Best Rom Hacks?
@pjft well, its a port and I don't know if this is considered homebrew or romhack, that does not matter (for now, I have you in my sight now, ... don't make any sudden moves!).
I had this game on my Sega CD and its the first and only FMV based game I ever owned and played. It looks quite impressive what they achieved with the conversion here. It shows how the SNES addon could have looked like. Besides the video quality, is there any other difference between the Sega CD version? It is the one on my Pi too, alongside with some other FMV games I want to try soon.@quicksilver I also beat it by accident this year. When I just wanted try to capture a screenshot in the first stage, I ended up in the credits and I don't know what happened there. I wish some of the romhacks with new level design would work with this colorized version.
@thelostsoul so, I'm very... slowly... going to try to describe it, without any sudden moves.
Video quality is the main one compared to the sega cd one, but I seem to also find it more responsive - unsure if it's the hint positioning on the screen or just placebo.
I'd vouch for the SNES version unless you do have some strong attachment to the Sega CD version, I suppose :)
I'll slowly back off from the thread now before you shoot me.
@pjft Thanks for this! Just got it working and its great fun!
@GtBFilms glad to hear:)
There are also Amiga versions of Road Blaster and Time Gal but I have no idea of how to actually get them to work on Amiberry - and I tried.
I can't for the life of me figure out how to get those going, as I never had an Amiga, but I may start a separate thread for them. :)
It's been a while since the last post was done on this thread, but the topic never gets old. I have created a new extensive list of 50 SNES Romhacks, plus more stuff and thought can share it on this place. - SNES Mods and Romhacks Collection
Amazing Hack for n64 that i just found by mistake haha
been along since someone posted here so hope its cool ;) -
@shavecat The mod looks really cool, good to see Falco there. But to be honest, I do not remember if Falco was in the original game or not^^. It's been a while. Here is the Young download Link for the mod:
- (current version)
- All downloads
I very nice rom hack for the Final Fantasy VI(SNES) : Return of the Dark Sorcerer: A FFVI mod.
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo - New Legacy is great if you want to play VS. Has a ton of rebalancing changes, Akuma is selectable from the start, VS mode has a stage select function, and it makes the special move input windows more forgiving. I can confirm it works with the latest lr-fbneo update.
@shavecat For anyone else who found this through this post, they're on version 0.9.7 and it's aweeeeesome.
@dodonpachi This looks pretty awesome! Gonna give it a shot.
Just came across this rom hack that makes Mario 64 split screen! I'm definitely trying this one out this weekend.
A mod about Gran Turismo 2 (psx) (bug fixes, restored content and new content).
@windg somehow I read it as "grand theft auto 2". When I clicked on the link and looked at the pictures I was very confused for a moment lol
@quicksilver Maybe it's the GT 2 mod for GTA 2. ;)
I just messed with that one today and itβs incredible!
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