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    @revolutionflat said in 8bitdo SF30/SN30 Pro controller bluetooth pairing trouble after updating RetroPi on Pi4:

    This isn't so much of a please help post, but a "There's a problem, here's how I fixed got around it" post.

    I purchased 2x bluetooth SF30 Pro controllers and the new RetroFlag NES case for the Pi 4. When the controllers arrived, I spent hours trying to get them to pair but one outright refused to connect after pairing, and the other wouldn't pair in a mode that allowed all the buttons to be used (triggers didn't work).

    After 3 re-imaging and installations, I realized THEY WORK ON THE 4.6 IMAGE just fine, connects immediately and behaves as you'd dream. If you update, that's when the problems occur. I was able to install extra themes/emulator packages/retroflag scripts without disturbing the connections. Hope this helps people going through this!

    Edit: On the clean 4.6 image, I had the controllers in [Start+B] mode, I'd recommend re-flashing the firmware if you've been troubleshooting.

    Received my SF30 Pro for my RetroPie 4.7.1 and have been having bluetooth connectivity issues. Did what RevolutionFlat did by reverting back to flashing my SD card with ver 4.6 and SF30 Pro finally connected... HALLELUJAH!!! Thanks for the version revert advice!!!

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    19 Posts

    @melbmatt50 said in 8bitdo SF 30 Pro Controller not charging or pairing properly:

    Trying to get help with my SF 30 Pro controller. I have recently reformatted an sd card and installed a fresh image on it for my 3b+. For some reason when I press the appropriate keys to pair it to retropie, despite finding it, the options are not the same and it doesnt appear to pair properly.

    The only light which I can get to appear on the controller is the red light near the usb connection which blinks. This it also does during charging through its usb cable, which from what I have read should be a solid light. I don't know why it is doing these things and if possible I would just like to factory reset the controller and start out as if it was a new one.

    Holding on the Y button and pressing start is what got it working for me doing it the Xbox controller method for some reason just doesn't want to work and my R1 and L2 doesn't want to register when configuring the controller so Switch or Dinput would be your best bet.

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    @mitu never knew that, hmmmmmmmm. Thanks for the heads up

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