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    12 Posts

    @cyperghost said in My second project--another Nespi case build:

    Can you post the script here please?
    Would like to use it as I up to now use the bash script....

    Here is the python script I am using to watch both buttons. This script is effectively my Mausberry script and my RESET script:

    #!/usr/bin/env python # Import the RPi.GPIO and OS import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import os import time # Define which GPIO pins u're using for the Mausberry IN, OUT # (which are reversed in the script because mbOut comes to pi as input), # and reset buttons (change this to whatever pin you use) mbIn = 24 mbOut = 23 resetBtn = 25 # GPIO port setup GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Set pin numbering to BROADCOM GPIO numbering GPIO.setup(mbOut, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) # Set up pin as an input, pulled down GPIO.setup(mbIn, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(mbIn, 1) # Set pin value to 1. Mausberry watches for this to change to zero GPIO.setup(resetBtn, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Set up pin as an input, pulled UP since shorting to GND # Define a function which will be called when Mausberry switch is triggered def interrupt_mbShutdown(channel): # Print indication to console print "You pressed the power button!" # Code for shutdown would go here os.system('sudo shutdown -h now') # Define a function which will be called when Mausberry switch is triggered def interrupt_resetBtn(channel): # Print indication to console print "You pressed the reset button!" # Code for reset would go here os.system('/home/pi/bin/exitemu.sh') # Enable shutdown switch interrupt to trigger on a raising edge (i.e. low-to-high transition) GPIO.add_event_detect(mbOut, GPIO.RISING, callback = interrupt_mbShutdown, bouncetime=1000) # Enable RESET button interrupt to trigger on a raising edge (i.e. low-to-high transition) GPIO.add_event_detect(resetBtn, GPIO.FALLING, callback = interrupt_resetBtn, bouncetime=1000) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Now just wait forever for the user to press a button # The sleep time doesn't really matter, make it long enough so it isn't wasting cpu cycles while 1: time.sleep(5)

    This gets called from my /etc/rc.local
    It also relies on the exitemu.sh which is a bash script that leverages insights from all of the previous work to kill the PID for whatever emulator might be running (returns you back to ES). I am just using the same script @lostless posted a while back. You could also just issue a sudo reboot. In any case, the second part I need to add is meleu's shutdown service to completely exit stuff when doing the full shutdown.

    So, I am not doing anything with soft shutdown requiring a diode/transistor. I have not gone that far yet because I am still using a sticky pushbutton instead of a momentary.

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