Announcing Pegasus Frontend
@fluffypillow nice one :-) Look forward to trying it.
@ABrugsch Thanks.
I got attractmode compiled on my chip but it was dog slow and i couldn't get sfml with accelleration to compile.emulationstation was a little laggy on chip.
was considering advmenu but if this works.... -
@InsecureSpike well QML itself can be used for a lot of things, so it can look very complex at first. It can even be used for writing mobile games or web browsers, but fortunately for theming you won't have get familiar with all the components. In my opinion, the somewhat harder part is setting up the scrollable/moving elements (like a grid or a cover list) the way you want. After that, styling the elements is easy.
I'm going to write some tutorials when it gets released, in the meantime you might find this guide useful.
@fluffypillow awesome, thank you
I'm really impressed. I've tried Attract Mode on my Pi, and it's kinda hard to use, at least for me, so I'm ready to see a new frontend.
I'm also excited to make some themes for this as well. :D
One thing though: Will it be an easy setup for the Pi? I don't want to go through the hassle of changing so much code and stuff. -
@itsnitro in practice, a Pi release should "just work". The only problem is that Debian/Raspbian currently uses an outdated, 3 years old version of Qt, from which a bunch of features and optimizations are missing. As such, I'll include the required Qt libs with the releases, and also host the build tools and libraries too if you want to build on the board or cross compile.
- topic:timeago-later,7 days
This week's main features:
- added bezel, marquee and flyer image asset support
- added support for all ES2 game metadata tags
- gamelist reading and asset finding speed optimizations: currently loading ~1000 games, all with videos, box front, screenshot and logo takes less than 2 seconds on a Pi 3, and less than 10 seconds on a first gen Pi 1; these numbers may improve later
- improved asset loading speed, added loading screen and loading indicators
- implemented basic custom theme loading support
- confirmed video support working on Pi 3 and 1
@fluffypillow how can we test it?
@itsnitro I just spent the last few minutes laughing my ass off. Take an upvote
Not this again.
@meleu as soon as it's generally in a usable state, I'll open source it. There are some basic features I'd still like to work on before, like gamepad navigation, but I can make an alpha release this week or the next probably.
I've made a new video:
(I did cheat a bit, I've turned off displaying the videos, but that doesn't affect the loading speed anyway. Also it's "just" 750 games this time.)
For some reason starting right after boot, like ES2, takes 1 second longer... interesting. Anyway, according to the logs, game data loading took 1991ms even with this delay.
@fluffypillow goddamn that's some smooth scrolling and loading.
@fluffypillow said in Announcing Pegasus Frontend:
"just" 750 games this time
@fluffypillow will we be able to use current themes from ES on this front end or will we need to rebuild them in a different format? Looks like some cool modifications could be done to my themes! Have you thought about a screensaver like @fieldofcows and @pjft have built for their ES fork? The screensaver is the coolest feature and would be a great addition to what you are working on. Looking forward to testing this one out soon......this might mean I need a 4th SD card so I can keep running all the different builds I am working on!
@TMNTturtlguy It uses a different format, but I think it would be possible to write a converter script. Haven't thought about the screensaver before, but yeah, that's a good idea!
wow, looking awesome!
great work!
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