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    @quicksilver Yeah, I did the same. Took those that were already converted, the rest I went for bin/cue formats. Converting myself never went right.

    Thanks for the guide! I'll give it a try later. So far I'm only interested in PCE-CD and Sega CD games.

  • PCE CD stuck at "Just a moment..."

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    @edmaul69 said in PCE CD stuck at "Just a moment...":

    Yes, openining up the .cue file you will see the bin name. Make sure all caps and lowercase match the real .bin file including on the .bin .BIN part. Linux is case sensitive.

    @lostless said in PCE CD stuck at "Just a moment...":

    @jiryn check your cue file and see if the case of the file name matches the bin file.

    Yep, right after I posed my question/problem, I started up my Pi and decided to double check the naming/pathing. I removed all the gibberish people put in parathenesis in the game title, but forgot to remove it from the cue file. Now it works perfectly!

    You guys were exactly right, thank you so much for answering my problem.

  • PCE CD and SperGrafx

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    @dankcushions I figured it had to have been asked many times before. I personally merge all the sega systems together. It was just the inconsistency that made me ask. both are cart systems with cd add-ons but one is separate, one is merged.

    You could argue that the supergrafx was a separate system not just an add-on like the 32x but with only 5 games who wants to split that out!

    There is one problem with merging though. sselphs scraper doesn't find sega cd titles or pce cd titles if they are in the megadrive or pcengine folders so they have to be scraped manually, the built in scraper doesn't find them either (the system is part of the search criteria and it's the wrong system).