How to configure Joysticks ?
Is it okay now ?
@tigry If they are detected, you just follow the on screen prompts on first boot. Make sure your power supply is rate at 2.5A or greater. Are they not responding to key strokes? what happens if you run this:
jstest /dev/input/js0
@rbaker Just FYI, you usually don't have to use sudo for jstest, as it doesn't need root privileges.
I'm going to preemptively mention this since I have seen it come up a few times recently.
For joy stick and button configuration when you have a 2 player set up, It is important to make sure that the joy sticks and buttons are in the same slots on the encoder.
If your lay out is:
5,6,7,8You want button 1 on player 1 and 2 to be in the same slot on each usb encoder. If button 1 is in slot 5 for example than player 2's button 1 needs to be in slot 5 of the player 2 controller.
Since we don't know much yet on how your set up is failing this may not help at all. But it is worth checking and doesn't take long to confirm.
(Sorry for my english I'm french)
Thanks for the replies, @rbaker the only one changed parameter when I move the joystick at all axes is the "1: -32767" in :
Axes: 0: 0 1: -32767 2: 0 3: 0 4: 0 5: 0 6: 0 Buttons: 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off 7:off 8:off 9:off 10:off 11:off
And all the buttons works correctly.I finded another problem :
When I press one button for several seconds (to skip one control configuration in the configuration menu), that doesn't work and I can't skip it.
For example I don't want to configure "D-PAD UP", so I press one button for several seconds, but that don't skip this configuration.What can I do please ?
@tigry said in How to configure Joysticks ?:
For example I don't want to configure "D-PAD UP", so I press one button for several seconds, but that don't skip this configuration.
Since the
buttons are configured first, use one of those buttons to hold in order to skip. Make sure you de-press the button between 2 'skip' operations, you cannot press it continuously to skip several buttons in a row. -
@mitu But the button that is configured first is "D-PAD UP" so how to skip it ?
@tigry You're right, I forgot about the order in the configuration dialog.
@mitu Yes, I want to skip some configurations :
"D-PAD UP", "D-PAD DOWN", "D-PAD LEFT", "D-PAD RIGHT"But they are in this order :
"D-PAD UP", "D-PAD DOWN", "D-PAD LEFT", "D-PAD RIGHT", "START", "SELECT" ...So how can I skip them ?
@tigry said in How to configure Joysticks ?:
@mitu Yes, I want to skip some configurations :
"D-PAD UP", "D-PAD DOWN", "D-PAD LEFT", "D-PAD RIGHT"But they are in this order :
"D-PAD UP", "D-PAD DOWN", "D-PAD LEFT", "D-PAD RIGHT", "START", "SELECT" ...So how can I skip them ?
Skipping is not possible for first button DPAD UP but you can delete the config later.
Why do you want no DPad config - sounds crazy 😅
@cyperghost said in How to configure Joysticks ?:
Why do you want no DPad config - sounds crazy 😅
Well, because the gamepad doesn't have a D-pad, only analog joysticks ?
@mitu makes sense .... But then manual edit seems the way to go. Assign button A as dpad up then skip rest of pads. Then later edit files manually and assign button A in config file
@mitu Exactly, I haven't D-Pad but only analog joysticks.
My joysticks and buttons are them : I don't understand what to do, can someone give me one configuration that I could do ?
Assign button A as dpad up, yes, but after that the same thing, I can't skip next pads... That doesn't work :/
Can I create the configuration manually ? Maybe that it would be easier ?
EDIT : Well, I find the solution, now the joysticks and buttons are configured, with the keyboard I can skip the pads !
But now it's in games that I can't move or somethings :/ -
@tigry said in How to configure Joysticks ?:
@mitu Exactly, I haven't D-Pad but only analog joysticks.
My joysticks and buttons are them : may be wrong, but don't those sticks have digital microswitches for their four directions? In that case, they should be configured as D-Pads instead of analog sticks (which they aren't in that case).
@clyde said in How to configure Joysticks ?:
I may be wrong, but don't those sticks have digital microswitches for their four directions?
The joysticks do indeed appear to use digital microswitches. There really shouldn't be a problem.
@Clyde @mediamogul Right, joysticks are configured on D-PAD, but I can't configure joysticks and buttons in Retroarch (to use them in game), when I go to :
Retroarch > Settings > Input > Input User 1 Binds > User 1 Bind AllWhen I push some buttons or move the joystick, that doesn't work :/
What I need to do please ?
PS : It's my mistake, I haven't analog joysticks, they have only 4 directions (UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT).
EDIT : Well, I find the solution ! After some manipulations, my joysticks and buttons works in games !
- I uninstalled & install again retroarch
- I configured again my joysticks and buttons
- I updated all the system
@Tigry Thanks for sharing your solution, glad you found it.
Just for completeness, I was going to suggest that you could use @meleu's joystick-selection tool to see if your sticks are configured as player 1 +2. If not, that could've been the reason why they didn't work in RetroArch.
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