lr-mupen64plus-next and N64 controller input issues
Check the
folder and see if you have any. Also, when starting a game with the N64 core, check if any overrides/remaps are applied, there should be a message at the bottom if any are loaded. -
Ah, thank you. No I don't see any remaps, and when starting a game the only message is Generic USB Joystick configured in port #0. As I mentioned, this was tested on a clean install and I only used the joystick mapping script when booting ES the first time to perform the mapping.
I think it's something to do with the fact that it didn't configure the B input initially as seen in the InputAutoCfg.ini file. Although adjusting the mapping in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/autoconfig/Generic USB Joystick .cfg seems to be futile.
@mitu just for curiosity sake I took a Raspberry Pi 3 and loaded the latest 4.5.1 RetroPie image on a fresh SD card. I followed the same procedure in my original test, only enabled ssh and wifi, and configured the Retrolink N64 controller using the ES mapping prompt and recommended mappings for lr-mupen64plus.
After checking /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/autoconfig/Generic USB Joystick .cfg and /opt/retropie/configs/n64/InputAutoCfg.ini my results are identical to my previous test. The joystick configuration in /configs/retroarch/autoconfig/ is 100% correct however in lr-mupen64plus the B button controls the A button, and the A button does nothing. And the joystick configuration in /configs/n64/ is incorrect as in my previous test, specifically for the A, B, and C down buttons:
C Button D = button(6) button(2) A Button = button(8) B button mapping missing
Once I fix those, native mupen64 works fine, but altering the libretro mapping doesn't.
At this point, is it possible there is some bug in the mapping of controls for lr-mupen64plus? Or a possible incompatibility with this controller? Really appreciate any thoughts you may have.
You can open the RetroArch RGUI and check in the
Controls -> Port 1 Binds
how the gampad's buttons are mapped to the emulator buttons (N64 gamepad).
I'm not aware of any issue withlr-mupen64
regarding the controller mapping, but since RetroArch is handling the input part, it would happen for all games. Do other systems have working A/B buttons ?The libretro project has a joypad auto-configuration database, I there is mapping for a similar controller here, but I don't think is the same device.
It's weird that both the RetroArch and Mupen64plus mapping are not correctly created - can you also post the EmulationStation input config, from
? -
@mitu here's what the RetroArch RGUI had for controller mappings. The game's B button was mapped to some "Y button (left)", and the physical A button on the controller was mapped to (C1), whatever that is;
And the mappings you had me check in es_input.cfg are exactly as they should be:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <inputList> <inputAction type="onfinish"> <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/emulationstation/scripts/</command> </inputAction> <inputConfig type="joystick" deviceName="Generic USB Joystick " deviceGUID="03000000790000000600000010010000"> <input name="rightanalogup" type="button" id="0" value="1"/> <input name="pageup" type="button" id="4" value="1"/> <input name="rightanalogdown" type="button" id="2" value="1"/> <input name="up" type="hat" id="0" value="1"/> <input name="left" type="hat" id="0" value="8"/> <input name="rightanalogleft" type="button" id="3" value="1"/> <input name="leftanalogdown" type="axis" id="1" value="1"/> <input name="leftanalogright" type="axis" id="0" value="1"/> <input name="right" type="hat" id="0" value="2"/> <input name="leftanalogleft" type="axis" id="0" value="-1"/> <input name="rightanalogright" type="button" id="1" value="1"/> <input name="pagedown" type="button" id="5" value="1"/> <input name="leftanalogup" type="axis" id="1" value="-1"/> <input name="down" type="hat" id="0" value="4"/> <input name="start" type="button" id="9" value="1"/> <input name="b" type="button" id="8" value="1"/> <input name="a" type="button" id="6" value="1"/> </inputConfig> </inputList>
I'll try that config file from the database on both setups and see if that yields any different results.
@mitu reporting back after using the input file you linked, which does match the button mappings. While it's cleaner and easier to read in the RetroArch RGUI, the result is identical;
And to answer your earlier question about A and B controls with this Retrolink N64 controller on other RetroArch cores, here is the button mapping in lr-gambatte, which is indeed correct;
Again, really appreciate your help with this, I'm honestly stumped.
Weird behavior, indeed. Looking at how the gamepad configuration is reported for my controller, the only difference I see is that all buttons are marked with
(i.e. taken from the gamepad auto-config file), while on yours some buttons are not (Y Button
,X button
Can you try resetting the RetroArch's main configuration file (
) to default - copy over theretroarch.cfg.rp-dist
and see if it makes a difference. -
@mitu resetting RetroArch's main configuration yielded the same results. I think I figured it out though...
Looking back at the wiki, I decided to try the mapping that was documented for Mupen64plus, where the game's A and X buttons are mapped to controller's C down and C left, respectively. After firing up the game, the controller's A and B buttons worked as expected! So it looks like the mapping of B and Y buttons in RetroPie/ES are being mapped to the game's A and B buttons in lr-mupen64plus and lr-mupen64plus-next, respectively. Given that, the documentation for lr-mupen64plus is outdated.
So I'll go ahead and mark this as solved and thank you for your help!
In case anyone stumbles upon this thread later having issues with your Retrolink N64 controller button mapping, here is my recommended joystick config:
input_device = "Generic USB Joystick " input_driver = "udev" input_device_display_name = "Retrolink N64 USB controller" input_vendor_id = 121 input_product_id = 6 input_up_btn = "h0up" input_down_btn = "h0down" input_left_btn = "h0left" input_right_btn = "h0right" input_l_y_minus_axis = "-1" input_l_x_plus_axis = "+0" input_l_y_plus_axis = "+1" input_l_x_minus_axis = "-0" input_r_y_minus_btn = "0" input_r_x_plus_btn = "1" input_r_y_plus_btn = "2" input_a_btn = "2" input_r_x_minus_btn = "3" input_x_btn = "3" input_l_btn = "4" input_r_btn = "5" input_b_btn = "6" input_l2_btn = "7" input_y_btn = "8" input_start_btn = "9" input_enable_hotkey_btn = "9" input_state_slot_decrease_btn = "h0left" input_state_slot_increase_btn = "h0right" input_menu_toggle_btn = "3" input_load_state_btn = "4" input_save_state_btn = "5" input_reset_btn = "8" input_exit_emulator_btn = "7" input_b_btn_label = "B" input_y_btn_label = "Y" input_x_btn_label = "X" input_start_btn_label = "Start" input_up_btn_label = "D-Pad Up" input_down_btn_label = "D-Pad Down" input_left_btn_label = "D-Pad Left" input_right_btn_label = "D-Pad Right" input_a_btn_label = "A" input_l_btn_label = "L" input_r_btn_label = "R" input_l2_btn_label = "Z" input_l_x_plus_axis_label = "Joystick Right" input_l_x_minus_axis_label = "Joystick Left" input_l_y_plus_axis_label = "Joystick Down" input_l_y_minus_axis_label = "Joystick Up" input_r_x_plus_btn_label = "C Right" input_r_x_minus_btn_label = "C Left" input_r_y_plus_btn_label = "C Down" input_r_y_minus_btn_label = "C Up"
This thread has been exactly what I'm looking for! I've been having the same problems listed here.
@badviper I replaced my ~/.config/retroarch/autoconfig/ Generic\ \ \ USB\ \ Joystick\ \ .cfg with exactly what you listed above and playing the roms works great! The only problem is when you open the RetroArch RGUI, the controls are all wonky. I have a hunch that it's reading mappings from this file instead: opt/retropie/configs/n64/InputAutoCfg.ini, and my mappings in that file are probably still wrong.
Do you mind posting what you have in that file? -
@ptindian95 glad you were able to benefit from this! I love the community and when people can find solutions to their issues.
I also experience issues with the RetroArch RGUI (for instance the C-down button controlling "A" in the menu). I honestly doubt that it's getting the mapping from InputAutoCfg.ini as it's a mupen64plus-specific configuration. Regardless, here is my config file (excluding other controllers):
; InputAutoCfg.ini for Mupen64Plus SDL Input plugin ; Generic USB Joystick _START [Generic USB Joystick ] plugged = True plugin = 2 mouse = False AnalogDeadzone = 4096,4096 AnalogPeak = 32768,32768 Mempak switch = Rumblepak switch = L Trig = button(4) Start = button(9) C Button U = button(0) C Button L = button(3) DPad D = hat(0 Down) X Axis = axis(0-,0+) R Trig = button(5) DPad R = hat(0 Right) DPad L = hat(0 Left) Z Trig = button(7) Y Axis = axis(1-,1+) DPad U = hat(0 Up) C Button D = button(2) A Button = button(6) B Button = button(8) C Button R = button(1) ; Generic USB Joystick _END
@badviper Yeah you're right, messing with my InputAutoCfg.ini just messed everything up. I think I've just decided to accept that the RetroArch RGUI has different controls (exactly like you explained with C-Down controlling A in the menu). Small price to pay for the mappings working in the actual game. Thanks again!
I also just wanted to chime in and say I bumped into this exact issue, and after hunting around for a few days, I found this thread and had it fixed in a few seconds. I appreciate you posting a follow-up for the community.. it helped me a lot!
@neek said in lr-mupen64plus-next and N64 controller input issues:
I also just wanted to chime in and say I bumped into this exact issue, and after hunting around for a few days, I found this thread and had it fixed in a few seconds. I appreciate you posting a follow-up for the community.. it helped me a lot!
+1 here, this solution made my day. Thanks a lot!
@badviper's configuration also fixed a similar problem that I had with the n64 retrolink z button not being mapped on my second player controller. Thanks!
I had a very similar issue with my "HuiJia USB GamePad" adapter. That's a USB adapter for two original N64 controllers:
I had no issues so far with Mupen64Plus on a Rasperry Pi 3. After switching to a Raspberry Pi 4 and the latest RetroPie 4.7.1, I started using lr-mupen64plus-next. The B button acted like it was the A button and no button would act like the B button.
@badviper s findings helped me solve it: I had to remap the B button and add a fake Y button. Additionally, I increased the analog sensitivity because the raw analog values would max out at about -22000/+22000 and in most games navigating the menus wasn't possible.
I have the impression that the two controls graphics in the docs should be switched.
Here are my config files for anyone facing the same issues with the HuiJia adapter and mupen64plus-next:
configs/all/retroarch/autoconfig/HuiJia USB GamePad.cfg
: (note that there are two spaces between 'HuiJia' and 'USB', but the forum shows only one)input_device = "HuiJia USB GamePad" input_driver = "udev" input_a_btn = "1" input_b_btn = "2" input_l_btn = "6" input_r_btn = "7" input_l2_btn = "8" input_start_btn = "9" input_up_btn = "h0up" input_down_btn = "h0down" input_left_btn = "h0left" input_right_btn = "h0right" input_r_y_plus_axis = "+2" input_r_y_minus_axis = "-2" input_r_x_plus_axis = "-3" input_r_x_minus_axis = "+3" input_l_y_plus_axis = "+1" input_l_y_minus_axis = "-1" input_l_x_plus_axis = "+0" input_l_x_minus_axis = "-0" input_enable_hotkey_btn = "8" input_exit_emulator_btn = "9" input_a_btn_label = "A" input_b_btn_label = "B" input_x_btn_label = "X" input_y_btn_label = "Y" input_l_btn_label = "L" input_r_btn_label = "R" input_l2_btn_label = "Z" input_start_btn_label = "Start" input_up_btn_label = "D-Pad Up" input_down_btn_label = "D-Pad Down" input_left_btn_label = "D-Pad Left" input_right_btn_label = "D-Pad Right" input_l_x_plus_axis_label = "Joystick Right" input_l_x_minus_axis_label = "Joystick Left" input_l_y_plus_axis_label = "Joystick Down" input_l_y_minus_axis_label = "Joystick Up" input_r_x_plus_btn_label = "C Right" input_r_x_minus_btn_label = "C Left" input_r_y_plus_btn_label = "C Down" input_r_y_minus_btn_label = "C Up"
:# Settings made here will only override settings in the global retroarch.cfg if placed above the #include line input_remapping_directory = "/opt/retropie/configs/n64/" input_player1_b_btn = "1" input_player1_y_btn = "2" input_player2_b_btn = "1" input_player2_y_btn = "2" input_analog_sensitivity = "1.400000" #include "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg"
(just for reference as this is not used by lr-mupen64plus-next, only by Mupen64Plus):; InputAutoCfg.ini for Mupen64Plus SDL Input plugin ; HuiJia USB GamePad_START [HuiJia USB GamePad] plugged = True plugin = 2 mouse = False AnalogDeadzone = 1024,1024 AnalogPeak = 19000,19000 Mempak switch = Rumblepak switch = DPad L = hat(0 Left) DPad R = hat(0 Right) DPad U = hat(0 Up) DPad D = hat(0 Down) C Button U = axis(2-) C Button D = axis(2+) C Button L = axis(3+) C Button R = axis(3-) L Trig = button(6) Z Trig = button(8) R Trig = button(7) Start = button(9) A Button = button(1) B Button = button(2) X Axis = axis(0-,0+) Y Axis = axis(1-,1+) ; HuiJia USB GamePad_END
@badviper Would you please advise what steps I need to take to make my retrolink usb controller work with n64?
Do I need to use lr-mupen64plus-next? I selected lr-mupen64*-something*
Do I need to modify /opt/retropie/configs/n64/InputAutoCfg.ini?
Do I need to reboot or only restart emulation station?
I don't understand the GUI option for selecting a Select button since my controller doesn't have one but games need that, right?
Any other steps?
Thank you!
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