• 1 Votes
    4 Posts

    Hello, I have a question about memory card reader by arduino nano. Can You show how you did this ? I found psx memory card reader, but for windows. I would like to kow how it's work with rpi. I like your project, great job !!!

  • 4 Votes
    15 Posts

    Been awhile since I've updated on this project. Ran into some hiccups and progress has slowed. The dvd drive was unstable as it wasn't getting enough power, adding a powered usb hub and a separate power supply to help with this. However unless I get help from a programmer I dont think Ill be getting it to play PS1 discs anytime soon, However I can still save the disc to ram or sd card so not completely useless. I recently got my psx->usb adapter soldered in would rather go gpio but couldn't get it to work.
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    Purchased an arduino nano to make ORIGINAL psx memory cards hopefully run on the pi.

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