@jimd0586 said in Dragon's Lair from Daphne Download, what to do when no lair.zip file:
I would upload a screenshot of my jstest but I have been unable to upload screenshots. When I run jstest it has the on:off for each button, but for my joystick it is an axes: and then either a positive or - negative number
@jimd0586 Don't over think it. Don't worry about the axis values, they are for the joysticks and not the buttons (except Left Top and Right Top are axis values).
It's not really difficult at all. Below is the default dainput.ini. I didn't do much with KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN, KEY_LEFT and KEY_RIGHT except remove the values 5, 7, 8, 6 (if you want to use those buttons for another function). The joystick automatically worked I only had to modify the buttons.
Say you want to change action button 1 (KEY_BUTTON1 is the sword in Dragon's Lair). Just run jstest, press a button. If it highlights button 3 then add 1 to the number (3+1=4). 3 is the button and the +1 is because button 0 is reserved so you need to add 1. Every button is the value+1 and 0 is never used. Each line has 3 numbers (the first 2 are keyboard inputs and the last one is for the joystick). Now just find the line below you want to modify (names are self explanatory if not the Wiki explains them) and change the last number which is 14 to the new number which is 4 and that's it. Do this for each button you want to change. Example below.
Original line:
KEY_BUTTON1 = 306 97 14
New line:
KEY_BUTTON1 = 306 97 4
# Daphne custom keyboard and joystick mapping
# Each input is mapped to 2 keyboard keys and one joystick button.
# A joystick's first analog stick is also automatically mapped.
# The first two numbers are SDL keyboard codes (or 0 for "none")
# Find keyboard codes here:
# http://www.daphne-emu.com/mediawiki/index.php/KeyList
# The third number is the joystick button code (or 0 for "none")
# Since 0 is reserved for special meaning, joystick button 0 is identified
# as 1 here. Button 1 is identified as 2, and so on.
# Find the button you want to map by running:
# jstest /dev/input/js0
KEY_UP = 273 114 5
KEY_DOWN = 274 102 7
KEY_LEFT = 276 100 8
KEY_RIGHT = 275 103 6
KEY_BUTTON1 = 306 97 14
KEY_BUTTON2 = 308 115 15
KEY_BUTTON3 = 32 113 16
KEY_START1 = 49 0 4
KEY_START2 = 50 0 0
KEY_COIN1 = 53 0 1
KEY_COIN2 = 54 0 0
KEY_SKILL1 = 304 119 0
KEY_SKILL2 = 122 105 0
KEY_SKILL3 = 120 107 0
KEY_SERVICE = 57 0 0
KEY_TEST = 283 0 0
KEY_RESET = 284 0 0
KEY_QUIT = 27 113 17