fceumm_ntsc_filter = "disabled" fceumm_ntsc_scanlines = "disabled" fceumm_overclocking = "disabled" fceumm_overscan_h = "disabled" fceumm_overscan_v = "enabled" fceumm_palette = "default" fceumm_ramstate = "fill $ff" fceumm_region = "Auto" fceumm_show_adv_sound_options = "disabled" fceumm_show_adv_system_options = "disabled" fceumm_show_crosshair = "enabled" fceumm_sndquality = "Low" fceumm_sndvolume = "7" fceumm_swapduty = "disabled" fceumm_turbo_delay = "3" fceumm_turbo_enable = "None" fceumm_up_down_allowed = "disabled" fceumm_zapper_mode = "lightgun" fuse_machine = "Spectrum 128K" gambatte_gb_colorization = "custom" genesis_plus_gx_addr_error = "enabled" genesis_plus_gx_aspect_ratio = "auto" genesis_plus_gx_audio_filter = "disabled" genesis_plus_gx_bios = "disabled" genesis_plus_gx_blargg_ntsc_filter = "disabled" genesis_plus_gx_bram = "per bios" genesis_plus_gx_fm_preamp = "100" genesis_plus_gx_force_dtack = "enabled" genesis_plus_gx_gg_extra = "disabled" genesis_plus_gx_gun_cursor = "disabled" genesis_plus_gx_gun_input = "lightgun" genesis_plus_gx_invert_mouse = "disabled" genesis_plus_gx_lcd_filter = "disabled" genesis_plus_gx_lock_on = "disabled" genesis_plus_gx_lowpass_range = "60" genesis_plus_gx_no_sprite_limit = "disabled" genesis_plus_gx_overclock = "100%" genesis_plus_gx_overscan = "disabled" genesis_plus_gx_psg_preamp = "150" genesis_plus_gx_region_detect = "auto" genesis_plus_gx_render = "single field" genesis_plus_gx_sound_output = "stereo" genesis_plus_gx_system_hw = "auto" genesis_plus_gx_ym2413 = "auto" genesis_plus_gx_ym2612 = "mame (ym2612)" mame2000-show_gameinfo = "disabled" mame2000-skip_disclaimer = "enabled" mame2003-plus_dcs-speedhack = "enabled" mame2003-plus_samples = "enabled" mame2003-plus_skip_disclaimer = "enabled" mame2003_dcs-speedhack = "enabled" mame2003_samples = "enabled" mame2003_skip_disclaimer = "enabled" mgba_allow_opposing_directions = "no" mgba_color_correction = "OFF" mgba_frameskip = "0" mgba_gb_model = "Autodetect" mgba_idle_optimization = "Remove Known" mgba_interframe_blending = "OFF" mgba_sgb_borders = "ON" mgba_skip_bios = "OFF" mgba_solar_sensor_level = "0" mgba_use_bios = "ON" mupen64plus-169screensize = "640x360" mupen64plus-43screensize = "320x240" mupen64plus-aspect = "4:3" mupen64plus-astick-deadzone = "15" mupen64plus-astick-sensitivity = "100" mupen64plus-BilinearMode = "standard" mupen64plus-CorrectTexrectCoords = "Off" mupen64plus-CountPerOp = "0" mupen64plus-cpucore = "dynamic_recompiler" mupen64plus-CropMode = "Auto" mupen64plus-d-cbutton = "C3" mupen64plus-EnableCopyColorToRDRAM = "Off" mupen64plus-EnableCopyDepthToRDRAM = "Software" mupen64plus-EnableFBEmulation = "True" mupen64plus-EnableFragmentDepthWrite = "False" mupen64plus-EnableHWLighting = "False" mupen64plus-EnableLegacyBlending = "True" mupen64plus-EnableNativeResTexrects = "False" mupen64plus-EnableShadersStorage = "True" mupen64plus-l-cbutton = "C2" mupen64plus-MultiSampling = "0" mupen64plus-next-169screensize = "960x540" mupen64plus-next-43screensize = "640x480" mupen64plus-next-alt-map = "False" mupen64plus-next-aspect = "4:3" mupen64plus-next-astick-deadzone = "15" mupen64plus-next-astick-sensitivity = "100" mupen64plus-next-BackgroundMode = "OnePiece" mupen64plus-next-BilinearMode = "standard" mupen64plus-next-CorrectTexrectCoords = "Off" mupen64plus-next-CountPerOp = "0" mupen64plus-next-cpucore = "dynamic_recompiler" mupen64plus-next-d-cbutton = "C3" mupen64plus-next-EnableCopyColorToRDRAM = "Off" mupen64plus-next-EnableCopyDepthToRDRAM = "Software" mupen64plus-next-EnableEnhancedHighResStorage = "False" mupen64plus-next-EnableEnhancedTextureStorage = "False" mupen64plus-next-EnableFBEmulation = "True" mupen64plus-next-EnableFragmentDepthWrite = "False" mupen64plus-next-EnableHWLighting = "False" mupen64plus-next-EnableLegacyBlending = "True" mupen64plus-next-EnableLODEmulation = "True" mupen64plus-next-EnableNativeResTexrects = "Disabled" mupen64plus-next-EnableOverscan = "Enabled" mupen64plus-next-EnableTextureCache = "True" mupen64plus-next-ForceDisableExtraMem = "False" mupen64plus-next-FrameDuping = "False" mupen64plus-next-Framerate = "Original" mupen64plus-next-FXAA = "0" mupen64plus-next-l-cbutton = "C2" mupen64plus-next-MaxTxCacheSize = "8000" mupen64plus-next-MultiSampling = "0" mupen64plus-next-NoiseEmulation = "True" mupen64plus-next-OverscanBottom = "0" mupen64plus-next-OverscanLeft = "0" mupen64plus-next-OverscanRight = "0" mupen64plus-next-OverscanTop = "0" mupen64plus-next-pak1 = "memory" mupen64plus-next-pak2 = "none" mupen64plus-next-pak3 = "none" mupen64plus-next-pak4 = "none" mupen64plus-next-r-cbutton = "C1" mupen64plus-next-rdp-plugin = "gliden64" mupen64plus-next-rsp-plugin = "hle" mupen64plus-next-txCacheCompression = "True" mupen64plus-next-txEnhancementMode = "None" mupen64plus-next-txFilterIgnoreBG = "True" mupen64plus-next-txFilterMode = "None" mupen64plus-next-txHiresEnable = "False" mupen64plus-next-txHiresFullAlphaChannel = "False" mupen64plus-next-u-cbutton = "C4" mupen64plus-next-virefresh = "Auto" mupen64plus-pak1 = "memory" mupen64plus-pak2 = "none" mupen64plus-pak3 = "none" mupen64plus-pak4 = "none" mupen64plus-r-cbutton = "C1" mupen64plus-rspmode = "HLE" mupen64plus-txEnhancementMode = "None" mupen64plus-txFilterIgnoreBG = "True" mupen64plus-txFilterMode = "None" mupen64plus-txHiresEnable = "False" mupen64plus-txHiresFullAlphaChannel = "False" mupen64plus-u-cbutton = "C4" pcsx_rearmed_analog_axis_modifier = "circle" pcsx_rearmed_async_cd = "sync" pcsx_rearmed_bios = "auto" pcsx_rearmed_display_internal_fps = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_dithering = "enabled" pcsx_rearmed_drc = "enabled" pcsx_rearmed_duping_enable = "enabled" pcsx_rearmed_frameskip = "0" pcsx_rearmed_gteregsunneeded = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_gunconadjustratiox = "1" pcsx_rearmed_gunconadjustratioy = "1" pcsx_rearmed_gunconadjustx = "0" pcsx_rearmed_gunconadjusty = "0" pcsx_rearmed_idiablofix = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_input_sensitivity = "1.00" pcsx_rearmed_inuyasha_fix = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_memcard2 = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_multitap1 = "auto" pcsx_rearmed_multitap2 = "auto" pcsx_rearmed_negcon_deadzone = "0" pcsx_rearmed_negcon_response = "linear" pcsx_rearmed_neon_enhancement_enable = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_neon_enhancement_no_main = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_neon_interlace_enable = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_nocdaudio = "enabled" pcsx_rearmed_nogteflags = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_nosmccheck = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_noxadecoding = "enabled" pcsx_rearmed_pad1type = "standard" pcsx_rearmed_pad2type = "standard" pcsx_rearmed_pad3type = "none" pcsx_rearmed_pad4type = "none" pcsx_rearmed_pad5type = "none" pcsx_rearmed_pad6type = "none" pcsx_rearmed_pad7type = "none" pcsx_rearmed_pad8type = "none" pcsx_rearmed_pe2_fix = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_psxclock = "57" pcsx_rearmed_region = "auto" pcsx_rearmed_show_bios_bootlogo = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_show_other_input_settings = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_spu_interpolation = "simple" pcsx_rearmed_spu_reverb = "enabled" pcsx_rearmed_spuirq = "disabled" pcsx_rearmed_vibration = "enabled" snes9x_aspect = "4:3" snes9x_audio_interpolation = "gaussian" snes9x_blargg = "disabled" snes9x_block_invalid_vram_access = "enabled" snes9x_echo_buffer_hack = "disabled" snes9x_gfx_clip = "enabled" snes9x_gfx_hires = "enabled" snes9x_gfx_transp = "enabled" snes9x_hires_blend = "disabled" snes9x_justifier1_color = "Blue" snes9x_justifier1_crosshair = "4" snes9x_justifier2_color = "Pink" snes9x_justifier2_crosshair = "4" snes9x_layer_1 = "enabled" snes9x_layer_2 = "enabled" snes9x_layer_3 = "enabled" snes9x_layer_4 = "enabled" snes9x_layer_5 = "enabled" snes9x_lightgun_mode = "Lightgun" snes9x_overclock_cycles = "disabled" snes9x_overclock_superfx = "100%" snes9x_overscan = "enabled" snes9x_randomize_memory = "disabled" snes9x_reduce_sprite_flicker = "disabled" snes9x_region = "auto" snes9x_rifle_color = "White" snes9x_rifle_crosshair = "2" snes9x_show_advanced_av_settings = "disabled" snes9x_show_lightgun_settings = "disabled" snes9x_sndchan_1 = "enabled" snes9x_sndchan_2 = "enabled" snes9x_sndchan_3 = "enabled" snes9x_sndchan_4 = "enabled" snes9x_sndchan_5 = "enabled" snes9x_sndchan_6 = "enabled" snes9x_sndchan_7 = "enabled" snes9x_sndchan_8 = "enabled" snes9x_superscope_color = "White" snes9x_superscope_crosshair = "2" snes9x_superscope_reverse_buttons = "disabled" snes9x_up_down_allowed = "disabled"
@obsolete Please use (or similar sites) for large walls of text.
This is the retroarch-core-options -
This is the retroarch.cfg from config/all -
@obsolete said in PSX With Audio But No Video:
video_smooth = "true"
this is non-default. i guess you turned it on? see
other than that, at first glance your /config/all/retroarch.cfg looks right to me. i can't see why it would be overwriting your config/psx/retroach.cfg to a big file. i would delete the /psx/retroarch.cfg file, DO NOT LOAD A PSX GAME, reinstall the pcsx_rearmed emulator, NOW load a psx game but you must have verbose logging on, and then show us the log. that should show if it's attempting to save the cfg (I think).
@obsolete said in PSX With Audio But No Video:
@dankcushions The reason I’m at 640x480 is because that was just the default that it gave me. I attempted to go into raspi-config and change the resolution and everything but that seemed to mess everything up and cause this problem. If you can detail step by step and tell me how to change I’d be so grateful! That’s what I wanted to do all along
when you run a game, have a look at he runcommand launch menu:
I would have though't you'll see an option here saying 'Remove video mode for lr-pcsx_rearmed'. select that.
@dankcushions said in PSX With Audio But No Video:
i can't see why it would be overwriting your config/psx/retroach.cfg to a big file.
Looking at the previous log, save on exit seems to be on:
[INFO] [config] Saved new config to "/opt/retropie/configs/psx/retroarch.cfg".
[INFO] [Cheats]: Save game-specific cheatfile: /home/pi/.config/retroarch/cheats/PCSX-ReARMed/Saban's Power Rangers Zeo - Full Tilt Battle Pinball (USA).chtLooking at the main
, I see:config_save_on_exit = "false"
@obsolete did you manually set back 'Save Configuration on Exit' in RetroArch's settings ?
@dankcushions About changing the resolution/size, I did it from that menu and it didn’t change a thing. That’s why I went into raspi-config that time.
@mitu No I did not change that back to off on settings. I configured the PSX controls at one time and had it set to save on exit on.
i can't see why it would be overwriting your config/psx/retroach.cfg to a big file
I found out that my retroarch.cfg.bkp is over 3,000 lines just like the retroarch.cfg. BUT, retroarch.cfg.rp-dist is only 3 lines.
@mitu @dankcushions Currently the game I tried is working. I deleted that retroarch.cfg, HOWEVER please keep posted to this because I am not very hopeful for it staying this way. Also I was never able to change my screen resolution if you can help me with that.
I just changed the configuration from PSX to save on exit on and I am going to load a controller remap file. Just letting everyone know what I'm doing in case I have to come back on here. -
@obsolete i really don't think you should change your CFG to save on exit on - retropie isn't really designed to function this way, and you don't need it on if you follow the configuration guidelines in our documents.
secondly, why are you trying to change the resolution? what are you trying to achieve, specifically?
@dankcushions I was just trying to take up more of my TV screen is all. Currently it’s just a square in the middle which I’m fine with in some games but with things like the PS1 I’d prefer them bigger.
@obsolete can you take a photo of the issue? presuming you're using a widescreen display, it's normal for there to be a back borders on the left and right because PSX games were not widescreen. you can stretch them to fit (although it will make the games distorted) via changing the aspect ratio - see - you'd want to change the aspect ratio to 16:9 (widescreen) for lr-pcsx_rearmed.
if you're talking about additional small borders on the top and bottom, then that's
in any case, it's not a resolution issue and nothing you'd need to enable 'save on exit' for. if it doesn't sound like the above please post a photo of the issue.
@dankcushions It’s more so the overscan I think that’s making it seem off. I went into raspi-config and turned overscan off already and it didn’t do anything.
@obsolete can you please post your /boot/config.txt so we can verify?
i believe you're running an incorrect resolution globally.
[INFO] [Video]: Video @ 640x480
i presume you're running this on a modern TV?
@dankcushions Here it is.
This is a modern TV. Some of this had to be edited to get my raspberry pi just to dispaly video at all during setup. Thats why some of this is missing #'s. -
@obsolete maybe should have mentioned that :)
ok so that is surely your issue. you're using
, which forceshdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=4
which means 640x480. it may be that your TV puts borders on such a low resolution, and there's nothing you can do about that after the fact.
i would change
and manually edit hdmi_group and mode to something sensible for your TV. probably:hdmi_group=1 hdmi_mode=16
hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=82
does nothing on a pi4.
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