Project - find working MAME romsets for a given emulator/Pi model
recalbox did something similar:
personally i don't think it's necessary. mostly for arcade there's an obvious choice for which emulator for each pi system.
This post is deleted! -
I am posting on this thread once more as I am recapping from previous messages and adding a few more details:
The Arcade doc [](link url) facilitates the following combination:
mame4all-----MAME 0.37b5-----2270 roms
As the .dat file is available and I have tested Clear Mame Pro a good deal of times, I have run the 0.37b5 dat fle against an already existing full romset to observe the dat file actually creates 2241 roms (non-merged), so a difference of 29 roms.
Additionally, the compatility list (Google Sheets) lists a number of roms that simply do not show in the dat file. Eg. argus in the compatibility list does not have a counterpart in the related .dat file
More precisely, the below 28 roms do not show in 0.37b5 .dat file but DO show in mame4all-pi (MAME 0.37b5) Google Sheets file:
- batugnsp
And I am missing one more rom. Now, as we are talking about the same romset version, it is my understanding that there should be no differences.
So I wonder if I am missing the point or should be double check the figures.
Please, kindly provide your thoughts and/or clarfications.
- batugnsp
@derebo those games are probably flagged as 'non working'/'NW' in the drivers, so are either not added to the dat file, or are in there but ignored by CLRMAMEPRO. it's nothing to worry about.
@dankcushions Thank you very much for your feedback. Indeed.
Ok, so I think I have it.
MAME 0.37b5 is made up of 2241 romsets after ClearMamePro'ing
MAME 0.37b5 for MAME4ALL-Pi is made up of 2271 romsets after ClearMamePro'ingThe mame4all .dat file in [] should be linking to its respective .dat made up of 2271 romsets but it seems it is actually linking to the plain MAME 0.37b5 .dat file and thus romsets are missing.
The difference in romsets between the two .dat files may be accounted for in the explanation given in the MAME4ALL-Pi emulator sourceforge site []
It emulates all arcade games supported by original MAME 0.37b5 plus some additional games from newer MAME versions.
This version emulates 2270 different romsets.Still, the MAME4ALL-Pi .dat file in sourceforge (named clrmame.dat in lists 2271 instead of 2270. I think the extra romset is raimais but need to check it.
As I think Retropie users and users at large may notice this mismatch, I think the explanation above might be added to [] so as to further clarify and avoid duplicate posts.
Kind regards,
@derebo thanks for this research! yes i agree that mame4all-pi should link to it's '0.375b5 + extras' dat file. the dat file linked to on the mame page is different - can you tell me if this is the correct one for mame4all-pi?
if it is, i can change the link :)
@dankcushions You're certainly welcome. And I agree with your plan of action as well, as it would avoid misleading or confusion.
I have compared the file in your link mame4all-037b5-RetroPie-260.dat and clrmame.dat (originating from Sourceforge's MAME4ALL_Pi file) and they are exactly the same file:
[IMG] [/IMG]
So, please, go ahead. Kindly note that the .dat file description and version numbering differ from what would be expected in a regular MAME .dat file:
MAME4ALL ROMs Datfile v2.3 actually is '0.375b5 + extras', as you suggest.Additionally, please mind Sourceforge's MAME4ALL_Pi's site informs about 2270 romsets. However, when adding the MAME4ALL_Pi .dat to ClearMamePro it will show 2271. Yes, one extra romset.
[IMG] [/IMG]
So that might be noted as well in the Retropie Arcade Doc section.Regards,
PS. Sorry, images do not seem to be viewable in forum format [IMG]
And just one further clarification in regards to 0.78.
lr-mame2003 emulator is based on MAME 0.78 In this case, yes, the .dat file in the lr-mame2003 .dat file in 0.78 XML.datdo match. However, the .dat lists 4720 romsets while here
it is stated 4705 romsets. The difference should be in those 15 bios romsets, I guess:
Active Sets: 4705 BIOS: 15 CHDs: 30 * Samples: 56Maybe some clarification? Up to you.
@derebo said in Project - find working MAME romsets for a given emulator/Pi model:
@dankcushions You're certainly welcome. And I agree with your plan of action as well, as it would avoid misleading or confusion.
I have compared the file in your link mame4all-037b5-RetroPie-260.dat and clrmame.dat (originating from Sourceforge's MAME4ALL_Pi file) and they are exactly the same file:
[IMG] [/IMG]
So, please, go ahead.done! the wiki has been updated. the docs are synced to the wiki... at some point.
Additionally, please mind Sourceforge's MAME4ALL_Pi's site informs about 2270 romsets. However, when adding the MAME4ALL_Pi .dat to ClearMamePro it will show 2271. Yes, one extra romset.
interesting! well, i think here i would rather leave it as is as there are some vagaries around which roms get counted. i'm happy that it is an 'approximate' value.
PS. Sorry, images do not seem to be viewable in forum format [IMG]
you need to use:

@dankcushions >the docs are synced to the wiki... at some point.
They should be synced automatically ish. At least much quicker than once a week. :)
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