Real Newbie here seeking advice
@chris3535 And I can confirm that USB C64 style joysticks work very well with RetroPie. Do keep in mind though that, when running C64 and similar systems, you sometimes need a keyboard to progress through the loading screens. The emulators do have on-screen keyboards though, but they do require a tiny bit of technical skill to understand how to use (how to bring up the keyboard and know what buttons to select).
Two more cents:
- Also keep in mind that many arcade and console games require multiple buttons, whereas many home computer joysticks only had one.
- A keyboard is used in RetroPie like any other controller, so you configure some of its keys as controller "buttons" (see Controller Configuration and The Retropad Concept). To make it easy for your dad to remember those key-buttons, you could label them accordingly with stickers (A, B, X, Y, or 1, 2, 3 …)
@muldjord @Clyde thanks this leads me to another question and you both hit on it.
In the majority of cases he will be using a 1 button joystick for games but I could get him a 2 button one and the reason for this is can the second button be used to exit games and take him back to the menu?
Also as pointed out some of the newer games require multiple buttons so I was also thinking of getting him a wireless controller for these
Can both of them be set up in advance and can both be left plugged in? So for example when he wants to play a atari 2600 game he reaches for the joystick and when he tries a later game he reaches for the game pad?
It's not an issue if he has to unplug one and put the other in that's fine but if he did this would they need to be configured each time?
Thanks again
@chris3535 I would consider something like this to be able to do everything he needs to do:
You pretty much need 4 buttons or more to be able to navigate the menus, exit emulators, bring up on-screen keyboard and such. Full disclaimer though: i have not tried the specific product I linked, but I assume it will work.
It's not an issue if he has to unplug one and put the other in that's fine but if he did this would they need to be configured each time?
No, it only needs to be configured one time. Then it will recognize it when it's plugged in again later.
@muldjord i was originally looking at this one
That has 4 buttons so im guessing would be fine, plenty of people say it works with the Pi
@chris3535 Those are exactly the ones I have. And I miss the extra buttons to be able to map shoulder buttons (for scrolling quickly in game menus) and the "X" button which is needed for entering the RetroArch interface while playing. Just a heads up, that more than 4 buttons is a nice thing to have, although not a requirement of course.
@muldjord Thanks....but will that joystick do for just going into the menu's ..then selecting the system, then the game and play. And can one of them buttons be mapped so when he presses it it will take him back to the menu?
@chris3535 yes, you could set it up like
start select A B
with select additionally being your hotkey.
start + hotkey exit back the menuit would limit you to two-button games, though.
@dankcushions thats fine, he will only use this on the 8 and 16 bit older games
Thanks for all your help -
Another option would be an arcade stick aka fight stick. See 12 Best Fight Sticks for a couple of them, or search the web for "arcade sticks" or "fight sticks". From those listed in the link above, I myself have got the Mayflash F300 and a precursor of the F500, and I am very satisfied with both of them, especially at their IMHO reasonable price.
On the plus side, most arcade sticks are very robust and properly sized for adult hands, with little risk of pressing the wrong button in the heat of a game. Their most obvious downside is the need of a stable flat surface to place them on.
Its mostly a matter of taste if you (or your dad) prefer a handheld controller or a stationary arcade stick. I just wanted to point to one more option to consider. 😈
@clyde thanks that's giving me something else to think about now
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