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    @duglor said in Fetching Scumm Standalone 2.8.1 from ____?:

    are you saying that if i uninstall what i have for my scummvm..removal option...i can then go to this site and build a version from the source?


    How would i go about doing this?

    You'll have to manually build it as explained in the ScummVM Wiki, skipping the dependencies part since they are already installed by RetroPie.
    Alternatively you can modify the scummvm.sh module in RetroPie-Setup sources and change the version for the source installation.

    It would be nice if i could just uninstall what i have and then log- in to some site that could automatically download and compile the 2.8.1 binary for me.

    That would be super convenient, though I think what you're actually looking for is a Windows system, where this kinds of 'compile from source' options are not needed.

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    The single file launcher for both scummvm variants (native/libretro) can be achieved like this:

    Make a folder with the ScummVM Game Id with the extension, thus sword1.svm in the roms/scummvm/ folder. Put the gamefiles into that folder, and add no *.svm in here Run scummvm from ES, select Add Game in ScummVM, select the folder sword1.svm you just created Remember / note the gameid provided by ScummVM autodetection (maybe sword1-win-gb, e.g containing some variants information)

    Now, if the game id from autodetect is different than your created game id folder, there are two options to rectify the situation:

    Either edit the scummvm.ini (in /opt/retropie/configs/scummvm) and change the ini section name from [sword1-win-gb] to [sword1]

    Or rename the game folder from sword1.svm/ to sword1-win-gb/ in the filesystem.

    You may encounter files (not directories) with the extension *.svm directly below the roms/scummvm/ folder. These are caused by the lines in +Start ScummVM.sh:

    while read id desc; do echo "$desc" > "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/scummvm/$id.svm" done < <(/opt/retropie/emulators/scummvm/bin/scummvm --list-targets | tail -n +3)

    Disable/remove them to avoid having these re-appear after each ScummVM run.
    Remove also the files *.svm with find $HOME/RetroPie/roms/scummvm/ -name "*.svm" -type f -exec rm -f {}

    Important: Key is to have the game id folder name match the entry in the scummvm.ini for the native ScummVM the game id derived from the folder is passed to ScummVM.

    In contrast lr-scummvm does not rely on *.svm files/folders at all. (Technical details: When launching lr-scummvm the absolute path of the game is passed to the libretro core. The core then searches for a *.scummvm (sic!) file with the game id in that path, if that is not found it falls back to autodetection.)

    With this setup Skyscraper will detect and scrape the games properly.

    Also keep in mind that ScummVM and lr-scummvm are using scummvm.ini files in different locations.

    ScummVM: /opt/retropie/configs/scummvm
    lr-scummvm: $HOME/RetroPie/BIOS/scummvm

    This setup works but may be a awkward (imposing file/foldernames, many manual steps in the right order, possibility of diversion of scummvm.ini files). Thus I came up with a more user-friendly approach, you may read the gory details in this thread

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    You may also try the scriptmodules I put together a while ago, but do still work fine. These make ScummVM game setup and switching between ScummVM and the lr-scummvm a breeze.


    With that branch you just have to have a file structure like this in the ~/RetroPie/roms/scummvm/ folder:

    ... ├── Monkey-Island-1 The-Secret-of-Monkey-Island/ ├── Monkey-Island-1 The-Secret-of-Monkey-Island.svm ├── Monkey-Island-2 LeChucks-Revenge/ ├── Monkey-Island-2 LeChucks-Revenge.svm ...

    The actual folder name and .svm filename do not matter per game, they just need to be matching per game like above. The *.svm can also be empty initially, the game id will be filled in by my scripts. Just put the required game files into the respective game folder as per ScummVM wiki.

    Start a game with the native ScummVM once, then you may switch at the second launch to the libretro ScummVM in the runcommand menu. And switch back and forth. That's it, that's all. :)

  • Scummvm 2.9.0 ?

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    @duglor 2.9.0 isn't released yet.

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    @mitu From what directory do i do the
    apt install libsdl2-net-2.0-0?

    It doesn't matter.

    and then from what directory do i do the standalone
    installation and extraction from https://buildbot.scummvm.org/dailybuild ... 6e6.tar.xz ?

    and in which order?

    Not sure what you mean here, your post indicated that you've already done this and you get an error when you're executing the new scummvm. Just extract the archive obtained from the ScummVM Buildbot using site with tar, i.e.

    tar xJf /path/to/<archive_file>

    and you'll be getting a new folder containing the ScummVM installation. You can then rename/move the folder as you like.

  • 0 Votes
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    @Lolonois Thank you!

  • lr-scummvm and scummvm

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    @mcpat said in lr-scummvm and scummvm:

    I got an retropie image with many roms.

    We don't support 3rd party images loaded with ROMs here - as per the forum rules.

  • RPi 4 SCUMM Issue

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    @windg Thanks.

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    With what games do you have this issue ? Can you try with lr-scummvm (experimental packages) to see if the games are working here ? I suggest also to update your system if you haven't done it.

    Edit: I just remember something from the day that was using RPi3. Can you change the Graphic mode to OpenGL in the ScummVM gui and try again the games that don't run?

  • stop ScummVM from generating .svm files?

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    @sleve_mcdichael said in stop ScummVM from generating .svm files?:

    If you run the command manually, does your output look like mine?

    nope, there's an additional line: Using configuration file: /opt/...

    using tail -n +4 solves that then. Sorry for bothering you with this, seems like something I could've figured out...

    You can try scraping them. That's what the <platform> tag is for in es_systems.cfg, where you configured the custom system.

    looks like I'd removed that line (in my attempts to isolate from the main scummvm), but I'm adding it back in now.
    (even though not all games there are scummvm...)

    i've used skyscraper before, thanks for the tips!

    Was there a reason you want to use the scummvm.ini contents, specifically?

    oh, no, it just looked like there's more info in there, but not much of it is useful for scraping anyway

    thanks for everything, i think i can handle it from here :)

  • 0 Votes
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    Thank you very much, that did the trick !

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    @mitu well, seems it was really that easy, I didn't do the update obviously. Sorry.

    But as a warning to anybody else: I am pretty sure something is going very wrong at the moment. Compiling has been running since my last post. From the file names I think the games that were in scummvm folder are beeing processed aswell... Which I don't believe should be the case :D won't abort this now, I will check the result.

  • And suddenly no ScummVM Games are working...

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    You will found the info about scraper media paths here : https://retropie.org.uk/docs/Scraper/

    Of course it is possible to copy the configs folder. Inside you will find configuration files about emulators, retroarch,controllers, emulationstation and some others important files.

    You can read about backup options here : https://retropie.org.uk/docs/Updating-RetroPie/#making-a-backup-option-2

  • Dreamweb and ScummVM 2.6.0 git

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    @windg Thanks for the tip with the graphic. Unfortunately, deleting the shortcuts didn't help. Before I actually do a clean install, I'll open a new thread with a suitable topic and...hope :)

  • 0 Votes
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    @mitu That did the trick! The keyboard now works in ScummVM. Thank you for your insight and expertise!

  • ScummVM not building on Zero2

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    Thanks! I'll wait.

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    I have redone the +Start Scummvm.sh script [1], sharing it here for discussion. It still contains development output and verbose comments.

    I am not done with the libretro part, just removed/rewritten a python-less version.

    once a svm file is found, scummvm should just be launching the game

    Which requires a matching [section] in the scummvm.ini to identify the game path. This requires currently (upstream main branch) to run Add Game in the UI. Which IMHO creates a clutter in the roms/scummvm folder and would the libretro implementation to consult the non-libretro scummvm.ini.

    Maybe it is advisable to move a step back and align about what a user must/should/could and may not do when deploying ScummVM games?

    Some options:
    a) The user MUST run Add Game or Mass Add... for the games.
    b) The user MAY NOT manually edit any generated .svm files
    c) The user MAY edit new/exisiting .svm files and uses as content c1) the game id (as in the ScummVM compability matrix, example bladerunner) or c2) the target as provided by Add Game or --add (example: bladerunnner-final-win) or c3) the content of the .svm file is irrelevant, the filename represents the target (=expected [section] in scummvm.ini)
    d) The user MAY create empty .svm files to force automatic --add on launch.
    e) The user MAY edit the section names in the scummvm.ini, but SHOULD keep the corresponding .svm aligned and vice versa.

    The upstream implementation uses a), c3) and e). But misses d) which will cause an error when a bladerunnner-final-win.svm file is found but has no peer section in the ini. It has no "error correction" for e).

    Apart from the envisioned interoperability with the libretro counterpart the suggested change uses: a), c1), d), and e). It comes with the price of a larger launcher script but strives to keep the launch dependency faultless even if the user does accidentally something wrong.

    comparing the pre/post game lists [...]

    I am using diff now which is sufficient.

    .svm files should only be created after the launch is complete, not before. [...]

    Unless the user provided an empty .svm I stick to your suggestion.

    don't do symlinks in the roms folders [...]

    Will adress that in the libretro part.

    So in short before proceeding: What is the decision on user responsibilities and script capabilities?

    [1] https://github.com/Gemba/RetroPie-Setup/blob/fb_scummvm_scriptmods_simplified/scriptmodules/emulators/scummvm.sh

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    I had test a little the lr-scummvm 2.6.1, it looks slower from standalone. I tried the games Longest Journey, Kathy Rain, Phatasmagoria that are working fine in RPi3 but they have slowdowns in libretro variant. I have some slowdowns and in RPi4.

  • ScummVM and DosBox-Games from GOG

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    I have transfer Blade Runner (GOG) from my pc to Retropie. After the installation of the game, a GOG folder created into the C:\ inside was the game folder that i transfer to scummvm RetroPie folder.

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    @Deathweaver .svm files should go in the main scummvm folder, not within the games' individual sub-folders:

    pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/roms/scummvm $ la atlantis.svm 'Beneath a Steel Sky (CD VGA)' 'Day Of The Tentacle (CD Dos)' 'Flight of the Amazon Queen (CD DOS)' 'Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (CD DOS)' 'Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (Amiga)' lsl1-amiga.svm 'Maniac Mansion (Floppy DOS v2 Enhanced)' maniac-v2.svm monkey2.svm 'Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck'\''s Revenge (Ultimate Talkie Edition - DOS)' monkey.svm queen-fallback.svm 'Sam and Max Hit the Road (CD DOS)' samnmax.svm sky.svm 'Space Quest 2 - Vohaul'\''s Revenge (Amiga)' sq2-amiga.svm '+Start ScummVM.sh' tentacle.svm 'The Secret Of Monkey Island (Ultimate Talkie Edition - DOS)' pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/roms/scummvm $