MAME ROW #23 - Goindol (World)
doesn't look like dr mario is part of the hiscore.dat either (not tested, but looking at the file), so you'd have to screenshot your scores at the end of each session.
i think it can be included if it works. sounds like those start bugs might be fixable...
i really don't like how the playchoice games are laid out in mame, and i've no nostalgia with dr mario so it just seemed a bit frustrating and unfair :/
goindol is a sort of frustrating breakout/arkanoid type thing. i don't know what it is about this one but i died after a couple of bounces EVERY time. the attract mode proudly boasts of 100 stages... they might as well shipped it with 1 :)
golden fire ii reminds me of some boardgame that i can't remember. i think i might go for this if i can work out how to play! not sure if it has a score table though.. only had a brief look.
@dankcushions Do you mean Reversi (also known as Othello)? That's what Golden Fire II reminded me of.
@obsidianspider said in MAME ROW #23:
@dankcushions Do you mean Reversi (also known as Othello)? That's what Golden Fire II reminded me of.
that's it!
@obsidianspider said in MAME ROW #23:
Due to the weirdness of starting the game and it being split screen, do we want to consider "regular" Dr. Mario from NES, or should PlayChoice 10 Dr. Mario stand on its own?
Just to keep the MAME ROW following the K.I.S.S. principle, I think we should treat the PlayChoice 10 games like those that need an extra config to play.
Regarding to the time, it can be interesting to check who gets the best score in a certain amount of time.
It was a close vote, but this week's winner is Goindol (World)
Sorry I've been away on holiday this week. I'll try to post a score before the deadline though.
@GtBFilms It's actually a really hard game. I wonder if it would be easier with a joystick as opposed to the D-Pad that I'm using.
@obsidianspider no, it's hard as nails with a joystick too! Really twitchy controls. I think this needs a trackball or a spinner really.
I'm managed to get 10700 but that was just luck as I accidentally picked up a power up that cleared the first level.
Most of my attempts were only about 2 - 3000.
Another game which benefits from my cheap thumb mouse thing! 14000 and some small change, dropping the sensitivity a tad made all the difference, but only with the thumb mouse! Not a chance with a controller, but I've (sadly due to time) only had a few goes at this one.
@obsidianspider I'm going to post the MAME ROW #24 post, are you OK with it?
@meleu Go for it!
Noooooo!!! I just beat my score, 36100, I tried to screenshot it for bragging rights, but I'm abroad and on my ubuntu install, so I've no idea where the screenshot got saved:(( At least I had a proper go at last though!
Edit @obsiodianspider I just found it via the retroarch settings! Thanks though:)
@Fruitybit On my RetroPie x86 install the default screenshot location is ~/.config/retroarch/screenshots/
Hopefully that awesome high score is in there!
Let's go to the next round:
@GtBFilms Just lucky with the bonus screen, 10000 for uncovering a dinosaur!)
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