MAME ROW #33 - Pac-Mania
This is the MAME Random Of the Week #33
The three random numbers for this week are: 1610,
989897, 1257.989 is Tokoro San no MahMahjan 2 and is a Mah Jong game, so it has been removed from consideration.
Click here to vote which game you choose for MAME ROW #33
The result of the poll is posted on Wednesday, so we have Monday and Tuesday for experimentation.
Game Name: SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui
Company: Banpresto / Bandai
Year: 1991
ROM file name: sdgndmps.zip897
Game Name: King of the Monsters (set 1)
Company: SNK
Year: 1991
ROM file name:
BIOS: neogeo1257
Game Name: Pac-Mania
Company: Namco
Year: 1987
ROM file name: pacmania.zipWhat is the MAME ROW?
MAME ROW stands for MAME Random Of the Week. We randomly select an arcade game from the 0.78 MAME Reference Set to play on the week. The idea is to play games we've never played before, interact with other forum members, post hi-scores, share game strategies, fun facts, and (the most important) HAVE FUN!
We usually post hi-scores screenshots after playing with only one credit. If you used more than one credit, please mention it on your post.
There's no need to use RetroPie to join the MAME ROW! You can play it on any platform you want.
Every Monday we create a topic at the "General Discussion and Gaming" forum section with the 3 random games to be voted. And on Wednesday we check the result.
These "rules" are constantly being improved!
Previous Rounds
Just looking at the videos for this week's choices has me excited to try them out. We've had some weeks where all the choices were stinkers, but this week I have a feeling it will be tough to choose a favorite!
I enjoy these posts - I actually went through the earlier 32 of them to pull out some cool ones to check out. It's good exercise for finding out how they all run on the emulator, as well. These 3 look like one of the deepest lineups yet!
@obsidianspider said in MAME ROW #33:
SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui
doesn't seem to load in mame2003. not looked into other cores.
King of the Monsters (set 1)
i run this in lr-fbalpha, and works great
fine in 2003.
@dankcushions said in MAME ROW #33:
@obsidianspider said in MAME ROW #33:
SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui
doesn't seem to load in mame2003. not looked into other cores.
Edit: With lr-mame2010 the background music works. I didn't realize it was missing from lr-mame2003
The game seems to work the smoothest with lr-fbalpha
@obsidianspider yes, works for me now also! only thing i changed was getting rid of my shader config files.. strange. anyway, as much as i love gundam, it seemed a bit of a dull game!
Not that many voters in here, but I really like the concept.
Once my arcade build is finished, count on me to join this little club :) -
pacmania is fun so far! remember: you can jump in this one.
it works in fbalpha but the hiscores aren't saving - they do after a code change but i have only just submitted it, so it won't be live until the next fba.
it seems to work fine in mame2003 anyway, and hiscores save :)
for pacmania, i suggest that we all start on the first level as the others have different bonus. note that if you insert a credit before the game over screen, you start on the stage you got to, so you need to wait for it to finish.
I really wish there was a way to zoom out. It's hard to know where all of the ghosts are lurking, but being able to jump helps quite a bit.
being able to jump helps quite a bit.
Until the ghosts gain the same ability. After that, I wouldn't recommend using it. It eventually becomes far more effective to use the old evasive tactics. This game's a killer in the higher levels.
@mediamogul @obsidianspider For me it is so damn hard sometimes, but it is something else than the good old pac-man. Going to join the ROW next week, good job
I just picked up a Pac-Man 256 Plug 'n Play toy by Bandai/Namco and it has Pac-Mania built into it. I might give it a try on there! I believe all the games on there are the arcade versions (you even have to hit a button to emulate inserting a coin).It also comes with Pac & Pal, New Rally X, and Bosconian which are past MAME ROW selections lol.
@dankcushions Are you seriouse right now? How, I guess I'm so bad at this, lmao
You gotta get inside the mind of Pac-Man. What are his motivations? Why does insist on running from his ghosts and more importantly, why is he only able to confront them with pills?
@mediamogul Oh, I see!
I have to understand my mission -
Exactly. The same questions can be used to better understand the music of Elvis Presley also.
@mediamogul Lmao
Btw. is your pb a generated one? If so, it is freaking awesome, if not, well, it is as well
Reminds me of some good stuff
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