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    12 Posts

    It is likely that your pi was throttling to 1200mhz
    setting mine to 1200mhz returned 95s sysbench.
    while it used to do this at 70c it has been changed to 60c degrees
    if you have a fan or heatsink make sure they are properly fixed.
    if you only have a heatsink and no fan then this temperature is normal, and the throttling level can be increased by setting
    to config.txt

    here are some commands to read from vcgencmd the current voltage and frequencies
    for src in arm core h264 isp v3d; do echo -e "$src:\t$(vcgencmd measure_clock $src)"; done

    for id in core sdram_p sdram_i sdram_c ; do echo -e "$id:\t$(vcgencmd measure_volts $id)"; done
    and read the systems boot time, userspace time completion can vary by up to 5 - 90 seconds depending on the last shutdown and if the system thinks it needs a filesystem check or on usb drives.

    I added them to a script to be able to execute all together

    #!/bin/bash for id in core sdram_p sdram_i sdram_c ; do echo -e "$id:\t$(vcgencmd measure_volts $id)"; done for src in arm core h264 isp v3d; do echo -e "$src:\t$(vcgencmd measure_clock $src)"; done cpuTemp0=$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp) cpuTemp1=$(($cpuTemp0/1000)) cpuTemp2=$(($cpuTemp0/100)) cpuTempM=$(($cpuTemp2 % $cpuTemp1)) echo CPU temp"="$cpuTemp1"."$cpuTempM"'C" echo GPU $(/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp) systemd-analyze
  • force_turbo=1 overclock question

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    @shavecat force turbo overrides the CPU governor and applies your overclock all the time, even when your pi is idle. There is very little purpose in forcing turbo, it will shorten your Pi's life, create extra heat and use more power.

    You are better off changing the CPU governor to performance mode instead. My recommendation is leave force turbo alone. For now, I would also recommend leaving overclocking alone as well. It causes all sorts of issues of you don't know what you're doing. It's really for advanced users who know how to do proper stability testing. Based on some of your previous questions, you aren't yet proficient enough with your pi to delve into overclocking. I am saying this not to insult you but warn you that you might need to do some additional research/reading.

  • RetroPie Freeze after couple of hours

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    @hhromic Not really sure that's the culprit, that's the kernel image used to get Wine working - see the (rather recent) Diablo-on-Wine-on-Retropie thread. But for a 3B+ it might be a factor, given the frequent updates added by the Raspbian team to stabilize it on this new model.

  • 0 Votes
    9 Posts

    Forgot to ask about the best memory distribution? Since I remembered that you can change it via startx pretty easily.

    Also thanks for the help so far!

    Using Kodi 18 Beta 4 as well now and I like it alot.

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    I've been running the 1500mhz profile from the video all night, temp on both CPU and GPU went from 35c to 39c, with a small but noticeable performance increase. I'll call that good for now.