Default lr-mame2003 Controls
@jakejm79 said in Default lr-mame2003 Controls:
I get what you are saying, but the problem is with the button numbering/assignments being no set standard between arcade games, trying to have a one size fits all default isn't working.well, it's up to the emulator to set the standard and make it so that one size fits all default works :) like i say, fbalpha has gone to extreme lengths in that area. you're always going to get outlier games that don't suit a 3x2 layout of buttons (eg, mortal kombat), and have personal preference about which button should be the fire button in a shooter, etc, but for the most part you should expect the default to have some kind of sense.
i will say the mame2003 defaults are all over the place, but yeah, fbalpha is great! i challenge you to find a game that doesn't work well with my bindings above. mame2003-plus should work well, also.
I could use RA to set per default games but to me its easier to setup via the internal menu, I pick the button I want to change and press the physical button I want to use, also in RA it will then mess with controls in the service menu or internal menu, for example my A (red) button was always confirm in service menus, but when I remapped things in RA, while the buttons were the way I wanted in games suddenly X (blue) became confirm.
FYI you should have remapped via - this would not have changed UI controls
Also if I mess up with the internal button I just delete the romname.cfg file and start over, no harm done.
if you do it via core input remapping and overrides, it's the same situation - one cfg per game, but sure, if you prefer the mame menu you can do that.
That was how I remapped it, I saved it has a core override and it did mess with the internal Mame controls. That was how I also did it for the MD/32X remap and that took it with no problem, I assume its due to the extra layer between RA and the end result with MAME which doesn't exist in consoles due to all console games (on the same system) adhering to the same layout.
i.e. ES>RA>MAME>Game vs. ES>RA>GameAnyway the problem with either layout is that I don't think it would achieve what I wanted, which is to have the Neo-Geo games match up by color (so my Red is A, Yellow is B, Blue is C, etc) which I means A=1, B=2, Y=3, X=4 in Mame, but then I also want it so B=1 , A=2, RS=3 for 1, 2 or 3 button games so people only have to concentrate on the bottom row of buttons for the simpler games.
Now I could move my buttons so my 4 in the bottom row were Red, Yellow, Green, Blue and then also that 1-4, that would then mean my bottom row worked for Neo-Geo and 1-3 button games, but IMO it would work out really badly for SNES/PSX. So I either have to compromise somewhere or custom map a bunch.
Another option could be a set of illuminated buttons, an Ultimarc Pac-Drive and this guide from @savetheclocktowr to light up only the buttons that a particular game uses.
Here's a short video that shows the effect:
But although I do own a Pac-Drive myself, I never got around using this guide to set it up differently than permanent illumination. It's on my long-term to-do list. So, I can't say if this guide from September 2016 still works in the current Retropie 4.4. At least the files which the guide instructs to download are still available. I checked that right before I wrote this post.
Just a thought in case you're interested in slightly more unorthodox solutions to your problem.
That is actually a really cool solution, I think I will put it on my long term plan too.
In the meantime I'll remap Neo-Geo games to use the colored buttons to match up with what they would be (A Red, B Yellow, C, Green, D Blue), everything else will get 1-3 for bottom row and 4-6 for top row, also the fighting games will also get a custom remap along with games with 4 way fire too.
I've done up the following cheat sheets so hopefully everyone will be able to understand things. -
@jakejm79 said in Default lr-mame2003 Controls:
That is actually a really cool solution, I think I will put it on my long term plan too.
Then you may want to consider downloading the two files mentioned in it now, lest they may be gone sometime in the future. I did so yesterday. :)
I've done up the following cheat sheets so hopefully everyone will be able to understand things.
@Clyde Good point I will do that.
So I got everything all finished and am pretty happy with the results.
Things are mapped in Mame in this order4 5 6 8 1 2 3 7
With games using buttons in numerical preference, so 3 button games use 1-3, 4 buttons 1-4, etc.
The only two exceptions are:
Neo-Geo that uses 1, 2, 4, 5 since the colors match that of the real Neo-Geo machines and I think 4 in a 2x2 cluster works better ergonomically that a 1x4 row and games like Smash TV that have a 4 way directional fire, which is mapped to 1, 2, 3, 5 in a ASDW setup.
MK games got aHP HK LP LK BL
Layout, so basically the block button gets moved out of the middle and to the side of the square (this keeps things in line with the use first 5 buttons for 5 button games).
SF games use all 6 with a layout identical to the originals (punch in the top row of 3 - buttons 4-6, kick in the bottom row of 3 - buttons 1-3).
Also all the consoles with the exception of SNES follow the same use only the buttons necessary in numerical order philosophy, the SNES being the outlier due to LS being on the left side of the colored buttons.
Pretty happy with how things came out, anyone familiar with the games in the arcade should find them pretty familiar and for Neo-Geo games that often reference the controls on the screen things should match up, red is fire in metal slug for example.
Thanks for the help everyone. Just in time for my holiday party. And I think I will ask Santa for some light up buttons and that LED controller.
@jakejm79 said in Default lr-mame2003 Controls:
Neo-Geo that uses 1, 2, 4, 5 since the colors match that of the real Neo-Geo machines and I think 4 in a 2x2 cluster works better ergonomically that a 1x4 row
The only (small) issue with this is that many Neo Geo games display a quick tutorial that shows the buttons in one row. That said, even the official controller of the Neo Geo CD had a 2x2 button layout:
MK games got a
Another common MK setup is
so that there are two block buttons in the middle instead of one. It resembles the original layout more closely. But of course, this is a matter of preference.
Thanks for the help everyone. Just in time for my holiday party. And I think I will ask Santa for some light up buttons and that LED controller.
If you ask for a Pac-Drive, remember to include 5v LED buttons, because those can be used without an external power source, contrary to 12v buttons. See the official site for more information about that.
Have fun at your holiday party!
Good call on the MK setup, I might do that, I think 2 and 3 actually featured a run button that was completely in its on separate area.HP BL HK LP RN LK
Since you run with your legs that are at the bottom of your body and block with your arms at the top.
I think I will go with that since that way all 6 buttons get used and it is very similar to the original arcade setup. Thanks for the heads up on the 5v buttons. -
I just tested the pacdrive utility to control my led buttons. It still works fine, but it needs a small fix for Retropie 4.4.
Thanks for finally getting me to engage in this. 😊 Although setting up the buttons for all of my games may be a life task.
use fba or mame2003 plus youll sav yourself big headaches
Everyone keeps saying that, but it wont address my problem. If you read what I was originally trying to achieve, it was only possibly with custom remapping, the default setups for FBA, Lr-Mame or Mame plus wouldn't work the way I want.
@jakejm79 i believe your neogeo colour coordination thing would at least work in fbalpha and my suggested layout thanks to the ‘game pad’ neogeo control layout core option.
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