I have now added the following to the autostart.sh: (i use autostart-custom.sh)
## Get Amount of Games
fgrep -c '</game>' /home/pi/.emulationstation/gamelists/*/gamelist.xml > /home/pi/RetroPie/systeminfo/totalgamestemp.txt
grep -oP '(?<=:)[0-9]+' /home/pi/RetroPie/systeminfo/totalgamestemp.txt > /home/pi/RetroPie/systeminfo/totalgames.txt
This will get the amount of </game> tags in all .xmls under gamelists and save it in a temptxt
Then i grep only the numbers from each line and save those as totalgames.txt
Lastly i sum all these numbers with the .bashrc
Total Games changes in .bashrc
out+="${fgred}Games Available....: ${fgylw}$(awk '{sum=sum+$1} END {print sum}' /home/pi/RetroPie/systeminfo/totalgames.txt)"
Also made disk space checker faster by adding "/" after -Ph .
out+="${fgred}Disk Space.........: ${fgylw}$(df -Ph / | awk '$NF == "/" { print $4 }')${fgred}/${fgylw}$(df -Ph / | awk '$NF == "/" { print $2 }')"