Hey @Stuart2773 not as yet mate sorry, still waiting for some of the features to make it to stable, not had much time lately to work more on it but I will eventually tho.
Yes, there's an issue with the new vertical carousel. As there hadn't been many themes with it yet, these hadn't really surfaced, but it sounds like it's the same.
@jdrassa FYI in case there's any more info you need.
@muehltime ah Attract Mode. Never thought of that. But I'm concerned about after installing and using Attract Mode, will I still be able to boot into Kodi and Rasbian Pixel and vice versa? Also, will my music still be able to be played in the Attract Mode menu ; and still have the ability mute the preview rom video snaps and system preview videos? I'll just have to make a backup of my sd card right before I install Attract Mode, and see how that works out.
No problem @FlyingTomahawk thanks for your input tho.....yeh I was thinking the same that its not available as yet, I saw a piece of code before but it never worked for me....maybe it will be implemented in a future release. :)