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    I dont have any idea anymore atm.

    Just to test i wrote a Fresh 4.7.1 image, installed only lr-MAME2010 & lr-MAME2016, put in validated 0.139 STV-Roms and BIOS (both running on a Pi3 with AdvanceMAME), did not change anything in the settings, all default,...system freezes :/

    What i dont understand: why does it seem that i am the only one?
    Or is noone interested in STV? Dudes, that is the Arcade-Spin-Off of SEGAs Saturn, it is good! :)

    It is not that i am expecting that they are really playable, even on a Pi4.
    But that they lead to a Freeze of the System makes me mad :/
    With this Status i would have to delete them, i dont want anything freezing my system onboard.

  • lr-mess2016: does it work at all?

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    @tobas I used the binary install on a 3b. So I know it works that way. Check the experimental install menu, I think the binary install is in there.

  • lr-mess vs lr-mess2016

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    @Raleighguy The concurrency is set automatically, based on the #of CPUs you have and the system you're running on. On a PI3, it's probably 2, since it doesn't have enough memory and CPU anyway to sustain 4 compilation threads.

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    @edmaul69 I've got nowhere to upload the executable to, but here are the instructions that I used that worked for me. Hopefully, they'll work for you too.

    (a) Download the source from https://sourceforge.net/projects/creativisionemulator/files/src/

    (b) Unzip the source file. Create the build subfolder in /home/pi/ and copy all of the contents into this folder. Then make a new subfolder in this build folder called build (again).

    (c) Use Putty, go to terminal and cd build and cd build (again), so you are in the nested build folder.

    (d) To compile from source, type in the command in the terminal cmake /home/pi/build. Using GNU 4.9.2, the first stage of compiling the emulator will be complete.

    (e) Then type in the command make. This creates the creatiVision executable.

    (f) Once completed, rename the nested build folder to creativision and move it into the opt/retropie/emulators folder. You might need to change the permissions of the emulators folder to achieve this.

    (g) Once moved, using WinSCP then change the permissions of the creatiVision executable file so that it is executable.

    (h) In Attract Mode's menu-art snap and wheel folders, make sure there are videos and images corresponding to the new CreatiVision emulator. Make sure also in the layouts folder that there is a "system" to go with CreatiVision (see "Super Display - Systems" - things might need to be renamed too.)

    (i) Create the usual file (immediately below) in Attract Mode's emulators sub-folder, and the "romlist" file in Attract Mode's romlists sub-folder eg

    In the emulators folder:

    # Generated by Attract-Mode v2.3.0 # executable /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh args 0 _SYS_ crvision "[romfilename]" rompath /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/crvision romext .rom;.ROM system CreatiVision info_source thegamesdb.net artwork flyer /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/crvision/flyer artwork marquee /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/crvision/marquee artwork snap /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/crvision/snap artwork wheel /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/crvision/wheel

    In the romlists folder:

    #Name;Title;Emulator;CloneOf;Year;Manufacturer;Category;Players;Rotation;Control;Status;DisplayCount;DisplayType;AltRomname;AltTitle;Extra;Buttons airsea;Air/Sea Attack;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; astropib;Astro Pinball;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; autochas;Auto Chase;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; chopper;Chopper Rescue;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; crazych;Crazy Chicky;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; crazychewy;Crazy Chewy;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; deepsea;Deep Sea Adventure;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; locomot;Locomotive;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mousepuz;Mouse Puzzle;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; planetd;Planet Defender;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; policej;Police Jump;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; planetd;Planet Defender;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; soccer;Soccer;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; sonicinv;Sonic Invader;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; stoner;Stone Age;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tankatk;Tank Attack;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tennis;Tennis;CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tennisds;Tennis (Dick Smith Wizzard Version);CreatiVision;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    (j) Create a crvision subfolder in configs and the same in the roms folder. Add the game roms to the crvision roms folder and generate the romlist in Attract Mode in the normal way. (My romlist appears under (i) above). Make sure you have your snap and wheel sub-folders and images and videos in there.

    (k) Add a Display in Attract Mode which will appear in attract.cfg:

    display VTech CreatiVision layout Super Display - Systems romlist CreatiVision in_cycle yes in_menu yes filter All filter Favourites rule Favourite equals 1

    (l) The emulators.cfg in the configs/crvision sub-folder will be as follows:

    default = "creatiVision" creatiVision = "/opt/retropie/emulators/creativision/creatiVision -r %ROM% -b /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/crvision/bioscv.rom -f"

    (m) Note that the bioscv.rom needs to go in the roms folder.

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    @nowarrivinghere i never got it to ever work either. Advmess is a pain and i only got a handful of systems running on that one.

  • lr-mess2016?

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    @NowArrivingHere ok some of them need them are something like %BASENAME%.bin some need it to be %ROM% here is a list of how the mess names used are. I cant guarantee all systems work in advmess as i couldnt get the apple ii working.


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    I'm mostly working with old handhelds. The Arcadia 2001 is an exception.
    The other systems would be the Hartung Game Master, the Watara Supervision, Milton-Bradley Microvision, and the Creatronic Megaduck.

    As far as test games I am using the following:
    Arcadia 2001: Astro Invaders
    Hartung Game Master: Continental Galaxy, Space Castle
    Watara Supervision: Jaguar Bomber
    Creatronic Megaduck: Pile Wonder
    Milton-Bradley Microvision: All of them.

    All seem to work in my desktop version of Mame 0.180, but somehow lr-mess-2016 doesn't like them. Everything seems to be in order with required BIOSes for the Game Master.

    I looked in the ini files and found preferred names for software (e.g. Continental Galaxy 2020 becomes cg2020 and retitled the .bin files and .zip files accordingly, but still nothing.

    I recently tried running Space Castle on Game Master again, and got this in runcommand.log:

    Executing: /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mess2016/mess2016_libretro.so --config /opt/retropie/configs/gmaster/retroarch.cfg "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/gmaster/scastle.zip" --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg

    "scastle" approximately matches the following
    supported software items (best match first):

    /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh: line 961: 917 Segmentation fault /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mess2016/mess2016_libretro.so --config /opt/retropie/configs/gmaster/retroarch.cfg "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/gmaster/scastle.zip" --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg

    UPDATE: I am currently trying these games on the desktop version of MAME 0.174 instead of MAME 0.180, as lr-mess2016 is apprently based on MAME 0.174. Desktop MAME 0.174 64-bit is running the Supervision and Game Master games just fine. Megaduck test game works in Desktop MAME 0.174 as well, though apparently I had the alternate version of Pile Wonder.

    UPDATE: Game Master, Megaduck and Supervision games match names and CRC hashes with the games listed in the XML for lr-mess2016 and Desktop MAME 0.174. However, so do 13 of my 15 Microvision games, which don't appear to work in Desktop MAME 0.174 or lr-mess2016. Weird.