Retropie (Slight) Issue With Mame (Sound Related) - Frustrated - Please Help!
Hey guys, I need some help. I can't figure this out and it is frustrating.
I am using advmame-1.4 on my retropie (I have also tried advmame-0.94.0)... The problem seems like a simple one, but I can't figure it out!
All my games work fine with the exception of two... ACT RAISER and CONTRA 3... They run fine, but have NO SOUND... Since they are both NINTENDO SUPER SYSTEM games, and everything else works fine with sound, then I am thinking this is a problem with them being NSS games?
Can anyone help me?
Probably not emulated. Why not play the snes versions?
@Darksavior Thanks for the reply, that is my next option, but it is one of those problems that bugs me and I want to figure it out!! :) lol.
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