Old Computer Appreciation Thread
Hi guys,
Well this is what I am doing (and what I have done):
I have done my job today as a postman on the island Vlieland. Now I have to travel 2 hours on the boat and then 40 minutes biking towards home.
I have always done this job part-time from an early age.
But basically I am an electronics-engineer.
So I have also worked in a hospital.
And I have had my own business for 15 years in first-aid education.
with a 20 year old brain ^^.So now I have some time to answer.
You have to have an updated version of the RetroPie-Setup that has support for external repositories.
It should work with both the original RetroPie-Setup and Valerino's fork.
If you have manually added some module-scripts then most likely your RetroPie-Setup will not update.
Just rename the old Setup andgit clone
the new one.Make sure you have installed both mame and lr-mess.
With the curl line you run the 2v0-script online without even downloading it.
You just put the system you want at the end and it will create the module-scripts in the RetroPie-Setup/ext (for external repositories).
It will also install the run_mess.sh (necessary for lr-mess) script of Valerino if it is not present.Then you install your desired module-scripts in the RetroPie-Setup you will find these at the bottom-end of the experimental-packages. (you can use the
key)My module-scripts now also contain mame lines as you have noticed.
With this addition I changed the BIOS directory so both mame and lr-mess use the same bios files.
The directory is :
Nice thing about this is that these files are now separated from the normal bios files, which is really nice.Run the game with the line that contains mame, autoframeskip and cdrm.
That should do the trick.
@adambegood said in Old Computer Appreciation Thread:
@folly How familiar are you with creating ISOs?
I thought I could put the Azure files into the Alltynex ISO and then do the break process and just run the executable for Azure from within that.. but if I put those files into the ISO then it won't run. I am confused as to how it knows the difference.
I was also thinking of editing the Alltynex ISO because we had to do ctrl+c.
(Btw.It seems the loop is due to the 2mb memory. Now on my laptop I don't have this problem it boots with 6mb, but don't know why)
I tried to use isomaster to edit the iso, but the iso will not not boot.
It seems, regarding the thread where we downloaded the iso, that you have to use the dos program IPL.com to make the iso bootable again.
Not tried yet, though.Edit: Also, any hints on finding these .226 MAME CHDs? Mad Stalker Neo Kobe doesn't work for me, and I imagine that is in there. I must be being stupid here, but I can't find FM Towns in any MAME sets I come across, all seems to be arcade-focussed.
Indeed, couldn't find them either.
I am now working on a front-end module-script which contains the generation-script.
It is still very basic.You can test the latest by downloading it to the RetroPie-Setup with this cmd :
(edit : updated to test4)wget -q -nv -O /home/$(ls /home)/RetroPie-Setup/scriptmodules/supplementary/add-mamedev-systems.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FollyMaddy/RetroPie-Share/main/00-workdir-00/add-mamedev-systems-test4.sh Go to configuration/tools->add
option2 takes about 20-40 seconds to fill with 38000 systems.
If you select a system it will directly try to install it too. !!! -
@folly Vlieland eh! Sounds like you keep yourself busy with these various jobs! Seems strange to do that job part-time when the travel is so long but I guess someone has to do it, and it's cool that you have to travel by boat regularly.
I'm 39 and work as a Business Analyst for a Financial Company. Very dry.
Interesting on the IPL.com point, maybe I can just put Azure within the existing Alltynex ISO then...
So strange that it is 6mb on your Laptop.. does the game boot automatically on there then?
Edit: I've put Azure within the Allyntex ISO and renamed it to Azure.iso, I am now trying to make it bootable but I am getting an incompatibility message as I am running it through CMD in Windows. Is this IPL program something that has to be run in Towns OS?
My plan is that if I can do the break to get into the Towns GUI, I can just run the Azure file from in there, and maybe Mad Stalker as well.
@adambegood said in Old Computer Appreciation Thread:
@folly Vlieland eh! Sounds like you keep yourself busy with these various jobs! Seems strange to do that job part-time when the travel is so long but I guess someone has to do it, and it's cool that you have to travel by boat regularly.
I do this on a regular base, also another island Terschelling.
Only if people have off from work or when they are ill.
So luckily not every day, but it's enjoy-able !I'm 39 and work as a Business Analyst for a Financial Company. Very dry.
Almost forgot, I did also a study for Business Analyst.
But in the end, it wasn't my thing.Interesting on the IPL.com point, maybe I can just put Azure within the existing Alltynex ISO then...
Perhaps, But we have to find a way to get it bootable.
We should try to run IPL.com in the dosbox.So strange that it is 6mb on your Laptop.. does the game boot automatically on there then?
I think I run a newer version on that.
But I don't know why just yet. -
@folly DosBox makes sense. My wife is back now so I have to help her in with the kid. I will try that later on. :)
Your occasional postie job sounds fun!
Edit: I can get into the Towns menu on my Azure.iso now! I just need to navigate a load of Japanese text... The wife wants me upstairs but I want to tinker.
Further Edit: I cannot work out how to get into the folder structure and open Azure though. @Zering tells me that there is a CHD available anyway so maybe a moot point, as I don't need to go down this route anymore. Interesting though.
@adambegood I have emailed you concerning the Mame CHDs.
@zering Thanks very much for that, I was having a really hard time!
@Zering @AdamBeGood the forum is not a ROM sharing place, so please refrain yourselves for advertising and swapping roms using it.
@mitu said in Old Computer Appreciation Thread:
@Zering @AdamBeGood the forum is not a ROM sharing place, so please refrain yourselves for advertising and swapping roms using it.
Apologies, @mitu - no details here at all but fair enough. It won't happen again.
Did it create a bootable iso ?
Did the curl line go smooth ?
Can you try again to inform me ? -
@folly said in Old Computer Appreciation Thread:
Did it create a bootable iso ?
Did the curl line go smooth ?
Can you try again to inform me ?Yep, it made the iso bootable. So I had a folder within the Alltynex ISO that contained the Azure game files - I just couldn't work out how to access it from within Towns OS.
Not sure about @Zering and Alltynex curling.
@Folly @Zering I've been trying to get Mad Stalker to work but it is causing me trouble. It can be broken with Ctrl+C but then there aren't too many options as to what to do - I've tried opening MAD.BAT and MAD.EXP but they both result in black screen.
There is another folder to be looked into but I can't find the underscore character on the keyboard yet for FM Towns. Switching between English and Kanji characters is CTRL+ALT.
One other game I have a problem with is Prince of Persia, when I start a game it asks for a disc to be inserted into Drive 0 and I don't know what to do with that.
These aren't massive problems, I am just listing the couple of FM Towns issues I've still got.
Did you guys know there is a MegaDrive Mad Stalker version now? It was prototyped and basically finished and is released now. It's out there and does work.
I tried.
Same problems over here.With prince of persia I added a .hdm which was accepeted by mame.
But what to do next ?I have a version 2 though with a .hdm.
Perhaps I will try.
I think I had that one running last year. -
@folly said in Old Computer Appreciation Thread:
I tried.
Same problems over here.With prince of persia I added a .hdm which was accepeted by mame.
But what to do next ?I have a version 2 though with a .hdm.
Perhaps I will try.
I think I had that one running last year.@folly Yeah, it is a weird one. It is asking for a Data Disc as well I think so I don't know where we get that from... I need to run Google translate on it again.
Let me know about your version 2 - the FM Towns edition of Prince of Persia is meant to be good.
On a separate note, if I update lr-mess and mame to see if any emulation improves, will I have to do any further setup or will everything still work? I'm thinking of FM Towns, CD-I, etc.
@adambegood said in Old Computer Appreciation Thread:
@folly said in Old Computer Appreciation Thread:
I tried.
Same problems over here.With prince of persia I added a .hdm which was accepeted by mame.
But what to do next ?I have a version 2 though with a .hdm.
Perhaps I will try.
I think I had that one running last year.@folly Yeah, it is a weird one. It is asking for a Data Disc as well I think so I don't know where we get that from... I need to run Google translate on it again.
Let me know about your version 2 - the FM Towns edition of Prince of Persia is meant to be good.
Will try that.
Edit :
I tried, but could not get it working with both mame and lr-mess.
Done this with mame manually (perhaps it doesn't work because of the bios files):
/opt/retropie/emulators/mame/mame fmtowns -rp /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/mame -cfg_directory /opt/retropie/configs/fmtowns "-autoframeskip" "-cdrm" "/media/pi/003A-D820/roms/fmtowns/Prince of Persia 2 (Interprog)/Prince of Persia 2.cue" "-flop1" "/media/pi/003A-D820/roms/fmtowns/Prince of Persia 2 (Interprog)/Prince of Persia 2 (User disk).hdm"
fmt_dic.rom WRONG CHECKSUMS:
EXPECTED: CRC(b314c659) SHA1(3959c4c6be540252cabea06847bcd408f1911cfb)
FOUND: CRC(82d1daa2) SHA1(7564020dba71deee27184824b84dbbbb7c72aa4e)
fmt_fnt.rom WRONG CHECKSUMS:
EXPECTED: CRC(955c6b75) SHA1(fa5f7a18060afa35678dcbdc3589a1455aba26dc)
FOUND: CRC(dd6fd544) SHA1(a216482ea3162f348fcf77fea78e0b2e4288091a)
fmt_sys.rom WRONG CHECKSUMS:
EXPECTED: CRC(53319e23) SHA1(15d9cc705f3534fe97a2386e4d4848a1602cc534)
FOUND: CRC(afe4ebcf) SHA1(4cd51de4fca9bd7a3d91d09ad636fa6b47a41df5)On a separate note, if I update lr-mess and mame to see if any emulation improves, will I have to do any further setup or will everything still work? I'm thinking of FM Towns, CD-I, etc.
I am not absolutely sure, but i think these will work without a problem.
Can you run the the curl command for me again ?
I added some important info. -
@folly said in Old Computer Appreciation Thread:
Can you run the the curl command for me again ?
I added some important info.Which system do you want me to put at the end of the Curl command?
I'll Google to see if anyone else had the Prince of Persia issue - thanks for trying.
@adambegood said in Old Computer Appreciation Thread:
@folly said in Old Computer Appreciation Thread:
Can you run the the curl command for me again ?
I added some important info.Which system do you want me to put at the end of the Curl command?
fmtownsv03 seems a nice one to try, but I have no bios files for this.
Perhaps you have.
It's a newer version with I386 cpu.I'll Google to see if anyone else had the Prince of Persia issue - thanks for trying.
I also tried in lr-mess, but it exits when I add a .hdm disk and press the translation button.
Very busy ? -
@folly Insanely. Sorry I'm not more active. I do read everything though.
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