Neo Geo and Arcade not showing video previews - Steven Selph Scraper
So far here is all that is going on. When I turned off OMX the arcade and neo geo videos worked... but the videos became lag city. I went into the neo geo and arcade roms, deleted the images and videos. Went back into retropie and updated the script. Basic install after that. Press f4 and go into scraper. I updated the scraper. I also changed from arcadeitalia to mamedb to see if there would be a difference. Thank all for helps cuz this thing is the shit!!!
Same thing still. Neo geo and arcade has video files in them; however, they will only play if I turn off OMX Player. Anyone know why this is happening?
@swim0311 as I said: get a program like handbrake and bulk re encode them. It's likely that whoever encoded the arcade videos - or even the software used for it - saves them at an encoding OMX player doesn't work with.
I am going on vacation today, but if I find the time I will test those videos.
@swim0311 The ones I download from screenscraper work fine for the most part (had to switch out a couple that I replaced from emumovies).
I get better results overall from screenscraper than any other source using sselph's scraper. I then rescraped from the other sources to get a few of the ones not found on screenscraper. -
This one doesn't work (which was scraped):
After I run it through Handbrake it works:
Only significant change is the "Planar 4:4:4 YUV" vs. "Planar 4:2:0 YUV" which apparantly is the color space. Can't seem to find anything regarding that though.
"If I've interpreted that correctly, that is "High 4:4:4 Predictive Profile (Hi444PP, 244)" (see - use avprobe or similar to confirm.
Only Base, Main, and High profiles are supported." -
Ah ok, thanks!
I guess "high 4:4:4" isn't "high profile" apparantly. Didn't find that naming really clear.
@barrymossel not a bother! I spent a lot of time going through that myself, hence the answers.
I should add that to a wiki page whenever I get the chance to put something together for the video stuff.
Thanks for checking.
@pjft Is OMX on by default?
@thewinterdojer no. It certainly shouldn't, at least - if it is it's a bug.
Just a note on this. I happened to find I still had a few videos in my library that weren't rendering, so I had to convert them.
The common item on them was the following, from MediaInfo:
Writing application : Lavf54.20.4 Comment : Created with: Mame version 0.162, / Played by: adolfo69, / Game name: rbff1 - Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (NGM-095)(NGH-095), / Date game played: 21 giugno 2015, / Date video creation: 6 novembre 2015, / Type: shortplay single-screen, / Manufacturer: SNK, / Display resolution: 320x224px, / Link for info:, / Copyright (C) - All rights reserved - Tutti i marchi e loghi appartengono ai rispettivi proprietari
So, I'm led to believe that these arcade videos were created via the in-MAME video capture, which apparently is/was set up to encode and store the videos at that particular profile, at least for the videos that don't work, which explains why it's mostly on the MAME (arcade, NeoGeo) videos that this manifests itself.
Not on all, though, but worth noting that.
Probably dumb question, but is OMX Player used for anything other than playing video snaps? Would it be beneficial to enable it for any reason if I don't have videos loaded?
@thewinterdojer It won't have any effect, it's really only for videos - in this case, video snaps. Screensaver videos are always rendered via OMX Player anyway, unless that is disabled.
@pjft Okay thank you. I have it enabled but not currently using snaps, if it doesn't hurt to leave it enabled I will in case I do decide to load some.
I had this problem as well. Neo Geo videos wouldn't work with OMX enabled.
However, following what others said, I re-encoded the videos using Handbrake. Once completed, they work! Thanks y'all.
I also had this issue. If you dont feel like re-encoding all those videos tho, the scraper will work for NeoGeo videos. After deleting the images folder and gamelist.xml (only if you've previously scraped), I set console scraper in Selph's Scraper to OVGDB and ran it just for neogeo. It works! EVERY SINGLE rom had a video and they played just fine even with OMX enabled! This worked for me, hope it helps any who run into this issue
Hi! It is because neogeo is seen as console, but arcade and fba are seen as 'arcade' by sselph scraper, and you can choose only arcadeitalia or screenscraper as source. I tryed both.. with arcadeitalia omx player works but the mp4 files are bigger than screenscraper (more big!). With screenscraper omx players doesn't work on rpi3 (tried on x64 and works). The best solution was update omx player to support arcadeitalia mp4 compressed video, or shrink manually with handbrake software. The problem is that I have 2500 games is arcade folder and shrinking all of theme is a huge work.. anyone has a better solution for this? Thank you all!
I just got opposite results. Arcade Italia vids for mame only work with OMX Player OFF. Is it possible to update OMX Player to work with these?
@flagrant99 OMX Player is not really ours to update, and to the best of my knowledge it hasn't been updated to support that profile.
Read this bug in their repository.
Not supported. Pretty sure no hardware decoder (on any platform) will handle this.
It's not a consumer profile, it's for professional (studio) masters.
We support Blu-Ray quality video (4:2:0 with 8 bits per channel).
This is 4:4:4 with 12 bits per channel. See: may try to update OMXPlayer on your Pi, but I'm not confident anything will have changed in that regard.
Your best option is to either use VLC, or re-encode them, as described in the previous posts.
Sorry about that.
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