MAME ROW #37 - Super Space Invaders '91
This is the MAME Random Of the Week #37
The three random numbers for this week are: 244, 1793, 899
Click here to vote! Which game do you choose for MAME ROW #37?
The result of the poll is posted on Wednesday, so we have Monday and Tuesday for experimentation.
Game Name: Car Jamboree
Company: Omori Electric Co., Ltd.
Year: 1983
ROM file name: carjmbre.zip1793
Game Name: Super Space Invaders '91 (World)
Company: Taito Corporation Japan
Year: 1990
ROM file name: ssi.zip899
Game Name: The Koukouyakyuh
Company: Alpha Denshi Co.
Year: 1985
ROM file name: kouyakyu.zipWhat is the MAME ROW?
MAME ROW stands for MAME Random Of the Week. We randomly select an arcade game from the 0.78 MAME Reference Set to play on the week. The idea is to play games we've never played before, interact with other forum members, post hi-scores, share game strategies, fun facts, and (the most important) HAVE FUN!
We usually post hi-scores screenshots after playing with only one credit. If you used more than one credit, please mention it on your post.
There's no need to use RetroPie to join the MAME ROW! You can play it on any platform you want.
Every Monday we create a topic at the "General Discussion and Gaming" forum section with the 3 random games to be voted. And on Wednesday we check the result.
These "rules" are constantly being improved!
Previous Rounds
super space invaders 91 gets my vote as it has some nostalgia for me - it was one of a handful of arcade machines at the arcade of the caravan park in norfolk i used to go to every summer with my family. i remember finding it really hard, though!
i remember always finding the music and sound effects of the machine kind of creepy!
+1 for space invaders. I liked it!
@meleu me too!
I think this one is going to be a foregone conclusion - I can't pass up the chance to vote for the iconic Space Invaders, even if it is the 1991 remake.
Interesting to see Car Jamboree though.
I think I've looked at 'The Koukouyakyuh' before, and couldn't work out how to control it!
Yes! And due to amazing skills of preparation, I have got my high score ready and waiting!
110600 (round 8)!
(loving the aliens stealing cows level!)
The luck was on my side and I managed to save all the cows at the bonus stage. It really increases your score.
I've got 161330:
Look that when I got that score in the 2nd position I didn't get a "perfect" at bonus stage but reached the 11th stage. And then got killed by a kind of boss.
Played with only one credit.
Level 8 - 101720pts :)
Fun Game!
First what's the best PowerUp to collect?
D und F are real badass kickersI always thought cows can't fly? :D
RetroPie makes cows fly :) -
Hey guys... had no time to play yet..
was busy doing the overlays for it !
;-) -
@UDb23 Come on - just a small gameplay
one try ;)
and two testplays - all in all just 15minutes :) -
@cyperghost sure, today I'll play and try to make decent score. ;-)
MAME ROW #38 is live!
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Hosting provided by Mythic-Beasts. See the Hosting Information page for more information.