• PI not shutting down

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    @zefolhadela Nintendo 64 is hit and miss on a Pi 3. A proper power supply might help somewhat, but really picking the right emulators for each game will be the way forward if you want to increase performance.

  • Sixaxis

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    After 2 hours of frustration with different controllers and even failing pairing with ps3controller driver, I decided to try a USB BT adapter (disabled the internal adapter) and only that lead me to the root cause.

    I had forgotten a similar USB BT adapter attached to my HTPC nearby and it still had PS3 driver running.
    I noticed this when trying to pair sixaxis driver with this same kind adapter in PI. First I was happy that the pairing found the device and seemingly successfully paired with it but controls wasn't working after unplugging the USB. Still the DS3 light showed that it had connected "with something". Only at this point I recalled that I might have another dongle still attached in one of the several PCs running nearby.
    It was weird that it did not pair with this HTPC dongle when I was trying to pair it with PI internal BT radio, but only when using the similar dongle. Also, the internal radio did not ever found the controller but neither did the controller connect to that other USB dongle.

    Silly mistake but further more I didn't think I'd have another dongle around as these controllers have been used for years with a Nvidia Shield and the original PS3 controller without a problem and with that forgotten dongle attached to HTPC all the time.

    I verified that the sixaxis driver now works both with Pi3 internal radio and with the external dongle.

    Thanks and sorry for being dumb.

    Edit: Just to add, I successfully paired DS3 controller and a non vibrating original sixaxis controller. Thought to mention as while searching for help I found some discussion about wondering if the older controller type would pair at all.

  • Can't launch sixad automatically at startup

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    It's stopped working on the image based on Stretch Beta too now... Hmm.

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    Oh my. I was suggesting something simpler at the RetroArch emulator level, but that certainly works :)

    Thanks for sharing, glad it worked out!

  • Zdoom controller support

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    @arpiegamer @mediamogul has a tutorial on using the xboxdrvr to program keys to a controller. You need to use something like that or joymap to set escape and enter to your controller.

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    Hello! First, thanks @psyke83 for the great work on the ps3/ps4 controllers support in RetroPie.

    What is the current status of the driver/procedure for latest RetroPie 4.4 on Debian Stretch to use ps3/ps4 controllers? Are the instructions in https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/PS3-Controller still the preferred method at the moment to use these controllers?


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    Finally, here's how I did to temporarily fix this bug.

    edit or create /opt/retropie/runcommand-onstart.sh

    add these lines

    ##reset bluetooth when launching mupen64,vice (fix controller cannot reconnect after get disconnected)
    if [ "$1" == "c64" ] || [ "$1" == "n64" ] ; then
    sudo hciconfig hci0 reset

    each time you launch a N64 or c64 game, you must reconnect (simply press ps button) the controller when game is started.

    now if controller get disconnected or out of battery , you can reconnect without issue.

    it also work if during the game a second controller want to connect, it is now recognized.

    hope this help

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    I expanded your technique to include any Bluetooth controller and added it to the xboxdrv guide as succinctly as possible. Thanks again for this.

  • ps3 controller installation issues

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    update your setup script and make sure it's on the latest version. I just compiled it using retropie_setup.sh and it worked fine.

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    Hi @BuZz ,

    Yes you're entirely right,I will ask over there as well.

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    Just arrived to RetroPie and still trying to configure my devices, after reading full topic here are my two cents:

    unistalled PS3 Driver (clone) Paired Sony official PS3 bluetooth controller successfully Installed PS3 Driver (clone) Connect PS3 Clone Gamepad on USB then disconnect Push PS button to connect Gamepad. All done :)

    At this point two devices works properly. I can change from retorpie to kodi and back again and all its fine. Just played some games on joypad, exit retropie onto kodi, navigate using keyboard.. all fine !

    But... after reboot, bluetooth keyboard can't be paired again. I need to start over again from point 1.

    the question is: It's possible on boot process, disable sixaxis while normal stack connects to bluetooth keyboard (or other devices) and after some time (maybe 1 minute) reenable sixaxis again?
    How is started bluetooth device during boot? and where are the scripts?

    Any advice are welcome if someone has tryed something like this.
