How-to guide: Recording Live Gameplay in RetroPie’s RetroArch Emulators Natively on the Raspberry Pi (and Twitch streaming)
1a- Something messed up in my 3.8 install, so I updated to 4, so yes, I am running v4
1b - Nope there's no Recording option, FFmpeg is the recording driver though (instead of null)2a -Converted Opus>mp4 perfectly, and currently converting mkv>mp4 (quite slow)
2b - Any terminal, even ssh can summon almighty ffmpeg3a - Yes, in fact, the 3rd time I redid the whole thing, I used your script, then the sed -i, removing the --disable-ffmpeg part of, and then reinstalled from source, using
3b - Whoops xD I was astonished by the quick reply so I'm replying all of 'em4a - As stated previously, it's a retropie image, v4-rc1 to be exact (still hyped for 4, but I think this should be incorporated into the final release cause it's pure awesome)
4b - I haven't installed it yet cause I wanted to have everything set before, besides I barely use the desktop, might use later when I make a portable case, but for now, I believe I won't be using it anytime soon
4c - I believe it's Jessie, I tried installing moonlight, which required me to work with the sources.list file, there, it says JessieSeeing your newest post, I hope these details can help your investigation c:
@LSolrac2 Hi,
Thanks for the information, sorry for the deluge of questions.
I've just completed my installation from scratch (as described in my last post) - luckily the recording feature does still work!It seems that in the 1.3.6 release of RetroArch the 'Recording' menu has been removed (I can't find any reference to this in the release notes or elsewhere), however it was pretty superfluous as nothing you change in there has any effect.
As you've noted above, the entry for 'driver' does now say 'ffmpeg', which is what really counts.
I just created a recording to the local sd card whilst playing Pitfall II in the VCS emulator, at all appears okay.
I'm going to undertake more checks and tests, then, assuming things are okay, I'll update the guide on my site!
[edit] I've just successfully recorded to external hard disk whilst running the PlayStation emulator, at 60fps - so everything looks fine.
Given the slew of changes recently I'm very glad to see it's working, to be honest...
[edit] btw the files created can't be played back correctly by omxplayer on the Pi, as the video is using planar 4:4:4; it's simple enough to transcode them to a compatible format (which also works for YouTube and Twitter) - there are examples on the FFmpeg compilation guide for doing this. (this is true also if you use Kodi Media Center). Without transcoding the vide is a complete migraine-inducing mess...
Can't wait >u< Hope everything goes smoothly! -
@LSolrac2 thanks!
It looks like everything's fine (I edited a couple of my earlier posts, above).Apart from the (ineffective) 'Recording' menu no longer being present in RetroArch 1.3.6, the recording is working well - I recorded direct to the SD Card from the VCS emulator, and to a usb hard drive using the PlayStation emulator at 60fps.
I'm updating the "Recording Live Gameplay" guide at the moment.
Okay, all seems well and I've updated the guide to reflect the RetroArch GUI changes in version 1.3.6, and also to show that I've successfully tested the process on RetroPie 3.7, 3.8.1, and version 4 rc-1 (on the latest image of Jessie available, from 27/5/2016)
Recording Live Gameplay in RetroPie’s RetroArch Emulators Natively on the Raspberry Pi
I completely forgot to mention; the --record option ended up crashing altogether.
@LSolrac2 can you post your
for whichever emulator you're trying to record from?If you're using a custom
to control the ffmpeg recording format, can you post this?Also, can you double-check the paths and that there are no case-sensitivity issues in directory or file names?
Have you checked in /tmp/ for any
file? - this often reveals the cause of recording problems -
Nice! Now I can stream to Twitch sometime soon!
@RetroPieNerd that's still an aspect I haven't got sorted, but I do return to it on occasion - perhaps under retroarch 1.3.6 it'll start working (I suspect, though, that it's simply going to be a grind to determine the correct combination of config.cfg settings)
Sure thing:
No Config.cfg as I haven't gotten there, yet.
and the runcommand.log is literally /tmp/runcommand.log that is
[EDIT: I'm wrong. The spaces doesn't matter!]
You can't have spaces before and after the equal sign.So, the following line is invalid:
default = "lr-mgba"
You should use it:
@LSolrac2 thanks for the pastebin link; is this a collection of entries from more than one emulators.cfg file? A single emulators.cfg would have an entry for
Can you post your entire
for a single retroarch emulator?[Edit] sorry, didn't spot the
entry, I tend to leave mine at the end of the fileI haven't tried the gameboy advance emulators (at all, not just for recording), although I have used the following when recording: VCS, megadrive, 32X, SNES, PlayStation, fuse (zx spectrum), and a custom built Atari800, amongst others.
Any chance you could use any of these, so we can work from a 'known-good' baseline? Preferably, could you try the Atari VCS emulator, as it places relatively little demand on the system, and allows recording to the Pi's SD Card, without needing a custom config.cfg - basically taking everything back to bare-bones?
There is the possibility that something is amiss due to your system having been updated from 3.8 to 4 rc-1, but let's hope not...
@meleu good spot meleu - hopefully this is all it is (there's me burrowing down deep, missing the obvious!)
[Edit] regardless, I'll add this to the guide, as it's definitely likely to trip people up
@LSolrac2 I noticed that thethe recording filename in your
has an extension of.mp4
, whereas I always use.mkv
; I don't' know if this is an issue, but I transcode from .mkv to .mp4 after recording. -
@RetroResolution just for reference, from the guide, here's the
from my system for the VCS emulator, Stellalr-stella="/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-stella/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/atari2600/retroarch.cfg %ROM%" lr-stella-record-hdd-noconfig="/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-stella/ --record /media/pi/EXT_HDD/RPi_AVI/recording_VCS.mkv --config /opt/retropie/configs/atari2600/retroarch.cfg %ROM%" lr-stella-record-hdd="/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-stella/ --record /media/pi/EXT_HDD/RPi_AVI/recording_VCS.mkv --recordconfig /home/pi/RetroPie/recording/config/config.cfg --config /opt/retropie/configs/atari2600/retroarch.cfg %ROM%" default="lr-stella-record-hdd" stella="stella -maxres 320x240 %ROM%"
That's the GBA emulators one.
And guess what OuO It works for PSX just fine, just noticed a file created when I started it up the emulator. -
@LSolrac2 excellent!
It's possible it's simply an error in your GBA emulators.cfg then - or perhaps it doesn't work with that emulator (I found that the PC Engine emulator would only record sound, not video, for example) -
Taking newer notes such as the recordconfig and emulator specific recording, I've come to notice, lr-vba-next seems to work for recording GBA
However, when tested, I did NOT succeed in the shader passing, noted the specific case, just in case someone enjoys playing the game with Shaders (Like me and Sword of Mana) there wouldn't happen to be a way to load these up on a configuration, would there?PS Edit; no luck with ogg/libmp3lame, could be just typo, but libmp3lame crash, and ogg didn't record sound. (done via the recordconfig)
@LSolrac2 the only way I was able to record the output with shaders enabled was painfully slow; you need to update a setting in the retroarch.cfg to enable recording of the GPU framebuffer. I didn't include this in the guide as the frame rate is totally unplayable, even on the VCS emulator (playback is at full speed, however).
Just to show it does work though, here's footage I made of Space Harrier (32X). You can see me enabling the barrel distortion, and barrel distortion-with-phosphor shaders.
- topic:timeago-later,13 days
I'm not sure if you use your blog to monetize, but I think your tutorial is the kind of info that fits very well in RetroPie wiki...
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