Development of module-script generator for lr-mess, lr-mame and mame standalone
Again, I did a huge update.
You can read all improvements in the commit-link.
I have finally got
color artifacting
working using balldozer.
We have to use anNTSC tano dragon 64
for that.
I found the driver name searching for (dragon ntsc) in the source code of mame like this :
You will see thetano dragon 64
For using dragon32 floppy files I had to use a dragon floppy controller (dragon_fdc
) as extra slot device.
So the dragon32 floppies will only work if tanodr64 is installed from the systems with extras or the autoboot lines section otherwise it will boot with a wrong extended dos version.I think many issues are resolved now.
Get the latest module-script here (with added autoboot for samcoupe) : is more about samcoupe in this post : information : -
Balldozer on tanodr64 :
M mitu referenced this topic on
M mitu referenced this topic on
@jamrom2 said in Development of module-script generator for lr-mess and mame standalone:
Do you know if there is anything I need to add to make the Joystick work? So far, no matter what I do in MESS or the LR core, I can't get any directional response.
I read this from your post again.
Check with the tab key ininput(thismachine)
on what keys are associated with the direction.
I remember I had some trouble too on some systems, I think it was apple2.
Sometimes the directional keys are associated withnumpad
Hope it helps, otherwise we have to look at it once again. -
M mitu referenced this topic on
Hi Folly,
I'm back to help with the project today. I have reinstalled the handheld systems with your new script and it works fine. I am impressed every time I do this. I couldn't find your help menu. Where is it ?Another question, which machines are running MSX2.
For help buttons, what kind of infos you want. Handheld description. How to use "basename lines" with MAME.ini. Systems who needs auto-frameskip, etc.
@dteam said in Development of module-script generator for lr-mess and mame standalone:
Hi Folly,
I'm back to help with the project today.
I have reinstalled the handheld systems with your new script and it works fine. I am impressed every time I do this.Very pleased about that !!!
I couldn't find your help menu. Where is it ?
There isn't a help menu.
But in many lines I added some sort of help.
You just have to go to a line and press the help-button beneath.
If the help button doesn't work then there is no "help page" yet.Another question, which machines are running MSX2.
Sony hbf700p for example.
Added it in the systems with extras.For help buttons, what kind of infos you want. Handheld description. How to use "basename lines" with MAME.ini. Systems who needs auto-frameskip, etc.
Yes, something like that.
I think that would be a good start ;-) -
Quick question, when we use your script for Handheld. Does it generate a rompath like / home / pi / RetroPie / roms / tigerh in mame.ini or do we have to do it manually to be able to use the basename option. This is for the help menu... configs/mame/mame.ini
Good question, actually I can't remember if the script automatically adds it.
I think it was something that still had to be looked after.
Because for other systems the basename option isn't perfect for many systems.
So I think we still have to do it manually.When I can I will have a look.
I deleted the tiger rompath in my mame.ini.
After installing tiger again it's not added.
So it still has to be added manually.I think I did some tests to add the rompath into the runcommand line.
But I never added these lines because some systems needed an other solution, like the apfm1000.
It should be somewhat a universal solution but never had clever idea for that. -
Maybe you should add a line like this in your first post.
" EXTRA OPTION: To use basename options for a specific system, you have to add the rompath in .. configs/mame/mame.ini like this:
rompath /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/tigerh; /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/konamih
This way, if you have a ROM with the appropriate MAME naming system, you will be able to use hash files with preset from and also cheat codes.
Basename option doesn't work for some systems like apfm1000
IMPORTANT: It is not necessary to use the basename option to play games with MAME or lr-MESS. "
Indeed, for now it's a good option to add it in the first post.
When I have some time I will try to look for a solution again.
I think we overlooked another issue.
With the mame basename option for, for example tigerh, it adds the systemname tigerh to the runcommand which doesn't work obviously.
It looked like this (not OK
) :
mame-basename = "/opt/retropie/emulators/mame/mame -v -ctigerh
%BASENAME%"I have fixed this now over here. (not on github yet as I have to do more)
So systems with media get the system-name before the %BASENAME% and systems that don't have "media" the system name isn't added.Examples for
as they should be (see the difference) :
mame-basename = "/opt/retropie/emulators/mame/mame -v -c %BASENAME%"
mame-basename = "/opt/retropie/emulators/mame/mame -v -capfm1000
%BASENAME%"With the last line I tried
again, adding the rompath to the mame.ini.
Now it works ;-)I asked myself the question why didn't it work with the line described in post 748.
Well, I think, when we add a rompath in the runcommand line the rompaths in the mame.ini are overruled so then it uses only the rompath that is added to the runcommand line.
Adding more rompaths to a runcommand line isn't possible I think.
So for lr-mess getting a solution for the same problem will be more difficult.So now I have to figure out how I can append the rompaths in the mame.ini automatically.
To be continued ......
I agree , on my side, i'm using something like that for Handheldmame-autoframeskip = "/opt/retropie/emulators/mame/mame -autoframeskip %BASENAME%"
For "real" system
mame-basename = "/opt/retropie/emulators/mame/mame -v -c jaguar %BASENAME%"
I didn't mention that before. Good call!!! We already talked about that a long time ago ;-) -
Indeed we somewhat talked about that, seems we didn't realize back then.
Of-course, If I add a line with framekip or autoframeskip, the idea is the same.
Seems I just found a way to add multiple rompaths to a command, by backslash escaping
( good to know) .
Works :/opt/retropie/emulators/mame/mame -v -c -rompath /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/apfm1000\;/home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/mame apfm1000 "spacedst"
Doesn't work
:/opt/retropie/emulators/mame/mame -v -c -rompath /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/apfm1000;/home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/mame apfm1000 "spacedst"
Doesn't work
(altough /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/mame apfm1000 is in mame.ini) :/opt/retropie/emulators/mame/mame -v -c -rompath /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/apfm1000 "spacedst"
I did some investigation on how the rompaths are added in the module-script for mame.
It's added in a plain way, so I can't use that method, because we have to append.I think it's simpler to just add both rompaths in the runcommand line.
Benefit will be that the mame.ini doesn't get overflowed with rompaths.
Also, when we de-install a module-script the emulator.cfg will be wiped.
But if we add rompaths to the mame.ini they aren't removed with a de-install.I have added the rompaths to the runcommand lines.
I have removed the mame-cmd lines as the are no longer needed.
(The name isn't good either because they will not load .cmd files)
Instead I will replace them with equal basename lines.Edit :
It's working I will put it on github soon !
@folly said in Development of module-script generator for lr-mess and mame standalone:
I have added the rompaths to the runcommand lines.
This is a good idea!
I think you know how to get rid of the old lines in the emulators.cfg.
Can you test for me if cheats are working with these lines ?
If that works then I think it's a very good improvement.Then we can probably take it to the next step and make more retropie names adding for example :
- pinball
- shooter
- calculator
- climbing
For that I want to be able to get these matching arrays in the generator-script part from the database .
At the moment I am busy with a script that will automatically build the new data-base from the new files from
Seems I can get all data now from also the categories.
So probably no need to use
Hopefully I can get it to work, that way it will save a lot of time each time a new mame version comes. -
These lines work to load a game without Rompath in mame.ini but doesn't work for Cheat codes and I can't explain why.
Basename_link = /opt/retropie/emulators/mame/mame -v -c -rompath /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/coleco\;/home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/mame coleco "spacedst" Basename_link2 = /opt/retropie/emulators/mame/mame -v -c -rompath /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/coleco\;/home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/mame coleco %BASENAME%"
For cheat codes we need for now (for coleco) :
in mame.inirompath /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/coleco
in emulator.cfg
mame-coleco-cheat= "/opt/retropie/emulators/mame/mame -c -autoframeskip coleco %BASENAME%"
Seems we don't always are that lucky with this.
Reading your post I presume all systems aren't working with cheats, am I right ?
Or is it only coleco ?When I can will have second look at this problem
I did a test with Coleco. I presume it's the same things for the others. -
The cheat issue should be fixed now.
It should also work with the new basename options too. (I tested myself)There was a mismatch between where the cheats were downloaded and the cheatpath in mame.ini.
Can you test it again.
Before testing, you have to download the cheats again in the script.
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