Random Button Presses When Using Wii U Pro Controller
same issue here gets worse at times
I get the same thing. New Wii U Pro controller with updated RetroPie on a Raspberry Pi 3.
From the research I've done, the only thing I see as a explanation is something to the effect of "this is an upstream problem" (i.e. it's not RetroPie itself, but the software it's built upon). Haven't been able to find a fix to it. For myself personally (who doesn't own Wii controllers), it's random button presses on like 4 or 5 different types of controllers. Most commonly a down or up press as you're switching from one system to another then the ROM list just starts scrolling automatically like you're pressing up or down (when you're clearly not).
I'm having the same issue.
No issue here with dongle + bluez5, i played mrboom-libretro with 2 wired controllers + 6 bluetooth controllers (mix of wii u pro, dualshock3, dualshock4 and 8bitdo SNES30) 2 weeks ago.
This issue seems specific to Emulation Station for me when using Wii U Pro controllers. It doesn't occur when running cores or emulators.
Doesn't happen very often and seems random. For what it's worth I notice it more when I SSH in using WinSCP when ES is running. Might be totally irrelevant, but just something I've noticed.
What version Pi? Are you using a dongle because of internal BT issues or running a Pi with no BT?
@TaskMaster As i said, dongle, the same one i bought a few years ago for my rpi1
I got my pi last week, set up retro pie, and bought a Wii U Pro controller. I haven't had any problems like that yet. Hopefully it doesn't start acting up.
I tried installing BLUEZ and still had the random button presses. I'll have to try a dongle and see.
You have to have a dongle-like device for the WII control or try and update your RetroPie version, 4.2 is already out.
@thepk nope still the same issue even with a dongle. I think this might be to some wii u pro controllers as some have issues while others don't.
I found this thread as I was having the same issues. Previously I used 2 xbox 360 controllers with a wireless transmitter.
Out of ideas I removed the wireless dongle and reset the controller configuration using the following thread
SSH in (https://github.com/retropie/retropie-setup/wiki/ssh), run sudo ~/RetroPie-Setup/retropie-setup.sh and go to Emulation Station configuration via
Manage Packages -> Core Packages -> emulationstation -> Configuration or
Configuration / Tools -> emulationstationand choose the option to Clear/Reset Emulation Station input configuration
(All packages with configuration appear in Configuration / Tools when installed)
So far I've played with this configuration for about an hour and had no problems. I still need to do some real world testing but so far I'm happy with the results.
I'm having the same issue. Running on a Pi 3 with Wii U Pro Controller, using bluetooth, no dongle.
For me it's fine when playing games, it just seems to happen on the Emulation Station menus. One minute I'm scrolling down the list of games, the next it's moved to the next system and launched the first game it finds.
It's as if phantom button commands are being sent to the Pi (in this case, Right on the D-Pad to change category then A to select the first game it lands on).
Like I say though, once the game boots I've seen no issues.
I have exact the same problem.
moving and starting games and exiting runing games
is there a solution for this Problem? -
Me too, someone please figure this out. The Wii U Pro controller is awesome except for this.
On another note can someone hook me up with remap files for the dreamcast and n64 for the controller?
Hi same issue with PS4 controller ds4 . I found till now info that can be a problem with motion sensor. When I press dpad buttons and move my pad , cursor in the menu starts to move what is annoying.
I think that is the same source of the same problem. Paired via BT without additional ps pad diver. -
It may not be the most ideal solution, but I can highly recommend the LogiLink BT0015 USB bluetooth adapter as recommended by @jwcbronski in this thread - https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/10657/alternative-dongles-to-mayflash-for-wii-u-pro
I've been using it for a number of days now and it's resolved all the random input issues for the Wii U Pro controllers.
It uses up one of the USB ports, but if you're not bothered about that then you get get around the on board Bluetooth.
@sonicsheppard did u install a different Bluetooth software to get his dongle to work?
Curious if it's pi Bluetooth causing the issue
No additional Bluetooth software was installed, but I did disable the on-board Bluetooth by adding dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt to the config.txt. You need to then pair up all your controllers again with the dongle plugged in.
I could be wrong, but it certainly seems to be an issue with the on-board Bluetooth. I also noticed the problem occurs predominantly in ES, and when I used a theme with videos in it, the problem became 10x worse! Might all be coincidental, but that's what I experienced.
Hope that helps.
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