Arcade overlays 4:3, 1600x1200
Added Volfied bezel, reaching 73 supported games.
wow....i love it !!!!
great job, works fine ! -
@svera Just saw that you added kingofb, gaplus, darius, truxton, and a new design for 19xx over the last couple of months. Thanks!
can anyone add overlays here?
@buzztea Can't speak for svera, but as i see it we all droped in by ourselfs and as long as you provide the necessary files within a pull request (1600x1200, 1024x768 image together with the config files) I don't see a problem why you can't join/contribute - in fact, feel welcome if you can provide some new bezels ;)
@svera There was some discussion about parent/clone naming sheme already and some other, minor topics about the git repo, and i am not even sure how such a thing could/should be formulated/f*-manualed2bR, but in the long run there may be the need for a +-~ how2contribute&|styleguide for the repo .?.
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
@svera I just noticed your changes to the 1941 CA bezels in January. I have to say that I prefer the old ones, because they are much nicer looking and much more informative. The new ones, although being the originals, are far more bland and tell nothing about the game and its controls.
I know this is a matter of personal preference, so this is only meant as constructive feedback, and one idea: How about an "alt" version to have both bezel sets available?
Thanks for your ongoing good work.
@clyde sure, honestly I thought about that before, and in the end is just a matter of taste, so having both alternatives is the best option
@Clyde restored back the alternative versions of both 1941 and Varth bezels.
@svera Thanks! 😀
@svera I have some bezels how can I share them
@Robert-79 great! Open a pull request against
@svera Alright!
@svera send you a message to your email
F Floob referenced this topic on
one for lupin3
Edit: Juts noticed the "whitish" pixel(s) on the lower left border and updated/removed 'em in my branch, as my pull request wasn't
"commited"/(sorry, edit:)accepted so far, I am not sure whether I have to open a new one or not ... (but as the files where just overwritten in my repo, my guess is "not") ... -
I just noticed, that my "in-forum-attached"-images are only shown as links now (or is it just my browser at the moment?) and not anymore as images, whereas external linked images are still shown as images.
Ok, it is offtopic, but anyone aware of recent forum changes or is in possession of an explanation for that observation?
P.S.: In the trying to get an deeper insight in this, I am going to edit one/some older posts of mine in here. So please, if you get some edit Notifications... this post is the explanation for 'em.
Edit: Ok, just noticed in one post of mine, there still is an image i've uploaded directly to the forum. So maybe there was a size limit introduced to show just a link vs. in previous times showing a shrinked image ??? Image-Linking the Url I got from the link that was shown for my prevoius images seem to work (lupin3 above) !?. I don't get it :/
A Ashpool referenced this topic on
After nearly two years, I finally became motivated enough for another one. 😁
Mad Gear / L.E.D. Storm (pull request)(edit: see below)Another game from a time when 2011 was far into the future. 😉 (See the left text box.)
edit: I just learned that the bezel must be from an earlier variant of the game, LED Storm Rally 2011 (, because the newer Mad Gear / LED Storm doesn't have the transform and popping features anymore that are described in the right text box of the bezel. See here for all of the many differences of both variants. I'll change the cfg files to leds2011, and maybe also make another bezel for madgear/ledstorm without the right side instructions, soon.
leds2011: A new pull request, this time for the right version of the game. 😅
madgear & ledstorm: After some fruitless research for artwork that I could replace the right text box with, or any original bezel pictures for these two successors of leds2011, I went for a completely different approach: I split a promo picture that I found on, giving Mad Gear and its US clone LED Storm a completely different, unique look.
I didn't make a pull request for it yet, to put this up here for discussion. What do you all think of it?
@Clyde said in Arcade overlays 4:3, 1600x1200:
After some fruitless research for artwork that I could replace the right text box with, or any original bezel pictures for these two successors of leds2011
madgear over at Mr.Do's, or from arcade artwork?
Edit: The linked Mr.Do's jpg is 800x800, but the led-storm.jpg within the corresponding is 4000x4000 (same as the bezel at arcade artwork).
@Ashpool Thanks, but these are for LED Storm Rally 2011 (leds2011), like I described in the edit of my post above. As I mentioned yesterday in Jitsi, many artwork sites list this bezel wrongly for Mad Gear (madgear) or its clone LED Storm (ledstorm).
Of course, it might just be that this bezel actually was used for them, despite the wrong instructions for them on it, but I couldn't find any information about that either, so I rather won't just assume it. And even if so, I don't want to make a 4:3 bezel with incorrect text on it. 🧐
Soo … what are your thoughts about my alternative bezel? Or any other ideas what I could do with the right text panel in the original?
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