Parasite Eve II Freezing At Main Menu
@Darksavior Oh yeah I couldn't figure out how to I forgot to mention lol. I got sidetracked with life stuff.
I'll check in a second and see if I can update it to let you know.
@MWGemini I did find the PE2 fix but forgot to mention it I think. In the other thread I read about it somewhere the PE2 fix is something that 'used' to work but the new versions of retropie apparently don't need it anymore.
I'll also run an grab that BIOS just to be sure. I wanna try anything I can. I made the Pi as a gift for my parents, and they're almost done with the first Parasite Eve. I gotta have PE 2 ready for them. :P
Thanks again for all your patience everyone, I know I'm asking super nooby questions and frustrating.
EDIT: Just a quick edit to let you know updating didn't change anything since it was alredy up to date. I'm going to try the 7502 bios however, but I have to transfer another copy of PE2 to the pi since I removed it to try some other stuff lol.
Confirmed the freezing with no bios added, with 7001, 1001, 7502, and 101. Plus all bios being put in the bios folder at once. Tried the PE2 hack option (while all bios were added). Looked for other options that might be relevant (found none).
Using up to date emulator, rom filename Parasite Eve 2 [Disc1of2] [U] [SLUS-01042] from reputable source. I can not get it working past the opening cutscene before the main menu.I did just get an idea though. What would happen if we loaded a savestate that is past the point it is freezing? Would have to find a savestate to download to test though.
@Ronoh55 I had a similar idea actually. It would need to be an ingame state though since I believe it's the actual main menu that freezes.
I also tried doing weird stuff like changing the resolution and framerate stuff, video drivers. all kinds of stuff with no luck. I'm gonna google how to savestates work and see if I can take one off a pc emulator and use it somehow.
If you can get it working on the same libretro emulator on pc you should be able to just copy the save file over.
@NecroCorey Are you sure it's not the game copy protection that is the problem?
Search google for "Parasite Eve 2 PPF patch"
I tried the game again, and it freezes if I attempt to leave the shooting range. It seems to be a pcsx libretro problem from browsing their forums. No fix. The ppf patch is not for the US version
@Darksavior Just got on to say I tried out the savestate thing and loaded into the shooting range then crashed trying to leave. I guess it's just not gonna happen which is unfortunate.
@NecroCorey Have you tried to see if the problem persist if you switch to lr-beetle-psx instead?
@Rion lr-beetle-psx is not available on arm/pi's
@Darksavior It's not installed by default. You have to add it yourself from the RetroPie-Setup.
From the Wiki
@Rion I didn't see it. Also, read a bit lower from the wiki to find
"Where is lr-beetle-psx?The Beetle/Mednafen PSX core is not available for systems with ARM CPUs (like the Raspberry Pi) because it does not perform well enough. This emulator is supplied for people who are running RetroPie on more powerful x86 systems."
@Darksavior Bummer.. Really wanted to help you guys out.
@Rion I appreciate the effort. I'm going to keep poking at it and see if I can't make something work.....somehow.
Having the same problems
pi board 3
odroid x4retropie 4.1
recallbox 5.1I've experienced both the freezing to the black screen and the freezing when trying to leave the gun range. I'll be playing around with it and letting you guy knows if I find out any solutions.
Anybody figure this out yet? I'm jonesing for some PE2
@rabbitsnake It's an emulation problem. You'll have to ask the devs in charge of the emulator in their github page.
Heeeeey ppl! Ive found the solution to running this
on retro pi 4.46, under a pi 4 i thought id share. I had the same issue when i was walking to the other side of the shooting range it crashed. Here are the settings that made it work:
Frameskip 0
Use bios hle
Frame dumping on
Pa2 fix on
All 3 speed hacks are onSo hopefully if anyone stumbles on this thread will be happy when it works for them too. Usually with emulation you just need to keep trying different variations until it start working.
Cheers -
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