UAE4ARM randomly black screening
Sounds almost too good to be true. Will report back! Thank you!
@gordonfreemanjr You're welcome.
Amiberry was developed specifically for the Raspberry Pi so there's lot of documentation on the web that's worth checking out to get you started and avoid any future headaches.
@dudleydes Hmm, having trouble, I guess.
Could not succesfully build amiberry - Amiga emulator with JIT support (forked from uae4arm)
(/home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/tmp/build/amiberry/amiberry not found( -
@gordonfreemanjr Try installing from binary.
Can I download the binary file to a USB stick, stick in into the Pie and install it from there, via "install from binary" option?
EDIT: Is it these?
@gordonfreemanjr No, just use the
Install from binary
option from the setup script. This will install onto your Pi a tested, working pre-complied binary from the RetroPie archive together with the relevant configuration files.It's the option you should be using unless there is a feature you are looking for that's not available in the pre-compiled binary. The install from binary option will take minutes whereas building from source can take hours depending on the emulator.
@gordonfreemanjr You have no free space left on your SD card, Use% is 100%. EmulationStation cannot write to gamelist XML files so it's crashing.
If your Pi is connected to your home network, you can use STFP or SAMBA shares to remove roms or metadata and then reboot via SSH.
It was connected to the wifi before the reboot. However the page tells me to enable SSH first, and I can't get to any menu at this point with the keyboard not responding.
@gordonfreemanjr Ah, good point.
You can try the Magic SysRq key - more info:
@dudleydes Nope, unfortunately not working. Nothing happens...
@gordonfreemanjr The best you can do is use SAMBA shares to back up your roms, BIOS and config files to your PC. You can remove roms and/or metadata after you've backed up to create space on your SD card.
Once you've backed up, you can try unplugging your pi and rebooting.
@dudleydes I made it through the previous problems. My Pi is up and running, I've cleared some space and... I have run into new ones.
What I did:
- installed Amiberry,
- uninstalled UAE4ALL,
- (probably) updated UAE4ARM.
What happened:
- UAE4ALL looks different now, it's almost identical to Amiberry (maybe few options short). It looked like this: now it looks like this:,
- both manage to boot a game, but it's all over the place: everything is incredibly slow, the pad and keyboard are not recognized anymore. It seems impossible to get any sort of influence with the settings, it's all the same in the end.
How do I fix this? How do I go back the the previous version of UAE4ARM?
Yup, I’ve just reinstalled previous emulator. Now it doesn’t work. The emu itself is up, but games won’t boot.
I also noticed that I’ve been using uae4all this whole time. I was convinced it had been uae4arm. Anyway, all worked in most cases, arm and berry don’t. But now all doesn’t as well.
Please excuse my mistakes. I’m aware they’re silly, but I’m a bit lost.
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