@hellricer I was about to say that you might have overrides (reading your top post), therefore the diff output location
on RA 1.15 the output dir is simply named records and the configs go to records_config folder (for example you can have custom config.cfg file in there.
As per RA docs you need also to have custom FFMPEG compile with
--enable-libx264 --enable-gpl --enable-libmp3lame options
but this does not fix the hissing sound which I believe you hear when you start the recording.
As you stated, the output file though is video/audio ok which I also confirm from my testings
Since you say you tested all other options in video_record_quality, you can test this override config and retest
Option 1:
Edit your main retroarch.cfg file in /configs/all/ and set
video_record_quality = "4"
and save. You can do from network share or locally to the file if easier for you.
Option 2:
create a config.cfg file, in /configs/all/retroarch/records_config/
and add the above line in there and save.
If you compile the ffmpeg as per docs you can add even more settings to it such as:
vcodec = libx264rgb acodec = libmp3lame audio_global_quality = 75 sample_rate = 44100 threads = 0 video_preset = ultrafast video_record_quality = "4"or just
video_record_quality = "4"Then select in ra the file or again change in your retroarch.cfg
rgui_config_directory = ""
rgui_config_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/config"
Forgot to add. If you use shaders you should also enable in either option the
video_gpu_record = "true" default is false BUT i noticed with lossless it causing video stutter.