• 0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @mitu said in Turning the screen off (again) and screensaver problems.:

    You can log off the console user (the one on the tty1) and the auto-login will kick in and start EmulationStation again. An ugly workaround, to say the least.

    I'd preffer not to do that, I was trying out some chatgpt suggestions and instead of logging in and starting ES, I was met with log-in screen for virtual terminal 0, and tty1 wasn't starting at all.
    I had to "sudo apt remove --purge kmscon" to make it work again (after hour or two of debugging, I already wanted to reinstall everything) It seems that kmscon was hijacking the getty (I never heard of getty nor kmscon before so it was like an actual study doing it)

    ... well, I asked chatgpt about the "starting as NOT superuser problem", I tried out the first suggestion it gave and it actually works first try!

    su - pi -c "setsid emulationstation < /dev/tty1 > /dev/tty1 2>&1 &"

    I actually understand the linux stuff more now as this needs both "< /dev/tty1" and "> /dev tty1" (it didn't occur to me that you can do both!). It also needs setsid before running, it needs that weird "2>&1" in the end ... that's allegedly also doing something... ok... as long as it works! :D

    Thanks for the help guys, I appreciate it a lot!

  • 3 Votes
    6 Posts

    Is there anyone you could chip in with this? I've bought the screen and zero pi 2w and would like to get it working if possible?

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    49 Posts

    The archive site doesn't automatically archives everything, though undoubtedly somewhere there's a backup of the Citra source code and probably also of their dependencies.

  • 1 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Lolonois Good ideas!

    Did you consider to use sshfs [1] for mounting the image/video folder from the main Pi into the PiZero2W? That way you don't need to maintain a cache at the PiZero2W.

    I didn't consider sshfs, I started with the idea of a cache from the start to speed up the display. My thought is it will always be faster to read a file locally than over wi-fi, or spi. As a USB-peripheral there may be a low enough lag to skip the cache.

    Another idea, albeit more complex, as the current setup assumes the Pi's can reach each other via wireless, right?

    It does. However my first idea was to run the zero as a stand alone access point and only connect RetroPie to its network. (My router sits on top of my arcade cabinet so RetroPie is connected via Ethernet and doesn't need wi-fi to scrape or connect to) I didn't implement idea yet for speed to get it working in the first place and I figured that would be an edge use case at best.

    You may also run the PiZero2W as USB-peripheral to the main Pi, connected via an straight USB-A to MicroUSB-B cable (and powered from the main Pi). With some configuration the PiZero2W is set into gadget mode

    That's actually a great idea! I setup a a ZeroW to be a networked thumb drive to run my SLA 3D printers a long time ago and they're still running great. That would simplify wiring and power supplies.
    Only problem in my case is lack of USB ports. I have an arcade deck, trackball, USB SSD, and a 4 port hub mounted to the front to allow plugging in other controllers like NES, SNES PSX ect. (With the USB keyboard and mouse dongle plugged into that). I don't have a free port without adding another hub or taking cables outside the cabinet.

  • 1 Votes
    13 Posts

    Hello, I use this post as I want to use exactly same config (my pie is used as Home Asistant and collects datas).
    I installed retropie using this. On Rpi5 and nvme.
    Seems to worked fine as I can launch Emulationstation after ctrl-alt-f1. But if I try to launch a game (ex SNES roms) I have a black screen and I can't quit, need to reboot.
    I did something wong ? forgot somethin ? Have I to uninstall and install ES with another method ?