• What does this error mean? (lr-mess)

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    @JimmyFromTheBay said in What does this error mean? (lr-mess):

    If I can run them both at the same time that'd be great, but if not then it's not worth the hassle and risk.

    Technically it's possible but I think, for you, it's indeed not worth the hassle and the risk.

  • Sharp X1 not loading

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    Your welcome.
    Nice to hear it's working now.

  • Tips for RetroArch 1.10.0

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    @ChaosEffect said in Tips for RetroArch 1.10.0:

    @mitu I am not sure how often RetroPie's RetroArch will sync with upstream RetroArch. This is more of a typo correction than a new feature, but it makes the lightgun input operate as intended.

    Thanks for the heads up. We don't update too often and we base the update on RetroArch's point releases, I guess it's one more reason to consider the next release for inclusion :).

  • xboxdrv with lr-x1

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    could somebody help me with this example runcommand-onstart.sh script from the xboxdrv guide for retropie?

    for the following example script, i want to try using xboxdrv just for a certain rom, and if that rom doesn't match i don't want to launch/use xboxdrv. ex. in the fba) section below, what if i wanted to use xboxdrv if there is a match for one of the $rom cases, but do nothing if not? would i just delete these lines?:

    $xboxkill joycommand="$basicPS3 &" eval $joycommand ;; #!/bin/sh ## Uncomment one or all of the following if you need to find some information about the emulator or roms ## Name of the emulator #echo $1 >> /dev/shm/runcommand.log ## Name of the software used for running the emulation #echo $2 >> /dev/shm/runcommand.log ## Name of the rom #echo $3 >> /dev/shm/runcommand.log ##Executed command line #echo $4 >> /dev/shm/runcommand.log ### The FUN begins #Get ROM name striping full path rom="${3##*/}" ### Try to automatically find the correct event[•] of the connected controllers controller1=`cat /proc/bus/input/devices | egrep -i "js*" | sort | grep -o 'event[0-9]' | sed -n -e '1{p;q}'` controller2=`cat /proc/bus/input/devices | egrep -i "js*" | sort | grep -o 'event[0-9]' | sed -n -e '2{p;q}'` controller3=`cat /proc/bus/input/devices | egrep -i "js*" | sort | grep -o 'event[0-9]' | sed -n -e '3{p;q}'` controller4=`cat /proc/bus/input/devices | egrep -i "js*" | sort | grep -o 'event[0-9]' | sed -n -e '4{p;q}'` ### Set variables for your joypad and emulator ### Basic Configuraions - Standard controller mappings basicPS3="sudo /opt/retropie/supplementary/xboxdrv/bin/xboxdrv >/dev/null \ --evdev /dev/input/$controller1 \ --silent \ --detach-kernel-driver \ --force-feedback \ --mimic-xpad \ --dpad-as-button \ --trigger-as-button \ --evdev-absmap ABS_X=x1,ABS_Y=y1,ABS_Z=x2,ABS_RX=y2 \ --evdev-keymap KEY_#302=a,KEY_#301=b,BTN_DEAD=x,KEY_#300=y,BTN_THUMB=tl,BTN_THUMB2=tr,BTN_BASE5=lb,BTN_BASE6=rb,BTN_BASE3=lt,BTN_BASE4=rt,BTN_TRIGGER=back,BTN_TOP=start,BTN_SOUTH=guide,BTN_TOP2=du,BTN_PINKIE=dr,BTN_BASE=dd,BTN_BASE2=dl --calibration x1=-32767:0:32767,y1=-32767:0:32767,x2=-32767:0:32767,y2=-32767:0:32767" ### Extended Configurations ### Specific emulator configuration or any other parameters you will need only for some emulators scummVM="--axismap -Y1=Y1,-Y2=Y2 \ --ui-axismap x1=REL_X:10,y1=REL_Y:10 \ --ui-buttonmap a=BTN_LEFT,b=BTN_RIGHT,start=KEY_F5,back=KEY_ESC \ --ui-buttonmap guide=void,x=void,y=void,lb=void,rb=void,tl=void,tr=void,lt=void,rt=void,back=void \ --ui-axismap x2=void" amiga="--axismap -Y1=Y1,-Y2=Y2 \ --ui-axismap x2=REL_X:1,y2=REL_Y:1 \ --ui-axismap x1=KEY_LEFT:KEY_RIGHT,y1=KEY_DOWN:KEY_UP \ --ui-buttonmap du=KEY_UP,dd=KEY_DOWN,dl=KEY_LEFT,dr=KEY_RIGHT \ --ui-buttonmap lt=BTN_LEFT,rt=BTN_RIGHT,start=KEY_ESC,back=KEY_LEFTCTRL,y=KEY_SPACE,a=KEY_LEFTCTRL,b=KEY_LEFTALT,x=KEY_LEFTSHIFT \ --ui-buttonmap guide=void,tl=void,lt=void,rt=void,back=void \ --ui-axismap x2=void" fourway="--four-way-restrictor" invert="--ui-buttonmap du=KEY_DOWN,dd=KEY_UP" ### Kill Command xboxkill="sudo killall >>/dev/shm/runcommand.log xboxdrv" ### Execute the driver with the configuration you need # $1 is the name of the emulation, not the name of the software used # it is intellivision not jzintv case $1 in mame-libretro) ;; fba) case $rom in "amidar.zip"|"atetris.zip"|"puckman.zip") # Configuration used only for these ROMs $xboxkill joycommand="$basicPS3 $fourway &" eval $joycommand ;; *) # Configuration for every other ROMs on this emulator $xboxkill joycommand="$basicPS3 &" eval $joycommand ;; esac ;; daphne) ;; scummvm) $xboxkill joycommand="$basicPS3 $scummVM &" eval $joycommand ;; amiga) $xboxkill joycommand="$basicPS3 $amiga &" eval $joycommand ;; intellivision) ;; esac
  • Euphory for Sharp X1

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    found some clues from this forum:

    Do you have any saves created? If not, use the second option to set a name for the first save space, then use the first option and the game should prompt you accordingly. Third option deletes saves in case that might be related to the issue.

    Edit: I've found that TAB is the inventory and I can equip weapons to Player 1

    Edit2: [M]aps are here: http://kysj25.sakura.ne.jp/usasan/misc/euphory/map/

  • Sharp X1 load multi-disk games?

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  • Sharp X1 "Searching FD images..."

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    turns out the BIOS files i was using weren't quite right; it's important to check the CRC32 against what is listed on the lr-x1 page i linked to.

    to do this on raspberry pi, you just type this:

    crc32 /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/xmil/IPLROM.X1

    once i used BIOS files that matched the CRC32 the games i mentioned load fine - the emulator gets past the DISK MENU prompt and takes to a menu where you can select a game (seems you need a keyboard to make the selection, though).

  • lr-x1 Sharp X1 .tap?

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    anyone know of a way to convert sharp x1 .tap files to a format that lr-x1 can load? this seems to be a pretty obscure question.

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