• TurboGrafx CD Audio issues

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    @UberLumby You can adjust the volume just for the pcengine system by editing the retroarch.cfg in \\retropie\configs\pcengine and adding a line with the audio_volume option:

    audio_volume = -1.00
  • Turbo CD Zip Files

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    @skepticalgeel CHD or compressed hunks of data (or compressed hard disk depending on who you are talking to) started with MAME..sorta speak...

    If you have the mame package from the website there you have the tools to compress them. You might want to use a GUI program to make it easier. QMC2 has one.

    You will need to compress each bin/iso individually. That is one iso (bin/cue..ect..) one chd file. They are much smaller even smaller than a psx .bpb format and no cue/bin or cue/iso ect needed.

    Good luck! :D

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    @cowguy27 i guess the first thing i should have had you try, open up the .cue file and make sure the .iso or .bin is named correctly to match the real file. So if the iso is named dRacuLa.isO you need make sure the inside of the .cue file matches that. On linux case sensitive is important. Even on the file extension.

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    Take a CUE/ISO/WAV TGCD disk image and burn it to disk, then re-rip it. Do this 10 times, and the crc/hash/ect of the file will be identical to the one you started with (assuming you're using good ripping/burning software).

    Take a CUE/BIN image of a TGCD game, burn and rerip it ONCE, and you'll get different file sizes. By the second time you did this, you'd be lucky to get an emulator to load the image (or the actual hardware to load the disk) anymore.

    File sizes are VERY important with a TGCD backup.

    At least for the type of data disk TGCD games are you CAN NOT properly back them up ANY way except CUE/ISO/WAV.

    I've followed the TG16/TGCD emulation/backup/preservation for about 20 years now, and this was a MAJOR issue with backups until NightWolve made TurboRip, which allowed for perfect rips almost every time.

    Oh, and CUE file problems for TGCD games should be handled by TOCfixer (http://www.ysutopia.net/index.php?ind=downloads&op=entry_view&iden=4), not Sega CUE Maker. TOCfixer can also help you properly covert those crappy CUE/ISO/MP3 backups you find to proper CUE/ISO/WAV backups.

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    You're still quite knowledgeable and helpful though.

    Sorry for the trouble man.