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    just delete the thread - i've started a total rebuild

  • Have I destroyed my Pi 5?

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    So, I've updated the bootloader to "NVME/USB Boot" (got the green screen and rapidly flashing green light), removed the SD card, placed a USB stick (flashed with Raspbian Lite) into one of the USB3 slots, and it won't boot.

    I get the message below:

    "Raspberry Pi 5 - 4GB

    bootloader: 6fe0b091 2024/06/05

    update-ts: 1718268387

    board: c04170 ce7cb976 d8:3a:dd:a6:ef:65

    boot: mode USB-MSD 4 order f14 retry 0/128 restart 1/-1

    SD: card not detected

    part: 0 mbr [0x00:00000000 0x00:00000000 0x00:00000000 0x00:00 power: supply: RPi USB-PD 5000 mA CC1 PMIC: reset normal 0x0 us net: down ip: sn: gw:

    tftp: 00:00:00:00:00:00

    display: DISPO: HDMI HPD=1 EDID=ok #2 DISP1: HPD=0 EDID=none #0

    Boot mode: USB-MSD (04) order f1

    USB2[1] 000206e1 connected

    USB2[1] 0020003 connected enabled

    USB2 root HUB port 1 init

    USB2[1] 000206e1 connected

    USB2[1] 00200e03 connected


    USB2 root HUB port 1 init

    USB MSD stopped. Timeout: 25

    Boot mode: SD (01) order f


    Failed to open device: 'scard'

    Failed to

    (cmd 371a0010 status 1fff0001)

    Boot mode: RESTART (0f) order 0

    open device: 'scard (cmd 371a0010 status 1fff0001)

    Boot mode: USB-MSD (04) order f1

    USB2\1) 000206e1 connected

    USB2(1) 00200e03 connected enabled

    USB2 root HUB port 1 init"

    Any ideas?

  • sound issues

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    @XxRLGxX Re: sound issues

    By any chance ... those "ROM's" with no sound ... are loaded on different RetroArch cores? If yes, check the RetroArch core volume output ... these can differ per core.

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    @mitu yes finally works! thanks so much for your determination and interest in helping

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    @thisisnotdave said in Retropie on Khadas Edge 2 running Armbian can't get sound in games to work over HDMI:

    Is there a way to supress the VolumeControl::getVolume() - Failed to get volume range! error I see every time I launch a game?

    Change the Audio Device setting in EmulationStation's Audio menu to Master or PCM and this should get rid of the warning.

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    I figured this out after wrangling with my Samsung firmware.

    It was trying to automatically adjust the signal.

    In my TV settings it had to be set to PCM. In ES default / hdmi / hdmi worked.

    It happened after a background firmware update I wasn’t informed of, hence my utter confusion over cause.

    The clue was that after switching to my Apple TV, same issue presented itself.

    I take back any suggestion it was a Retropie issue.

    The thing that really sent me for a loop was that for some reason the emulation station navigation clicks immediately became inaudible (but if you crank the volume you can hear it).

    This is still an issue, and I’m unsure if it’s TV/ Retropie or combination of issues. The games, playback of snaps, etc. still sound fine / normal volume.

    It is not significant enough to take much of my attention.

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    It's quite fun to change a sound file and use it for the achievements. I use the gameboy Pokemon levelling up sound, I won't link to it as it's copyrighted I'm sure, but it's easy enough to find a wav or mp3 to convert online

  • annoyed clicking sound

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    Open EmulationStation menu then Sound Settings > Navigation Sounds .

  • Sound STILL cuts out mid game

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    @jamietuley my first question is if this a RetroPie build image or did this come from something else. Honestly, hissing is something I've never had an issue with with any of the 4 Pi3bs I own, nor was it a problem with my Pi2 before.

    I don't know why you would have needed to alter any config file for the sound. It's better not to play around with any of the base configs and just use the menu to turn things on and off. You can try the Raspi-config menu and see if anything regarding sound is not active. But I think the Audio selection in the RetroPie setup does the same.

    Anything above that is above my skill level. I've not experienced the issue you're having, nor did I have to play around with the config file to get anything to work. I used the menus only.


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  • raspberry 4b n64 sound delay

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    @bene112 For a chance of real support, please provide the information requested here in the sticky. Apart from that, N64 emulation is way more demanding then an oldschooler like the snes or nes and even on a pi4 somewhat troublesome.

  • Audio devices not found GPi case

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    @Souciot said in Audio devices not found GPi case:

    @G30FF in the readme of the patch it's written : "Why need to install display GPi Case patch for Retropie and Recalbox?" so I suppose it shouldn't mess with retropie ?

    I only have experience with the GPi Case 2, so my mistake. The GPi Case 2 patch includes one for Recalbox 7, one for Recalbox 8, one for Batocera, and one for RetroPie. I downloaded the GPi Case 1 patch, and I see why the recalbox string is there, because it's included in the patched config.txt. Sorry, I won't be much help here.

  • Equalizer presets?

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    @sleve_mcdichael ok, I was just making sure there wasn't somewhere obvious I was missing on handing fr HDMI to headphones. Or if there was a general location where this would typically be saved, such as in a config file somewhere. It may be easier for me to just install another separately from the beginning

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    @iss05e said in Amiberry - no sound through headphone jack:

    The previous version of Amiberry inherited the Audio options set in RetroPie. I guess Amiberry v5.3 no longer does this.

    It didn't, it was just a concidence that it worked. It probably just used the 'default' (which is set via the RetroPie audio settings).

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    @hellricer I was about to say that you might have overrides (reading your top post), therefore the diff output location
    on RA 1.15 the output dir is simply named records and the configs go to records_config folder (for example you can have custom config.cfg file in there.

    As per RA docs you need also to have custom FFMPEG compile with
    --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl --enable-libmp3lame options
    but this does not fix the hissing sound which I believe you hear when you start the recording.
    As you stated, the output file though is video/audio ok which I also confirm from my testings

    Since you say you tested all other options in video_record_quality, you can test this override config and retest

    Option 1:
    Edit your main retroarch.cfg file in /configs/all/ and set
    video_record_quality = "4"
    and save. You can do from network share or locally to the file if easier for you.

    Option 2:
    create a config.cfg file, in /configs/all/retroarch/records_config/
    and add the above line in there and save.

    If you compile the ffmpeg as per docs you can add even more settings to it such as:

    vcodec = libx264rgb acodec = libmp3lame audio_global_quality = 75 sample_rate = 44100 threads = 0 video_preset = ultrafast video_record_quality = "4"

    or just

    video_record_quality = "4"

    Then select in ra the file or again change in your retroarch.cfg
    rgui_config_directory = ""
    rgui_config_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/config"

    Forgot to add. If you use shaders you should also enable in either option the
    video_gpu_record = "true" default is false BUT i noticed with lossless it causing video stutter.

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  • Sound not working with HifiBerry

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    @bk said in Sound not working with HifiBerry:

    Concerning the alsamixer, I assume I have to type "alsamixer sndrpihifiberry" or "alsamixer snd_rpi_hifiberry_dac"? If so, both give me "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory".

    No, you should just type alsamixer and note the mixer's name (4th row on the top left menu). For instance, in the screenshot below the mixer is named Headphone.
    However, based on the error you're receiving (cannot open mixer) it looks like the device has no hardware volume control (mixer). You may be able to add a software volume control, following the instructions from this page.

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    @Spinjunkey-0 said in Picade Sound stuck at Max Volume:

    [..] I actually get nothing. My .asoundrc file is exactly like Ultra-Magnuss' and have even renamed and deleted the file. Nada. Volume is still 100% even if I edit with the PICADE on screen controls. [...]

    Post your $HOME/.asoundrc.