Sega model 3 #segamodel3
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@mechafatnick said in Sega model 3 #segamodel3:
@dteam I didn't even think about the possibility of it actually ending up as an experimenal emulator. I just wanted to run some arcade-perfect VF3 :D
I've amended the zips on my guide and also put my amends to the sourcecode up on github for anyone who's interested: you add your work to the libreto GitHub ? ( might waken them up to add an official core in RetroPie ;)
@red_trev I think it would all need to be redone anyway. Aside from needing to take standard libretro inputs, i think the act of turning it into a core might be easier said than done. I remember the abortive lr-Yabasanshiro needed access to things that you can't really access via Retroarch.
For libretro itโs doable but itโs a lot of work. You will have to chose for the user a preset setting for controllers. For video options you will have to propose the default size but also some choice and a custum option. In option, the user could choose your settings in your proposed command line. The black menu should be in option, etc. Etc.Itโs a lot of work and a lot of decision to take by you for the user, but doable with supermodel.
Besides, talking about libretro....
I would like to have some hotkeys, that we normally use in libretro, into Supermodel.ini for the standalone supermodel emu like this (adding F2 and F4 for saving and loading states) :
InputUISaveState = "KEY_F2,JOY1_BUTTON9+JOY1_BUTTON7" InputUILoadState = "KEY_F4,_BUTTON9+JOY1_BUTTON8"
We decided to remove all video options from the run-line.
But the Supermodel.ini lacks these lines.
So it would be nice if the Supermodel.ini contains some standard video options , something like this :XResolution=800 ; <------------the user must define according to the size of his screen. Default value 496 YResolution=600 ; <------------the user must define according to the size of his screen. Default value 384 FullScreen=0 WideScreen=0 Stretch=0 WideBackground=0
So then the user can alter them to wat they want in there without having to look for these lines elsewhere and paste them in.
Can you do that ?
Or will this conflict with other stuff ? -
This post is deleted! -
@folly I can't do it right now but absolutely - anything you can put in the command line you can out in the ini file!
Name: XResolution
YResolutionArgument: Integer. Description: Resolution of the display in pixels. The default is 496x384, the Model 3's native resolution. Equivalent to the '-res' command line option.
In fact, check out section 13 here to see if there's anything else you think we should add:
I will have a look and do some experiments, when I can.
@folly We can trim the list in emulators.cfg as well i think! Excitedly i've just found that the MPEG board emulation works well with an underclocked CPU, so we can have music in Scud race!
So far the only game that performs to the point of being unplayable is Harley Davidson, which is a shame as it feels like an interesting precursor to the open worl do Crazy Taxi.
@mechafatnick said in Sega model 3 #segamodel3:
@folly We can trim the list in emulators.cfg as well i think! Excitedly i've just found that the MPEG board emulation works well with an underclocked CPU, so we can have music in Scud race!
So far the only game that performs to the point of being unplayable is Harley Davidson, which is a shame as it feels like an interesting precursor to the open worl do Crazy Taxi.
Nice that MPEG board stuff !
Let me know what lines can be removed, from the module-script , and I will remove them.
@mechafatnick said in Sega model 3 #segamodel3:
Excitedly i've just found that the MPEG board emulation works well with an underclocked CPU, so we can have music in Scud race!
Could it work also for Spikeout. We don't have the soundtrack with Spikeout. We only have the punch sound (action sounds)
For game like Daytona USA 2, is there a way to preset game assigments like LINK ID to SINGLE and for some other games the country? Is It in Games.xml?
@Folly, is It something to cover in the Script or it's on @mechafatnick side.
@dteam I think it's actually coming from the ROM itself. WIthout redumping the simplest thing to do would be:
-Work out all of the games affected
-load the ROMs and set them to single machines
-Have the install script copy the files created into the nvram folder at install.Then the emulator should find the nvram file to begin with and set it up correctly. Easy!
I think Spikeout is another game that streams from the Mpeg board. This was frustrating as a lot of it is perfectly fine but it has some quite wicked slowdown in places. Definitely worth trying is with the DSB on and the CPU underclocked to a couple of different values
When I used your script. From the menu I had to select "help" (only option) and after that the install option appears with the help option below. Is this normal?
BTW, at the end, it works. It's just a question about the menu itself. -
@dteam said in Sega model 3 #segamodel3:
When I used your script. From the menu I had to select "help" (only option) and after that the install option appears with the help option below. Is this normal?
BTW, at the end, it works. It's just a question about the menu itself.The module-script doesn't have a menu by itself.
The menu is build up by the RetroPie-Setup.If you have a bad internet connection then you don't see install or update, for that matter.
Could also be something different, will have a look at that.It tested it a couple of times. (btw I have RP-Setup 4.7.11)
I could not find any problems at the moment.Would like to see a picture of the problem, can you post one ?
@mechafatnick said in Sega model 3 #segamodel3:
@dteam I think it's actually coming from the ROM itself. WIthout redumping the simplest thing to do would be:
-Work out all of the games affected
-load the ROMs and set them to single machines
-Have the install script copy the files created into the nvram folder at install.Then the emulator should find the nvram file to begin with and set it up correctly. Easy!
I think Spikeout is another game that streams from the Mpeg board. This was frustrating as a lot of it is perfectly fine but it has some quite wicked slowdown in places. Definitely worth trying is with the DSB on and the CPU underclocked to a couple of different values
I read your post a couple of times.
I think you mean :- collect all the NVRAMs of the games with the "correct" settings
- add them into the NVRAM directory in the source code
- when installing the emulator, you already have "good" NVRAM files from the source so no need of creating them in the first place
Am I right ?
Or do you mean something different ? -
Sorry that was round about way of saying it wasn't it?
Yes that's exactly right. If we can gather the 'correct' nvram settings together in the source code we can just copy them into the emulators nvram folder at build time
I've already erm tweaked a lot of mine :D
@mechafatnick said in Sega model 3 #segamodel3:
Sorry that was round about way of saying it wasn't it?
Yes that's exactly right. If we can gather the 'correct' nvram settings together in the source code we can just copy them into the emulators nvram folder at build time
I've already erm tweaked a lot of mine :D
Perfect !
Good idea !
(but I have to accommodate the module-script for that)We can do the same with the initial save-states idea from my post 104
Gather them too and add them in the Saves directory as an initial starter too speed things up.
(I have to change the module-script a bit, because it now searches in the root supermodel rom directory) -
@folly :D
I have made all the changes to the module-script.
I will have to do some tests tomorrow, when I think it ready I will push it to github.
Changes :- moved the emulator binary to
- reduced the run-lines, removing the path to the emulator binary, now
- removed the
in the underclock run-lines - it will preserve the changes made in
when emulator is reinstalled - it will move the NVRAM and Saves directories from the source code to /opt/retropie/emulators/supermodel-mechafatnick
- the initial save state uses now the
An example of the initial save state is:
- you make a savestate from, for example,
, it will becomescudau.st0
- then rename it to
- on next game boot
will be loaded as initial state
So basically if all NVRAM.nv and all files come in the source-code.
No settings will have to be made and we can skip the initial boot sequence, for the roms with a slow startup.How does this sound ?
- moved the emulator binary to
@folly WIll people want to skip the initial boot sequence? That might be part of the fun. Hmm.
I've been thinking about your approach of putting everything into the ini and i think this is the right approach. Going forward I think we should:
-have two ( or three?) options in emulator.cfg:
supermodel (which will be at native res)
supermodel high-res (800 x 600)
supermodel very high-res (1024 x 768)Then, we can handle the settings for the individual games in supermodel.ini (so whether to enable the DSB, how far to underclock CPU.) That way we'll have optimal settings for each game without the user having to alter anything. Sound good? I've made sections for each game in the ini file. I think i might be developing carpel tunnel...
EDIT: Ok! We can all chip in!
Add these lines to the global section of supermodel.ini (under your controls:)
;Our non input settings... EmulateDSB = 0 MusicVolume = 60 SoundVolume = 60 Stretch=1 VSync=0 Throttle=0 GameXMLFile= /opt/retropie/emulators/supermodel/bin/Config/Games.xml New3DEngine=0
now, in emulators.cfg we only need to set the res in the command line (if you want to have different options)
Supermodel = "XINIT:/opt/retropie/emulators/supermodel/bin/supermodel %ROM%"
Now all we need to do, as a group, is come up with the optimal settings for each game as a group. I've made a start below (copy this into supermodel.ini - below the global section)
;daytona 2 power edition [ dayto2pe ] ;daytona 2: battle to the edge [ daytona2 ] ;Dirt Devils (Export, Revision A) [dirtdvls] ;Dirt Devils (Australia, Revision A) [ dirtdvlsa ] ;Dirt Devils (German) [ dirtdvlsg ] ;Dirt Devils (Japan, Revision A) [ dirtdvlsj ] ;Emergency Call Ambulance (Export) [ eca ] ;Emergency Call Ambulance (Japan) [ ecaj ] ;Emergency Call Ambulance (US location test?) [ ecap ] ;Emergency Call Ambulance (USA) [ ecau ] ;Fighting Vipers 2 (Japan, Revision A) [ fvipers2 ] ;Fighting Vipers 2 (?) [ fvipers2o ] ;Get Bass (?) [ getbass ] ;Harley-Davidson and L.A. Riders (Revision B) [ harley ] ;Harley-Davidson and L.A. Riders (Revision A) [ harleya ] ;L.A. Machineguns: Rage of the Machines (Japan) [ lamachin ] ;Le Mans 24 (Revision B) [ lemans24 ] ;The Lost World (Japan, Revision A) [ lostwsga ] ;The Lost World (Original Revision) [ lostwsgo ] PowerPCFrequency = 30 ;Magical Truck Adventure (Japan) [ magtruck ] ;The Ocean Hunter (?) [ oceanhun ] ;Scud Race (Australia, Twin) [ scud ] PowerPCFrequency = 35 MusicVolume = 200 EmulateDSB = 1 ;Scud Race (Export, Twin) [ scuda ] PowerPCFrequency = 35 MusicVolume = 200 EmulateDSB = 1 ;Scud Race (Japan, Deluxe) [ scudj ] PowerPCFrequency = 35 MusicVolume = 200 EmulateDSB = 1 ;Scud Race Plus (Revision A) [ scudplus ] PowerPCFrequency = 35 MusicVolume = 200 EmulateDSB = 1 ;Scud Race Plus (?) [ scudplusa ] PowerPCFrequency = 35 MusicVolume = 200 EmulateDSB = 1 ;Ski Champ (Japan) [ skichamp ] ;Spikeout Final Edition (?) - too slow on pi [ spikeofe ] PowerPCFrequency = 45 EmulateDSB = 1 ;Spikeout (Revision C) [ spikeout ] PowerPCFrequency = 35 EmulateDSB = 1 ;Sega Rally 2 (?) [ srally2 ] ;Sega Rally 2 (Prototype) [ srally2p ] ;Sega Rally 2 (Prototype Version A) [ srally2pa ] ;Sega Rally 2 (Deluxe) [ srally2x ] ;Star Wars Trilogy Arcade (Revision A) [ swtrilgy ] ;Star Wars Trilogy Arcade (?) -not working on pi [ swtrilgya ] ;Star Wars Trilogy Arcade (?) -not working on pi [ swtrilgyp ] ;Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision D) [ vf3 ] PowerPCFrequency = 40 ;Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision A) [ vf3a ] PowerPCFrequency = 40 ;Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision C) [ vf3c ] PowerPCFrequency = 40 ;Virtua Fighter 3 Team Battle (?) [ vf3tb ] PowerPCFrequency = 40 ;Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (Revision B) [ von2 ] PowerPCFrequency = 30 ;Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (Ver 5.4g) [ von254g ] PowerPCFrequency = 30 ;Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (Revision A) [ von2a ] PowerPCFrequency = 30 ;Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (?) [ von2o ] PowerPCFrequency = 35 ;Virtua Striker 2 (Step 2.0) - no special settings [ vs2 ] ;Virtua Striker 2 (Step 1.5) - no special settings [ vs215 ] ;Virtua Striker 2 (Step 1.5, older) - no special settings [ vs215o ] ;Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 2.0) - no special settings [ vs298 ] ;Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 1.5) - no special settings [ vs29815 ] ;Virtua Striker 2 '99 (?) [ vs299 ] ;Virtua Striker 2 '99 (Step 1.5) [ vs29915 ] ;Virtua Striker 2 '99 (Revision A) [ vs299a ] ;Virtua Striker 2 '99 (Revision B) [ vs299b ] ;Virtua Striker 2 '99.1 (Revision B) [ vs2v991 ]
I'm gathering initialised nv ram too :D
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