Colevovision does not load.
@obsidianspider hi, I checked and could not find coolcv in the bios can I install it? thanks for your help!
@alortegac The
folder needs thecoleco.rom
file copied to it as mentioned in the documentation I linked to previously: -
@obsidianspider hi, thanks. Yes, I have read the document, however I downloaded , unzipped it but there is no COLECO.ROM file in it. Your help is greatly appreciated.thanks
@alortegac its not legal for coolcv to be distributed with it. Just do a google search for coleco.rom
@edmaul69 i have saved the rom in the bios folder, but still nothing.
In Retropie set up the coleco package is intalled. But it does not show in the main menu.
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks! -
What is the three letter extension of your ROM files?
On this topic: Is there any particular reason why the non-pi builds of retropie don't include a Colecovision emulator?
I'm running it on x64 Ubuntu 16.04... I see that CoolCV has sources, so.... is it ARM only? And if so, why is there no support for ColEm? It has portable source code. -
@Neo-Rio coolcv is on linux. Just install it from the retropie setup
Except that it's not there in the setup....
Remember that I'm not building Retro-Pie on a raspberry pi. I'm actually building it on an Intel NUC cause I want a bit more power for my emulation ;)running ./ coolcv shows that it's not available for x86 :(
That seems weird. There must be a reason for it. In which case, if it doesn't build on x86, then why doesn't Retropie have a module for ColEm?All I know is that there's no colecovision for x86 at this moment :(
@Neo-Rio you could install advmess if its available. Princess quest does not work on it though. I will gladly help you with getting that set up if you can install it. Also changing the topic title to something like "No colecovision emulators for x86" might help get this topic noticed by the people with the answers.
Perhaps I'll do that.
I'll have a play with compiling colem from source on ubuntu and see how that goes.
Might even write a module if I have time.I should also give coolcv a try, just to see what the problem is.
@Neo-Rio I vaguely remember us not pursing colem or maybe adamem because of licencing:
Not that you can't install it on your pi or make an install module but I don't know if we'd be able to include it with retropie, would have to ask the author. Also don't know if it requires x. We host a coolcv binary for the pi but I don't think we do for x86 which may be why it's disabled but I'm sure there is a PC build on the Atariage forum
@mediamogul .ROM and .COL. Is this ok? They work on other emulators fine.
@edmaul69 I have installed it from binary through "manage optional Packages"....Still is not starting up. thanks!
@alortegac are you saying you installed advmess? If so i have to walk you through getting it to work as it does not work by default.
Not sure what is advmess? I installed coolcv package from set up option.
@alortegac im sorry. I think i replied to the wrong person.
@alortegac my coleco.rom is in /opt/retropie/configs/rom/coleco/ . I dont have one in bios. Try putting it there and give it 0777 permissions. I think it is an advmess/mame location but thats where i have it. I am doing a search to try to find any other locations i have it in.
@edmaul69 I tried to install coolcv on the retropie setup but I keep on getting these errors
Error running 'tar -xv -z -C
/opt/retropie/emulators/coolcv --stripped components 1' -returned 2Unable to install binary for coolcv.
What should I do?
M mitu locked this topic on 28 Jan 2022, 07:24
@stoogesfan87 Please open a new topic instead of bumping old and outdated topics and provide the details about your setup, as specified in
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